30 (-7) Days of House Ex Miscellanea Traditions


Though starting one week in, I have decided to partake in the post a day November with some ideas for lesser traditions of House Ex Miscellanea, following the general structure presented in HoH:S.

I will hopefully cover various traditions from various background and in different situations. Some will have already existent virtues and flaws while others will have new ones. Hopefully all will be at least partially based on real history and/or myths. Trying to make each distinct and fit nicely into the Hermetic Order might be an issue but will try my best.

The goal with this project is to give ideas for traditions for your saga and help fledge out Mythic Europe and the Order. After all variety is the spice of life. Though be aware that my English can be clumsy and despite my best efforts an introduced virtue or flaw might be completed unbalanced. I would love to hear thoughts, input and critiques of any of the traditions.

If I can keep my creative juices flowing for all of November, I can hopefully make up for the days I have already missed though I won’t make too many promises.

Table of Contents:

  1. Daughters of Helen
  2. Rhenus Cornibus Reparati
  3. Handasiya
  4. Troll Brood
  5. Swarm Masters
  6. Prophets of Glycon
  7. The Balcbéimnech
  8. Lineages of Magi Orbi (Trianoma, Jerbiton and Tremere)
  9. Lineages of Magi Orbi (Mercere, Flambeau and Merinita)
  10. Lineages of Magi Orbi (Verditius, Criamon and Guernicus)
  11. Incantationes
  12. The Handmaidens of Fates
  13. Nemorensis
  14. The Shadow Puppeteers
  15. Balaenatores
  16. PeÄŤenicrates

Daughters of Helen

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Traditionally avoids the Theban Tribunal
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Supernatural Beauty
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Minor Magical Focus: Appearance
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Difficult Longevity Ritual

Helen of Troy was a legendary beauty carrying the blood of Zeus. Helen's abduction by Paris was one of the most significant reasons which led to the Trojan War. Many legends and myths surround Helen and the antiquity sources were sometimes contradictory about her personality and her ultimate fate. Some sources claim Apollo took her to Olympos and others that she lived out her years in Sparta in peace. Yet another says she faced a death sentence and was shunned by the woman of Greece.

Whatever Helen's fate was, her cult would soon spread through Laconia. These cults sought out beautiful people and initiated them into the various Bacchic rites said to have been practiced by Helen herself. The cult saw Helen as a mortal who ascended into a goddess of fertility and the sun.

As Christianity grew the cult’s number dwindled but a small cult still survived, and this cult was about to make an enormous discovery. Through absorbing scarps of knowledge from different cults – mostly Dionysian Mysteries and cults of Aphrodite – a ritual was developed. The ritual, which quickly became treated with great secrecy, indefinitely transforms a human’s appearance into that of Helen’s. This Ritual quickly became a powerful weapon and the cult modernized. Using their awe-inspiring appearance to gain favours and protection this new tradition could leave the secrecy employed by most surviving cults. With these changes the tradition largely abandoned worship of Helen and instead saw her as the foremost noble pagan.

It would not be Ex Miscellanea who brought the tradition to the Order but instead House Jerbiton. During the 10th century a Jerbiton magus named Ioannallis would set up everything for the tradition to join House Ex Miscellanea, at the request of the mysterious but beautiful Amaryllis. Since then, the tradition has continued to perform their ritual and spread throughout Mythic Europe. The protection of the Parma and flexibility of Hermetic Magic has proven to be just as useful as their stunning beauty.

The traditions development has been heavily influenced by the secret ritual and Amaryllis. A quirk of the ritual is that each magi of this tradition has the same appearance, something that causes both confusion and problems. Ioannallis was very confused when Amaryllis arrived with two doppelgangers of herself to thank him for arranging the introduction to the Order. This confusion has persisted within the Order, many are unsure which maga (if it now was really a maga) has done what. Was it really Amaryllis who served as muse to all those generations of Jerbiton magi or was it her successors?

Amaryllis herself never had her Arts opened but she had many apprentices who learned hermetic magic fully. It was also her who forbade all her filia from settling within the Theban Tribunal, she urged them to spread far and wide and live isolated from each other, only keeping contacts in letters and when circumstances required it.

The tradition’s ritual fits poorly into Hermetic understanding of magic as it doesn’t warp and seem like an indefinite Muto Corpus effect. The tradition has never allowed any Bonisagus magi to study it or witness it performed.

Due to the ritual magi of this tradition often try to differentiate themselves from each other by choosing unique clothes, colours and behaviours. This has made masquerading as another member extremely easy and the Daughters of Helen history is littered with imposters and intrigue. Ever since Amaryllis’ apprentices there has always been an enmity towards other members of this tradition.

