"What kind of power do you intend to wield on the council, or are we to have a free hand at govenance?"
"I said full membership, and I meant it. Equal vote. The sigils are surrendered to me personally."
"I also brought pastry-- these lemon bars came from Harco." They are slightly squished but still fresh and delicious.
She will leave Gerald behind with a copious quantity of delicious sauteed greens, roasted nuts, and a tart for dessert. She also gives him belly scratches and a kiss on the nose, if he allows it.
"I am Azura filia Xavier scholae Merceris," the dark-haired maga introduces herself. "Due to my house traditions, my sigil can never be seen in Tribunal, but homing the Trbunal's sole Gifted Mercere can offer much more political clout than a single vote could. I would be at your disposal politically, so long as nothing on your agenda conflicts with my House's interests. Which, as far as Iberia is concerned, are my interests." She smiles congenially. "I am a Mercurian caster and I can provide a sixth magnitude Aegis, in exchange for membership and your protection and support in the establishment of a Mercer House here."
The smile actually reaches up to his eyes. "Lemon bars from Italy, a rare delight indeed. If we must start new traditions, I must say, I wouldn't object to this one."
He allows it, though Azura suspects it is only to humor her. There is little joy in the animal.
"Welcome, fair Azura. Your proposal is most intriguing to me, but as it does not fall under the mandate reached while I was the sole member of this covenant, it must be voted on by the full council."
He bades everyone to find a seat. "I seem to have taken charge of this meeting. An old habit, and one not suitable for our new circumstances. The council will need to decide on how councils themselves are to be run in this new era. There are many aspects of the charter which were acceptable when we were but four magi, already bloodsworn to act as kin. But perhaps I will come to that later.
"While I would normally suggest we discuss old business before new, I believe we should make an exception in this case. Our first order of business must be to decide if we will welcome Ra'am, filius of Aurelius ex Jerbiton, filius Tria ex Bonisagus Trianomae, et filius Prospero ex Bonisagus Bonisagi into our council before or after deliberating on this proposal brought to us by Azura filia Xavier scholae Merceris. Then, we should consider Azura's case and vote on it, before moving on to other council matters."
He glances about for input.
Amos comes bumbling into the meeting late, blowing his nose. "Sowwy for wunnin' lade", he mumbles and wipes tears from his bloodshot red eyes. "I dink I'm allegick to grawewines-"-he finally blows clear-"or something. And I got lost. A nice Warder finally took pity on me and-" stuffing his handkerchief back in his pocket, he bustles for one of the seat while talking, and then stumbles at the sight of Viscaria back in the hot spring and Azura in a towel. "Ummm. Yeah, yes, I... ummm." He shuts up and sits down.
If/when he's offered a grape tart and a lemon cake, he'll politely apologize and ask if he can save it until later. "I fast on Fridays, even past the ninth hour."
"No offense Archmagus," Amos quietly states, "But even if you didn't take charge we'd probably still defer to you, at least for the next month or so until we feel more at home. I would welcome Magus Ra'am amongst us and... and... Achoo!" he whips out his handkerchief and sneezes into it. "Damn! And dere aren't grapevines down here. Damn damn da... sorry Lord." Amos sort of waves his hand as he continues to cover his mouth with his handkerchief and starts mumbling several praises to Jesus.
Hiems doesn't care.
He just won't go into the baths with people, which is probably for the best, since it'd have been as adding ice to them.
Best part is, he can stay fully clothed (and he will) without being inconvenienced by the potential heat
He'll settle quietly in a remote corner, until it's time to come together.
This is an argument that pleases Hiems
o_O (For Arya and JL, this is Hiems being all spock-like. Or Teal'c, if you prefer. Which is about his only recognisable and usual facial expression)
This was to be expected, after all...
Hiems will take a tart
Thank you, lady cygna.
After tasting one
I must say, these are quite delicious. I didn't knew you were skilled in baking, and this proves to be a pleasant surprise indeed.
