2.4 - OOC

I think that there's some consensus that things are a bit stalled because of the need of a council thread, get Magi and Maga introduced. The new characters came in on the day of the council meeting. And, I believe everything was going to happen after that, and there's wrap up of the exploration that Cygna and Terrence are on.

There's the whole refugee situation. Raoudha is sending Étienne, he'd probably bring the Rabbi (and maybe the baker with some food) along, as a just in case there are any Jewish folk and cover the spectrum representing Phoenix. Right now, he's being the dutiful servant.

I think Julien's up for it.

Waiting on the council thread? Sod that.....~cracks his knuckles~

Yup, we were being blocked by the council meeting: It was soon, yet in the future, thus limiting the number of things we might have done before it.

I can take a grog, or maybe Amos, on the lab exploration thread.

There's the grog dungeon story under hiems tower, where (IIRC) we were all supposed to bring a grog along.

There's the refugee thing, Raoudha has assembled a mixed team and is sending them in: Etienne, the rabbi, Esteban, marie, maria and maybe one or two other fighter grog.

Oh. Bleep.

Yeah, but she doesn't know it for certain, yet. She may suspect it, though...

I hope I did an adequate job of describing him to the point that she might suspect something, but not be certain enough to believe Ra'am.

Also...here's something we need to resolve. Do Cygna and Ra'am know each other. I'm of two minds on this. And let's face it, if Ra'am was working for Tria, he might know who you know who was...
Amul, you want to chime in here and give some shape to future events? Perhaps he looks familiar to Ra'am but Ra'am can't place where he knows the face from?

I'm thinking that they have been introduced at some point as Ra'am was traveling the Tribunal with Tria, but don't know each other beyond a passing "Hey, how ya doin?"

The knottier issue is the Adjoran one, though... Whether he received Tria and I when we visited.

Oh, yes. Ra'am may not have picked up on the details on their conversation, but Tria will remember Adjoran. Tria seemed interested in some of the cross-tribunal research efforts Adorjan was making. It seems Adjoran had some friends in nearly every tribunal whom he was corresponding with regularly.

Oh, is Tria coming?!
She's actually the character I find most interesting from my backstory. I've even sketched her out a bit...

Maybe. She exists in the setting, so at the very least, you can correspond with her.

Yes! It's Moaning Myrtle!!! rofl (I literally laughed out loud when I saw that...don't judge me)

Yeah, me too.
Ra'am will browse one of Lockhart's books one day and come to hate the man, or realize he has stolen another wizard's work.

Seeing this, I'm suddenly in doubt, and want confirmation for my sake of mind (this is unimportant for that precise roll)

Isn't there something like a -3 to all skills in which you have no XP, maybe with an impossibility to roll for Academic Skills?

Just checked again. If you have no xp in a skill, you treat it as having a score of zero, with three extra botch dice; if the ability is asterisked, you can't use it at all.

Here's where it gets weird. In the table on p. 63, Organization Lore (which is a General Ability) is not asterisked; in the description on page 66, it is. And it's not been addressed in the errata, nor could I find anything in the Ars forums using search terms "Organization lore errata."

So I just went with the treat-as-zero-with-extra-botch-dice, since I couldn't see her not knowing anything about the Order.

Weird, and the Formulae Review on MRB225 doesn't even mention skills or social situations. I thought it was a -3 also, but I guess The Gift is the only -3 die roll penalty in the game (?!?!). You should notify somebody, Peregrine! You discovered an errata!

I dislike the forum-wide convention of using red text for speech, since I associate red with danger/warnings. So, I use a color which seems to match the persona of the character - Viscaria, ghosts, angels, etc, and I believe I used a fiery orange for Jaime, though it has been some time since I wrote him. I then use red for dice rolls of negative significance, like botches, and forest green for exceptionally positive mechanical results.

Honestly, I hadn't thought of what the system I was using was before.

Note for Cygna:

Cygna knows Tria as someone who associated with Adorjan during her apprenticeship. The interaction was innocent, with Tria wanting to hear about Adjoran's research, and Adjoran trying to keep her from realizing it is infernal, but Cygna has no way of knowing that. She might very easily believe that Tria was one of his diabolic associates.

Cygna will remember Ra'am from those visits before Adjoran ever mentioned Ra'am indidivually (eg, by name, or even just pointing him out. Ra'am (and Tria, should she come) is effectively invisible to Adjoran until Cygna remembers meeting them during her apprenticeship.

Fine, he's out. This kind of commentary is best placed in an OOC thread, though.

Sorry, iPhone cut and paste is pretty limited.

Indeed it is. I avoid it if I can.
Since amul's going to be gone this weekend, I won't have to worry about how to manage this game on my iPad, which is nearly as bad. :smiley:
And not much is happening in my saga, so....

I use the Forum Runner app, which is still limited, but infinitely better than trying to read forums in a mobile web browser (I can't type in Safari without a 4-5 second delay for EVERY LETTER). If Safari on iPad drives you nuts, you could give the app a shot. I think it cost $2.