It’s unclear if Amaryllis ever took a male apprentice, after the ritual it's extremely hard to tell and she never spoke of it. Most Daughters of Helen have avoided male apprentices, but it is not unheard of. The Gentle Gift is priced highly but not mandatory, Amaryllis for example did not possess it according to most accounts.

All Daughters develop a Minor Magical Focus in Appearance and Difficult Longevity Ritual. The ritual is what leads to that Longevity Ritual become so much harder to develop for the magi. Preventing aging in such beauty becomes harder and requires more power. The Minor Magical Focus comes in handy with preventing the effect of aging from showing and further making their appearance stand out or assuming another’s.


Rhenus Cornibus Reparati

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Rhine Tribunal and neighbouring
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Ways of the River
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: River Magic (Atlantean Magic reskin)
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Restriction (Bound)

The Germanic people of old venerated Rhenus Pater, the personification of the Rhine River. Neptunus’ rival and father of all nymphs and rivers. Horned Rhenus was a powerful spirit who had many followers. These followers would submerge their newly born children in the Rhine thus allowing Rhenus to bless them with enhanced vitality and the power of divination. There are also rumours of human sacrifices though the modern Rhenus Cornibus Reparati denies that such practices have ever existed. Explaining it as Roman propaganda which sadly still persists. Rhenus would teach magic to worthy mortals within the Germanic tribes. These mortals could prevent floods, change the running of rivers and predict the future.

As the Romans subjugated the barbarian it was said by Ovid that they broke the horns of Rhenus. Rhenus Pater did seem to have suffered some mysterious damage, something most Rhenus Cornibus Reparati believes to be due to treachery and the Cult of Mercury. The Daimon stopped appearing at the traditions' gatherings and the traditions' powers weakened. Despite this the practices and traditions would be continued and passed on to the next generations, even under the watchful eyes of the Cult of Mercury. Some Rhenus magi even suggest that the Cult stole many of their secrets, most significantly the targeting of roads, a poor copy of their magic which affects rivers. Eventually the Cult and Empire would fall. Rhenus followers could now finally repair their horns and continue their practices undisturbed.

The minor tradition was largely ignored by the Order as weak and beneath notice. The followers of Rhenus had lost much of their former power under Roman oppression and the tradition needed time to rediscover these ancient secrets and most importantly contact Rhenus Pater again. Something they have not yet succeed in doing. Eventually a Pralician magi would reach out and ensure a place within the new house for them. The tradition begrudgingly accepted to avoid destruction.

The Rhenus cornibus reparati is in a somewhat delicate situation, they had just shaken free from an oppressive Latin overlord when a new arrived. This overlord also seemed to think their own traditions and ways are superior to those which Rhenus taught. Being part of the Order has many advantages however, followers can yet again control rivers with hermetic magic and the Parma is invaluable.

Rhenus magi often keep to themselves, ignoring the large happening within the Order – not an uncommon practice for traditions within House Ex Miscellanea. Rhenus magi tend to stay close to rivers though not necessarily the Rhine itself. The tradition usually gets together in various celebrations, though there isn't much magical significance in these feasts.

A thorn in the traditions side is that they have not been able to contact Rhenus Pater again. The powerful daimon must be biting his time somewhere but he has yet to be located by his followers. Finding him should be the key to unlocking their past power and might even make these new Latin overlords unnecessary.

Similar traditions exist centering around the Danube, Elbe and many other large rivers throughout Mythic Europe. These are mostly treated as lesser versions by Rhenus magi, why honor a child when you can honor Rhenus Pater himself?

Nymph and Undine blood is very common within the tradition, naturally many specialize within the Aquam and Auram arts. Element Magic is common and so is engaging with the mysteries of Theurgy, calling upon powerful river spirits. Those who have been submerged within the Rhine or similar significant river often have the Reverse of Strength or Divination (Hydromancy) virtues. Most members think little of the Latin Order, however it is undeniably a valuable tool and it's too early to truly oppose it. Better to bid time and continue searching for Rhenus Pater.

The Restriction (Bound) is a consequence of the traumatic subjugation and applies when the magi for example have their hand, arm or feet bound. This is not common knowledge within the Order and Rhemus magi refers to this as having their horns stripped. If anyone would learn the weakness of the tradition, they would be quick to act with declarations of Wizard Wars and whatever other method they can figure out to silence the threat.



Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Levant Tribunal
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Lesser Automata
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Capable Constructor
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Weak Spontaneous Magic
  • Required Virtue: Craft Automata

Of all the lineages Icilius the Traitor taught the secret behind the Automata perhaps the one which could do the most damage to House Verditius’ monopoly is handasiya. These eastern magicians could already create mimics of the Houses mechanized creations, though these were very unstable and limited compared to what the House could produce.

The minor magical tradition was founded by Arabic artisan and thinkers during the Golden Age of Islam, building on the discoveries made during this time in engineering, relics from Alexandria and knowledge from Solomon. Combining these varied and different secret arts into their own, the tradition grew to some significance in Baghdad. Selling their machines to the caliph in return for protection.

The secrets behind truly lasting automata were for long something that eluded the tradition, so when rumour reached Baghdad of a western magician teaching anyone the secret behind crafting greater Automates, al-Jazari – an already proficient crafter – would travel far and wide to seek this wizard out. Initially Icilius refused Al-Jazari since he wasn’t a member of the Order. Al-Jazari would return the same year having barely learnt the Parma. Icilius would teach the secret behind the construction to Al-Jazari, who would spend a few years back in Baghdad combining the knowledge with that of his own tradition. In the meanwhile, Icilius was slain, but the damage was done.

al-Jazari would train two apprentices and see to it that they were taught hermetic magic as well, before passing in 1206, and with that a new tradition in House Ex Miscellanea was born.

The tradition is almost exclusively interested in crafting automata and only study the hermetic arts to improve at this. They are entirely located within the Levant Tribunal and have already begun to experience some hostility from House Verditius. The tradition is very young and has essentially broken all contact with the practitioners before Al-Jazari.

Al-Jazari wrote books on Craft Automata and Craft Mechanism which are priced highly within the tradition and apprentices are often encouraged to study them repeatedly.

Due to Al-Jazari imperfect understanding of the Parma Magicae the Weak Magic Resistance Flaw is common, but the exact circumstance differs from magi to magi. The story flaw Enemies (Verditius) is suitable. Inventive Genius and Educated has also been common among the early members of this still young tradition. A Minor Magical Focus in Automata is also common. Handasiya magi often invent spell to use paired with their lesser automata, further upping their usefulness. Imaginem, Terram and Herbam are all common specialization.

Major Supernatural Virtue: Lesser Automata
The character knows how to make lesser automata, mechanical tools, men and beasts. He has a score of 1 in Craft Automata.

Lesser Automatas are weaker inexpensive constructions whose destruction is inevitable, another difference between them and House Verditius' greater creations is that they never possess Magical Might and thus Magic Resistance. What they can do is also more limited.

Constructing a Lesser Automata takes several hours and to construct one a character must have material and specialized tools, but not necessarily be inside a laboratory or workshop. He must then make an Intelligence + Craft Automata + Aura roll compared to the Ease Factor of effect he wants to instil in the mechanism, its shape must be appropriate. Multiple effects are not possible. The roll is further modified by its shape. The automata breaks by itself within a number of hours equal to the constructor's Craft Automata score.

Effect Ease Factor
Whistle, Move in place 6
Play music, Move by itself 9
Speaks words, Follow a person 12
Follow simple commands 15
Appears like a real animal or human, Fly 18
Shape Modifier to roll
Tool +1
Small animal (size < -4) +0
Bird -1
Larger animal -3
Human -5

Minor Hermetic Virtue: Capable Constructor
A character with the Capable Constructor Virtue can put his understanding of mechanism and engineering into use when constructing Hermetic Automatas. The magi may reduce the vis cost of a creating and instilling effect in an automata by his score in Craft Automata but it always cost at least one pawn.


Troll Brood

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Rhine and Novgorod Tribunal
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Strong Ettin Blood
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Study Bonus
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Environmental Magic Condition (In Sunlight)
  • Required Virtue: Faerie Upbringing

Faeries have always been interested in stealing children, what makes the Germanic troll-wives or trollmor special in this regard is their habit of stealing Gifted children. The troll-wives have a habit of gathering a brood of three to five children – some of whom are her own, some ungifted but most are kidnapped and Gifted. These children are often tied together by the troll's long and hairy tail to hinder them from wandering off. Larger and smaller broods aren’t unheard of.

The children are taught magic by their troll-wife and when they reach adulthood, they end this strange apprenticeship with mostly fairy aligned tricks and powers. Due to being fed fairy food, Ettin blood develops even in those children who aren’t the offspring of the troll-wife.