[color=red]"I think it is safe to assume that your provision of a sixth magnitude Aegis is entirely contingent upon your taking residence here,"' Cygna says to Azura. [color=red]"But, and please forgive my ignorance, but I had thought that a Mercere house was supposed to be independent, not affiliated with a covenant, so as to avoid...favoritism? And will your duties to your house prevent you from fulfilling your obligations to the Phoenix?"
[color=red]"I've found that it's best to be good at a few things besides magic...makes for a more rounded maga." Cygna smiles shyly.
(edited to remove stupid question)
"Oh pish posh. We're not the Guernici; we don't have to pretend to be detached and impartial. In essence, what's good for House Mercere is good for the Order, and if some are more... appreciative of my House's work than others, it would be impolite not to show our gratitude.
"As for my duties-- I imagine it highly unlikely that any here would ask me to screw over my House or any member of it, so no, I do not foresee any conflict therein. All of us prioritize certain things above our covenant or above the Order-- God, family, personal ambitions-- for me, it is House Mercere. And as far as Iberia is concerned, if I establish a Mercer House here, then Phoenix's interests ARE House Mercere's interests, and vice versa."
(Edited to remove response to stupid question :p)
Ra'am is sitting quietly next to Azura, being uncomfortable with her gesticulating as she speaks, afraid the towel will fly off at a moment's notice.
He glances furtively at Cygna and Heims who seem to be avoiding his gaze as they avoid taking the vote before them...
Au contraire, mon frère. The only person whose gaze Cygna is avoiding is Jaime's (if anyone notices). In fact, there are times that Cygna seems to be almost studying Ra'am, and times that she appears a little nervous as she regards him. Azura, she seem to be going out of her way to make eye contact with...or, at the least, not let her gaze fall below the neck.
Azura snorts loud, donkey-like laughter at the (unintentional?) pun, and the towel falls off. Never fear, though-- she's not nude underneath, she's wearing skivvies made from the hide of some kind of aquatic beast. She actually blushes a little bit, and tries to cover her mild embarrassment by jumping into the water.
Hiems nods, and almost makes a slight beginning of a smile
Azura? Oh, the peasant!
Well, sure she's beautiful, but, well... Arf... Never...
And hiems feels very, very cold, cold enough that Azura could just as well be a stone block.
The advantage being that he watches everything in the same way, including Ra'am.
(In short, azura => beautiful => madame => lost love forever => depression => emotionnal detachment and intellect. Which is fun, since, in a way, this makes him and Ra'am similar)
The moment the towel slips off Ra'am finds the "most interesting spot on the wall" to look at, away from Azura, and does so for quite sometime. Concentration: Int (3) + Conc(2) + Die Roll of 6=11.
Cygna gapes, prepared to be scandalized, until she realizes that they've been punk'd. She grins and starts to laugh until the tears stream down her face. It takes a couple...okay, several minutes for her to regain her composure. But every time she looks at Azura she giggles again.
For a while after Cygna starts laughing he refuses to look. The persistent giggles though make him suspect that Azura is not naked. (Folk ken roll, Int (3) +FK (2) + Die Roll of 6=11 should be sufficient.)
Turning his gaze slowly to take in the view, Azura's position in the water doesn't allow him to see much, but his beet red face shows he's scandalized by the potential viewing of Azura's assets.
With a mischievous grin, Azura ducks under the surface of the water. (It's supposed to be a dive, but she doesn't know how to swim.)
Cygna feels a tug on her ankle as Azura attempts to yank her into the water 2*8 -3 str and no applicable skills = 13.
With a mischievous grin, Azura ducks under the surface of the water. (It's supposed to be a dive, but she doesn't know how to swim.)
Cygna feels a tug on her ankle as Azura attempts to yank her into the water 2*8 -3 str and no applicable skills = 13.
Cygna doesn't have much chance at not being pulled into the water: Str -1 + die roll of 6 = 5. (If you think there's a chance of Azura seeing what's on Cygna's upper thigh/hip area, please make a Per roll).
