2.4 - OOC

Thinking about something...

It may take time, and I can't promise a good result, but I think if some of you want Hero Machine pictures like I did for my characters or for Adorjan (Peregrine also did a fine Celestria), feel free to send me a description, one character at a time. I'll send you back a picture for examination, and adjust if needed. Peregrine and I did that for Adorjan, and it went pretty fine IMO.

Okay, if it is fine for you...

And about raoudha, sure! It seems logical, it's just that I prefer to limit having the same character appear in different threads, since the timelines can get pretty confusing pretty fast :laughing:

Hum... Now that I think about it, it makes sense if jews spoke the language of the surrounding community, and learned Hebrew for religious purposes, just like priests learned latin.
It's probably similar to how a guy born in the USA will speak english, and have to learn hebrew.

It's still possible for them to know some words "by rote": I vaguely remember, when I was just a boy, we went to the church and recited the Pater Noster (the Lord's Prayer) in latin, even though we didn't understand what it meant.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OOC: I now see the perils of this style of storytelling. Raoudha came with Heims, they would've met in passing, perhaps Étienne had been told to seek her out upon his return. The 2.4 An unexpected party thread can be corrected to include events, as necessary.

Accepted, I'll pm you Ra'am's description in my mind...eventually. I tried messing with Hero Machine, and ugg, I'm no artist, so I willingly accede the look of Ra'am to you.

Well, see my post immediately preceeding this post. Threads will have to interweave at some point. But, AFAICT, it's really too early for Étienne to have met you in an unexpected party, I didn't realize you weren't already AT Cijara, so we'll back off any interaction until the end of that thread and wait for amul to get the letter into the hands of someone who can promptly lose it.

Granted, except it is rather hard not to be literate in Jewish society of the period. They generally kept to themselves, had schools, lived a better standard than you're average resident of (Mythic) Europe.

IIRC, Terrence isn't in this thread.

We can cover the tractus with commentary by having Ra'am spend a season writing the commentary, as per char gen rules. That'll free up those points and give you a copy of the tractus.

I believe the game system handles Jews and Muslims by giving them the Educated virtue, which iirc gives you 50 xp and access to Hebrew.

No, really I'm fine with it. That's a bit of an expensive trade off 10 xp earlier for 10 xp at some point in the future. I've tweaked Ra'am about as much as I feel comfortable. I'm not sure where I'd dig 10 xp out, now. I'll let it stand as written. It's good for the general back story, and there's enough in the library that 11 bp isn't going to break me. And almost seems like a munchkin move for 1 stinkin XP received later on during actual play.
Now if you were to be up for excluding it from my bp's and I don't bring it, and it could be sent at a later point (keep in mind, I still wouldn't receive any benefit for it) then I'd certainly prefer that, but as it stands, I'm good with my choices.

I took that or Clerk for the characters where it seemed appropriate. I don't see anything in the RAW that jumps out at me about Jewish or Muslim characters being educated, and I'm not sure if that approach was taken with the existing characters already created. I guess I'm asking for Hebrew to be available to Jews (without educated) OR whether I need to create another language, like Ladino, which is probably what was spoken at the time, or in the process of being created prior to the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. It affects only one character, in actuality, the baker Levi. Everyone else is covered by an appropriate virtue. Hebrew, for non-literate Jews would be the same as speaking Arabic for Muslim characters, I guess.

RoP:D states that Jewish characters should all take the Educated virtue and spend the points on Hebrew and Artes Liberales.

Though I disagree that Hebrew should be treated as a dead language in AM, as in the 13th century, Yiddish is still developing from native Hebrew speakers settling in the Rhinelands.

Also-- y'all's bad Latin makes me twitch. Plural for tractatus is tractatus.

Given the political implications of getting gifts after Ra'am becomes a member of the covenant, I am perfectly content to assure you that you can get the book later, after sending your parens a letter letting him know where you've landed.

Arya: I understand your Latin twitchiness. I studied it high school and all the looseness makes me question my memory, but I try to stick with what everybody will understand.

Well, I don't have that supplement, yet.

Cool. I'll keep the summa on MT and pay those bp's, still. It has implications for Apprentices.

Updates the texts bringing to Phoenix via na edit on the 2.4 Unexpected party thread. Posting here to see the new data. Note: these aren't all the build points, I'll be posting the complete list to the wiki at some point later, but soon.

Prospero's Treatise on the Nature of Magic
Type: Summa; Total Quality: 10; Quality: 10; Level: 5;
Topic: Magic Theory; Language: Latin; Subject: Magic
Theory; Author: Prospero ex Bonisagus

I'm a Terram Expert and So Can You!
Type: Tractatus; Total Quality: 9; Quality: 7; Skilled Binder;
Skilled Illuminator; Topic: Terram; Language: Latin;
Subject: Terram; Author: Atlas ex Tremere

And the River Runs Deep
Type: Summa; Total Quality: 10; Quality: 10; Level: 5;
Topic: Aquam; Language: Latin; Author: Aquarius ex Miscellanea

Mystic Beasts of the Alps
Type: Summa; Total Quality: 9; Quality: 9; Level: 5; Topic:
Animal; Language: Latin; Author: Hagrid

Better Living Through Judicsious Application of Imaginem
Type: Summa; Total Quality: 10; Quality: 10; Level: 5;
Topic: Imaginem; Language: Latin; Author: Aurelius ex Jerbiton

Know Your Friends and Enemies Before They Know Themselves
Type: Tractatus; Total Quality: 10; Quality: 10; Topic:
Mentem; Language: Latin; Subject: Mentem; Author:Aurelius ex Jerbiton

Do you want to go ahead and skip to that evening and continue, or wait until after Ra'am gets settled to get back to it?

And I can shut up at any time. I'm just filling the void... :slight_smile:

I was thinking I'd like to introduce my character by showing up with the mail (Gifted Merceres still spend a certain amount of time delivering messages just as Redcaps do, just nowhere near as much). Which thread would be the most likely candidate? It's hard to know where to jump in >.<

Well...considering that The Merchant Arrives was starting to feel like Grand Central Station there for a few days... :laughing:

Or you could create a new thread?

Ok, I have this crazy idea that he and Étienne get together and buy the peninusla...
Those two together could do some real damage...

I'm just waiting for Étienne and Celestria to notice each other...things get interesting, and PG-13 goes flying out the window :smiley:

Across the dining hall they see one another and each give the other the knowing look of a predator stalking familiar prey...

That'll probably be a routine, default pairing. Étienne also has a tendency to go for the unattainable...Cygna.
Wait until Vivienne tells him her little collection secret... :open_mouth:

I was under the impression she was finished with Ra'am, so we can continue her conversation with Abdul

Great idea, but, like peregrine, I'd feel better if you did it in your own thread than having yet another person show up in the merchant thread :laughing:

With any luck, this might give me the opportunity to play another of my grogs :smiley:

Just out of curiosity, when does this happen? Does this happen on the Friday afternoon (so it meshes somewhat with everything else going on)...probably not Saturday being the Sabbath and all, maybe Sunday? Just trying to figure out where all my peeps would be.