In the 11th century a brood of these children would be introduced into House Ex Miscellanea, this brood would be taught the secret behind the Parma and would teach their apprentices Hermetic Magic, but before this they would place their apprentices in care of a troll-wife, only beginning the second apprenticeship after the troll-wife let the brood go.

The Troll Brood tradition places equal value on both apprenticeships. The initial faerie apprenticeship starts very early and often involves the magi placing the Gifted child in the care of the Troll-wife themselves. Often this will be the same troll who taught them. The troll-wives brood often consist entirely of planned Troll Brood apprentices, and one of two of her own offspring. This requires some cooperation and collaboration between the magi, which usually isn’t a problem due to the strong bond the first apprenticeship ties between them.

Broods function somewhat similarly like the septs of House Bjornaer but are limited to a single generation. Though the bond between each brood member is strong to other broods is essentially non-existent, except for the bond between filius and parens. Despite this the tradition is generally held together and has many nocturnal meetings and celebrations to ensure this. At these gatherings new broods are planned, amusing stories are exchanged, and the events offer an opportunity for members to meet their first master.

Troll Brood magi tend to have spend some time focusing on Intellego and Vim to properly open the arts after the first apprenticeship. Magi are also likely to be somewhat older at Gauntlet due to having to pass the first apprenticeship before tackling the second one. Sometimes when this isn’t preferred the two overlaps, or the first is ended preemptively but the tradition looks poorly upon magi who can’t fully be said to have passed their apprenticeship this way.

All Troll Brood magi develop Study Bonus as a consequence of the method of teaching they experience during their first apprenticeship. The flaw is because of troll-wives understanding of magic. Many magi also feel pain or turn to stone in direct sunlight. Faerie Raised Magic is a common virtue inherited from the first apprenticeship. Virtues and flaws associated with Ettin Blood are also common like Giant Blood or Maledictions. Faerie Friend (Troll-wife) and Close-family-ties (Brood) are common story flaws resulting in the strange apprenticeships of the tradition.

Some Troll brood characters reject the second apprenticeship, either due to developing too many powers in their first or due to preference. Characters that fit these concepts can be created as Gifted Companions with Faerie Powers. A typical Troll-wife might teach combinations of Empathy, Grant, Weal and Woe.


Swarm Masters

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Transylvania Tribunal but spreading
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Swarm Transformation
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Affinity with Animal
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Chaotic Magic

House Tremere strict control of the Transylvanian tribunal has long involved limiting lycanthropes and shapechangers running rampant in the region. A particular strange version of this widespread power is possessed by the Swarm Master. Instead of a single animal these magicians turned into a large and chaotic swarm, something that isn’t possible with Hermetic Magic.

Pralician magi were eventually notified, and they began training a few Swarm Masters in Hermetic Magic. The Swarm Master would develop a very loose control of the magic and not be able to teach the Hermetic magi much in exchange, though arguably the effort was cut needlessly short.

The tradition has no structure, mimicking the chaos of the swarms they can transform into. The tradition still mostly consists in Transylvania, but this is beginning to change as pressure from House Tremere has increased.

The tradition has a somewhat sinister reputation, both in Hermetic and Hedge Magician circles. Partly because of the traditions' limited control of their swarms and magic alike. Association with Beelzebub and an unclear origin has further increased this.

The Swarm members of this tradition usually take the shape of some kind of vermin, bats and rats are very common. Perhaps some of the vampire myths of people turning into bats originated from early practitioners of this tradition. Reports of magicians turning into swarms of locusts in Egypt could also be explained by this tradition or a closely related one.

Many magi specialize in Animal often paired with Rego. Magic for stealth and transporting gear and inventory is also common. Inoffensive to Animals and Animal Ken are common virtues. The Lycanthrope flaw is not unheard of, if so the Swarm Master transforms into a swarm rather than animal. Loose Magic, Unpredictable Magic and Weird Magic are also common flaws within the tradition.

New Major Supernatural Virtue: Swarm Transformation
You may transform yourself into a swarm of small animal or insect – unlike shapeshifter you can only transform into one type of animal (which is specified upon gaining the virtue) no matter what your score in the ability is – the size of the animal must be -7 (rat) or smaller. This requires a few seconds’ (one rounds) concentration, and a roll of Stamina + Swarm Transformation against an Ease Factor of 9.

Controlling the swarm is very difficult and entirely unlike anything else. Completing difficult tasks like monitoring a full house may require Intelligence + Concentration rolls set against an Ease Factor determined by the Story Guide. While more simple actions, which require little cooperation between the Swarm e.g., scatter, can be accomplished without these rolls.