Cygna comes up sputtering, and livid. [color=red]"What do you...how dare you...!". Her hand is raised as though she is about to slap Azura, but she balls up her fist and pounds it on the water's surface instead, before turning and trying to make her way back to the edge of the bath.
Cygna's unseen tormentor taunts her from beside the council table. "Are you going to let this...harlot treat you like that? You are not going to punish her for handling you so roughly? I thought that was a privilege afforded only me, child." Adorjan then smiles and nods sagely. "Or is it that you are going to bide your time, strike when she least expects it. Very good, Katerina. I may make something of you yet. Very doubtful, but there is always hope."
As she climbs out of the water, robes plastered against her body, her fists are still clenched at her side. She closes her eyes and takes a few deep trembling breaths before she tries to sing a spontaneous PeAq spell to dry herself (Base Level 4, to complete dry something that is wet; R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Individual, since clothes are considered part of the person with regards to spell effects). [color=red]"♪♫ Take this water from out my robes/And make bone dry my own manteau ♫♪"
The shade of Adorjan Megidézó mockingly bows as she walks by, then pretends to hold out her chair for her. She will then take her seat again, not really looking at anyone and still looking rather put out.
Cygna doesn't have much chance at not being pulled into the water: Str -1 + die roll of 6 = 5. (If you think there's a chance of Azura seeing what's on Cygna's upper thigh/hip area, please make a Per roll).
Sure... 5+2 Per=7. She only notices if it's something obvious.
Cygna comes up sputtering, and livid. "What do you...how dare you...!". Her hand is raised as though she is about to slap Azura, but she balls up her fist and pounds it on the water's surface instead, before turning and trying to make her way back to the edge of the bath.
The Mercere blinks in surprise. "Mea maxima culpa, I didn't mean to upset you. You seem so shy; I only thought a swim would help you relax a little." She pauses a moment, still looking somewhat confused. "You're a swan, after all," she offers in explanation.
"Excuse me, Archmagus Lannister. With all due respect, I'll excuse myself to see my family and join them on Shabbat. I will return once I've been accepted to the council. I'm all for a bit of frivolity, but I am here in a sense of holiness and am trying to minimize the extent I am breaking Shabbat. The sabbath is important to me, and I wish to be done with this meeting as soon as possible. I can appreciate that others don't share my faith, but if I am to become a member of this Covenant, and if I were to find it necessary to call a council meeting on Sunday, I would endeavor to make it as brief an intrusion on their sabbath as I may. I was willing to come, since the date of the council was set before my arrival and didn't feel comfortable enough requesting to have the meeting on a different day."
Fixing Azura with a cool gaze, "And you, I would expect better of."
Ra'am will wait to hear the next item spoken by any member present. He will depart if the question at hand (his membership) is not the next item discussed, as this entire council meeting has fallen out of order and wastes his time on an important day.
"Excuse me, Archmagus Lannister. With all due respect, I'll excuse myself to see my family and join them on Shabbat. I will return once I've been accepted to the council. I'm all for a bit of frivolity, but I am here in a sense of holiness and am trying to minimize the extent I am breaking Shabbat. The sabbath is important to me, and I wish to be done with this meeting as soon as possible. I can appreciate that others don't share my faith, but if I am to become a member of this Covenant, and if I were to find it necessary to call a council meeting on Sunday, I would endeavor to make it as brief an intrusion on their sabbath as I may. I was willing to come, since the date of the council was set before my arrival and didn't feel comfortable enough requesting to have the meeting on a different day."
Fixing Azura with a cool gaze, "And you, I would expect better of."
Ra'am will wait to hear the next item spoken by any member present. He will depart if the question at hand (his membership) is not the next item discussed, as this entire council meeting has fallen out of order and wastes his time on an important day.
Azura blinks at Ra'am. "The sun won't set for almost another hour. Neither of us is breaking Shabbat unless the sun has somehow fallen down," she says solemnly.