Changing back to human form requires the same concentration, and the same Stamina + Swarm Transformation against an Ease Factor of 9 roll. The whole swarm must be gathered for the transformation back to take place. If the whole swarm can’t be grouped together for some reason the transformation can’t take place. If part of the swarm dies transformation is still possible but an appropriate amount of wounds determined by the Saga Guide should be assigned.


Hi! Great thread!

As always, when Concentration and shapeshifting are mentioned together, I interject unasked for to remind that Concentration is a General skill, and lost in animal forms. It can be Practiced or learned in such forms, one would imagine, but that's a pain, and might be house rule'd to not hose shapeshifting Magi.

Also, individual swarm creatures are incredibly splattable, even accidentally, so this part "The whole swarm must be gathered for the transformation back to take place. If the whole swarm can’t be grouped together for some reason the transformation can’t take place. If part of the swarm dies transformation is still possible but an appropriate amount of wounds determined by the Saga Guide should be assigned."
seems so risky that it might best never be used except at the utterest and direst of need!

1 Like

All fair points, I will try to review the virtue and change the wording later.

Prophets of Glycon

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Theban and Transylvanian Tribunal
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Divination & Augury
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Puissant Intellego
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Glycon Gift

During the 2nd century a simple folk magician named Alexander travelled Greece selling medicine and protective charms, it was during these travels that Alexander would find a mysterious egg. Alexander brought the egg to Abonoteichus, where within an asclepeion and witnessed by a large crowd the egg would hatch. Inside it laid a snake with a human head and linen mane. Alexander instantly realized that the being was a new god. Alexander would care for the being, nurturing at its quickly increased in size. He would also notice how his powers had increased, he understood that he had been chosen as the Oracle of this deity. Alexander would offer divination via the god – who he had identified as Glycon, a deity from the former Macedonia snake cults.

Worship of Glycon would spread in the city and beyond and eventually make powerful enemies. Lucian was a contemporary author and a sceptical man who seemed to hold a deep grudge towards Alexander. Lucian would seek to expose Alexander as a charlatan, traveling to Abonoteichus for this. Lucian would spread many lies about Alexander and the Cult, something the modern tradition has never forgiven him for. The Cult of Glycon would eventually fade into obscurity. Though some believers would still hold on to the cult’s practices and within a regio in Macedonia snake cult temple their greatest treasure was guarded – the eggs laid by Glycon before its ascension.

The Prophets of Glycon was long a mysterious and small numbered organization. They remained mostly in the southern Carpathian, eventually they would be encountered by a Pralician maga with a great interest in soothsaying. She introduced the tradition to the Order.

The Prophets of Glycon have much to gain from secrecy, if the true nature and the source of their Gift was to be widely known it’s not unthinkable that their temple would be raided for eggs or that they would be thrown out of the Order. If it was to be revealed their innate weakness would also be exposed.

To keep up this secrecy the tradition is tightly controlled and organized. Apprentices may never be taken without older members – under the directions of the God Glycon – consent. It is also these elder members who guard the temple and the eggs there. The purpose of this is manyfold. Firstly, it ensures that eggs don’t deplete before Glycon wills it. Secondly, it ensures that the tradition remains small and unnoticed by other forces. Thirdly, each magus being Gentle Gifted would become increasingly unlikely and prompt investigation.

The tradition meets at their secret temple frequently to teach Cult of Glycon Lore and interpret signs from Glycon. The tradition functions much like a mystery cult even having a few initiation scripts, outsiders are however never initiated, less the secrets of the tradition might be in peril.

Many members of Prophets of Glycon lay much focus on divination like Alexander himself did. Using the method of Ophiomancy paired with their own Glycon. Interpreting the serpent's facial features and movements. Ooscopy is also sometimes taught and used. Others try to study the fertility magic of the ancient snake cult predating Alexander. The tradition has an initiation script for Control Fertility which is given to members who seek this path.

Being chosen worthy of taking an apprentice is a high honour within the Prophets of Glycon, the magi is given a dormant egg and told to seek out a suitable human with the correct temperament. The chosen child is given the egg who he is told to incubate during the first years of his apprenticeship. The child is taught Cult of Glycon Lore and other useful abilities during this first period. After the egg hatch and the bonding is done the parens opens the apprentice arts and the official hermetic apprenticeship begins.

Major Hermetic Flaw: Glycon Gift
A character with this flaw does by themselves have The Gift, but instead gets their power from their bond with a strange kind of magical being known as a Glycon. Glycons are descendants of the human faced snake deity who passed down prophecies via Alexander during the times of the Romans. Before the god Glycon ascension, it laid many eggs which its cult has cared for since then. These eggs – if properly incubated by a human – will hatch into one of these quickly growing beings. The Glycon will develop a special bond with its care keeper, and they will slowly become dependent on one and each other.

The Glycon must touch the bonded human’s skin, the Glycon becomes a lifeless husk immediately if it is ever removed. If the two ever separate or the creature is slain the human loses The Gift and must seek out a new Glycon egg, the tradition usually refuses to aid in this endeavour – as the character has proven to be a bad carer already. The Glycon itself gets both protection from their bonded human and needs never worry about acclimation.

The bonded human The Gift. He can learn Supernatural Abilities, and even become opened to the Hermetic Arts, though he cannot have a talisman or bind a familiar, though some say the elders of the tradition have a ritual which further increases the bond to something very similar to a hermetic familiar. He does not go into Twilight, but instead experiences Intervention. This Intervention differs slightly from that of Learned Magicians’, firstly a character may use his Vim Form Bonus rather than Magicam Score. Secondly that Intervention is always by the God Glycon, and thus always related to the Magical Realm. People and animals are not disturbed by the characters’ presence, he essentially has the Gentle Gift. Though the Glycon who he must have on his person is not, which can lead to suspicion and shunning if the creature isn’t properly hidden.


The Balcbéimnech

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Stonehenge, Hibernian and Loch Leglean Tribunals
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Evil Eye
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Affinity with Perdo
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Blatant Gift

The most feared of all the Fomorians chieftains was Balor the Smiter. A giant warrior whose eye had accidently been exposed to baleful fumes from a potion brewed by druids. The eye turned into a powerful weapon, able to obligate anyone and anything it gaze upon. Balor would terrorize Ireland for many years before being killed by his grandson Lugh.

Balor might have passed but the tale of the destruction he wrecked long remained. So did the druids who accidently gave Balor his powers. These druids tried to recreate the fumes and potion which caused Balor powerful abilities. The evil eyes created in other attempts never become quite so potent as Balor’s. The fumes would affect different individuals differently both in power and appearance. Some would be left with three eyes, others a single large eye and yet others would remain relatively unaffected in appearance. The evil eye often becomes dark red in colour.

This minor tradition of cursers would spread along the British Isle and eventually become enemies of their former ally the Druids. No longer relying on them to brew their potions, the newly named Balcbéimnech learned to create their own. The tradition began fighting with the other magical tradition of the isle over magical resources, vis and Gifted children. This would all change with the arrival of Damhan-Allaidh. Damhan-Allaidh would recruit many of the traditions' enemies and thus they would refuse to join his side. Instead favouring Pralix.

As one of the many traditions originally recruited by Pralix for her army of new Order. Their powerful curses proved a potent weapon against the Spider and many times afterwards. The tradition welcomed the changes during the Schism War issued by Basilicus. The Balcbéimnech have historically always had a taste for warfare and are eager to take up arms once again. When these changes were abandoned and the Young House fell back into slumber, the Balcbéimnech were one of the loudest voices in blaming meddling from other Houses.

The tradition has always valued individuality, the members of the Balcbéimnech have few obligations to their tradition. Most live separate from each other and interact sparsely. There is however one project which the members get together. When Lugh killed Balor, he did so in a manner which separated the giant from his eye. The eye flew from Balor’s socket - killing many Fomorians before landing in the ocean. The Balcbéimnech have tried to recover this artifact, though to no success.

Balor himself was a giant and the tradition still favours apprentices with giant blood in their veins, either resulting in the Large or Giant Blood Virtue though it is not mandatory. Piercing Gaze is particularly common.

Flawed Powers (Magical Addiction) is common, resulting in cursing whole groups before the character may control himself again. The exact form of the evil eye might also result in different flaws. Disfigured or Horrifying Appearance are not uncommon if it manifests as an eye in the forehead or as a large single eye. Missing Eye and Poor Eyesight are also common for similar reasons. Some characters' evil eye is so potent they must keep it close lest curse all who look at it. All members of this tradition get the flaw Blatant Gift, perhaps this is a consequence of Balor's own sinister reputation or what caused it.

Major Supernatural Virtue: Evil Eye
To use this power the character must make eye contact with the intended victim. He then rolls a casting total determined by Presence + Evil Eye + Aura + Stress Die. Unlike many similar cursing powers, those of the Evil Eye always go into effect immediately and never have duration greater than momentary. The target must be a human or human-like character.

Ease Factor Effect
6 Fill with terror, Paralyze for one round
9 Light Wound, Lose a Fatigue Level, Deform
12 Medium Wound, Strike Blind, Aging Crisis
15 Heavy Wound, Cripple, Reduce mental capabilities
18 Incapacitating Wound, Drive Mad
21 Death, Mindless husk, All Characteristics reduced by 1
24 Total disintegration, All Characteristics reduced by 3

Specialties: A certain effect, a certain target (Supernatural)


Lineages of Magi Orbi (Trianoma, Jerbiton and Tremere)

The Line of Vitellia
The lineage started with the hushed down expulsions of a maga Trianomae named Vitellia. Vitellia was trained during the aftermath of the Schism War, it was supposed to be a time of healing for the Order, but Vitellia did not find it so. The enemy was defeated and now there was treasure to claim, this brought many magi to the British Isles – the stronghold tribunals of House Ex Miscellanea. Vitellia had seen the Young House organize and structure itself under Basilicus, something she welcomed as the 12 houses once again approached equality. However, this seemingly natural progress suddenly ended with Basilicus’ mysterious passing. Vitellia was distraught with how the other Trianomae magi treated Ex Miscellanea, according to her they seem downright pleased that the Young House once again started to decline. After a passionate speech in front of the Tenentes Occultorum, reminding them of Trianoma dream of equal houses and her efforts in convincing Pralix to return to the Order. Vitellia is said to have demanded an investigation into the Young House sudden ill fortune but to no prevail. The next winter Vitellia had resigned her membership with House Bonisagus and moved to Cad Gadu.

The Lineage of Vitellia still persists within House Ex Miscellanea in 1220. These skilled politicians have taken upon themselves the herculean task of trying to keep track of the many traditions of their new House and ensure that its interests are represented in Hermetic politics. The new primus Ebroin has relied heavily on them in his efforts to rekindle the House, the lineage seems very pleased with his efforts as well. Notably Vitellia never thought it important to ensure her apprentices weren’t taught Trianomae’s ciphers, something House Bonisagus demanded of her.

A Character hailing from this Orbi Tradition could take virtues or flaws like Puissant/Affinity with Organization Lore: House Ex Miscellanea, Social Contact: House Ex Miscellanea, Dutybound (Protect House Ex Miscellanea) beyond the mandatory Puissant Intrigue.

The Uninvited League of Shallow Entertainment
A small structure of Orbi Magi from House Jerbiton, most of whom have left of their own accord. These magi were excluded from their House due to their unacceptable taste and tendency to seek out ugliness. They have all chosen to praise repulsive Faeries rather than real beauty. The founder of the mimic league and first recorded account of an expulsion of this nature was a 12th century magus named Oedipus. Oedipus was drawn to theatre and travelled through the Theban Tribunal seeking lost plays of ancient Greece and beyond – penning a few plays of his own which are still highly appreciated within the Order. Behind Oedipus talent and good reputation laid a dark secret however, his muse – who was so often the inspiration for the mature yet beautiful maga in his plays – was in reality a faerie. House Jerbiton doesn't believe faeries can create nor inspire real beauty yet for Oedipus his beloved fae was all he could think about. Eventually the secret got out, by none other than Oedipus' own filius and son. Many Jerbiton was quick to renounce their praise for his plays and Oedipus decided to leave his House.

He lived out the rest of his years in House Ex Miscellanea, finally free to praise the beauty in the fae. Oedipus would occasionally draw another Jerbiton magi to himself, some Jerbiton magi claim that this was achieved by entrancement by his lecherous muse. Eventually a league was formed around these Orbi and their apprentices. The league's purpose was to properly praise the beauty of the fairies and to create art honouring it. The league has a poor relationship with House Merinita, Oedipus himself never liked the House though his reasons seem a bit ambiguous. The league has regular meetings where new art pieces are shown, and many courtly fairies are invited from afar. Sometimes House Jerbiton finds it easier to deal with the league rather than House Merinita when help is needed in faerie problems. The League interacts little with other members of House Ex Miscellanea.

A character part of this league may wish to take Free Expression or Troupe Upbringing as their free house virtue. Other suitable virtues and flaws might include Student of Faerie, Appealing to Faeries, Familiarity with the Fae, Brutal Artist and Faerie Friend (Muse).

The Line of Gulielmus
Little is known about Gulielmus, nor his descendants. Gulielmus was a Tremere magus who at least seemingly rejected the structure of House Tremere. When this occurred is highly variable, some claim he lived through the Sounding and left the House after the founder’s death. Others say he left the day he passed his gauntlet, refusing to hand over his sigil. Other stories say he left after his first defeat in Certamen. The most popular of these stories is that Gulielmus was the de facto leader of Burning Acorn Vexillation and left the House to properly investigate the rumours of surviving Diedne members within the Young House. In all stories Gulielmus refuses numerous invitations to House Tytalus.

Whatever Gulielmus' true background Orbi of his lineage still exists within House Ex Miscellanea. If these magi know anything more about Gulielmus than the rest of the Order they don’t seem eager to share it. Gulielmus descendants have gotten themselves a rather negative reputation within their new house, especially among the Celtic traditions. It doesn’t help that these Orbi often settle in just these lands. The lineage, though free from House Tremere’s enforced structure, seems to want to create a mirror of it. They often seek out House Ex Miscellanea members with no interest in politics, asking to aid them by voting as proxy for them. They often inquire about structure within traditions and its origins. They often praise Basilicus and his reforms. Whatever the reputation, some members of House Ex Miscellanea seek these magi out to beg them to serve as their Champions in Certamen. This is especially common for those who never had their Hermetic Arts open, and which only other option is conceding.

A character from this lineage might want to take virtues and flaws like Clear Thinker, Enemies (Celtic Tradition),Secretive, Judged Unfairly and Driven beyond the mandatory Minor Magical Focus (certamen).


Lineages of Magi Orbi (Mercere, Flambeau and Merinita)

The False Line
During the 11th century a Mercere magus named Pasicompsa would much to the house rejoice and finally take an apprentice. It had taken many decades but at last he had gotten a Gifted son, and it was Pasicompsa first child as well. The rumours of Pasicompsa sterility finally died down. Pasicompsa would care for his child and take him as an apprentice when he was of an appropriate age. Primis, as his son became known, would pass his gauntlet and serve the Order on his own.

Pasicompsa – who was already very old – would eventually suffer a nasty magical botch and be bedridden. His time left was short. He called for his only filius and Primis would hurry to his side. Pasicompsa would make his final confession. Primis was in fact not his son but merely a child he had picked up along one of his travels. Shamed and stunned by the revolution Primis would decide to leave House Mercere. Primis would turn to House Ex Miscellanea and the same year he took an apprentice, with no blood relation to himself.

Primis was a Mercurian, and he taught these ancient roots to his descendants. The line has served as a force of Latin withing the Young House. Seeking out traditions with origin tied to that of Rome. Primis was also an Animal specialist, and many has followed in this line. The lineage has begun to rebel against House Mercere “monopoly” and tend to try to work against them, though this never seemed to be Primis intentions. The tradition usually avoids house Mercere – Gifted even Redcaps – whenever possible. Some members even prefer sending messages themselves or employing animals to do so. The line still has a poor reputation within House Mercere. This rivalry is not something that warms the Order towards the Orbi.

A character part of this line can take flaws and virtues like: Mercurian Magic (and others closely related), Puissant Animal, Illegitimate Lineage, Feud. Puissant Creo is the most suitable Free House Virtue.

The Unredeemed
For those apprentices who failed three Gauntlets in House Flambeau, even the easier overseen by a Quaesitor magi offers no relief. Since their expulsion is already ensure. These unfortunate souls may never join their parens side but must seek out membership in House Ex Miscellanea instead. Luckily a number of these apprentices have created a small structure to care for these magi and help rebuild their crushed confident.

With Gauntlets being so flashy, public and potentially dangerous a failure is usually a defining moment in a magus life. Suffering three in a row and then exclusion is a heavy weight on anyone. The Unredeemed – as they have begun to call themselves – wants to heal and restore these young magi. This is no easy task, wounds might be easy to heal – even burn scars – but the bad reputation gained, the destroyed confidence and trauma is harder to tackle.

The Unredeemed is made up of members from various schools. They are led by the most senior member. They keep together and protect one another. The senior member attempts to send out the young on a quest that will create positive reputations while aiding the Order. They care little for what happens in House Ex Miscellanea, in fact House Flambeau has many enemies there who are best avoided. Trained apprentices are often encouraged to attempt to join House Flambeau instead, and usually have a large success rate.

The traumatic failure will usually tint what sort of virtues and flaws the character will take. Low self-esteem possibly paired with Ferocity (Magical Combat) is common. Tormenting Master (still in house Flambeau), Infamous and some flaw which represent a lingering injury. For the free House virtue pick one appropriate for the character's school.

The Line of Saint Giovanni Gualberto
It takes a strong personality and repeated issues before the chaotic House Meinita to denounce and exile a fellow member. However, in the late 11th century Graziella managed this feat. Even before Graziella’s expulsion she had made quite a name for herself due to her unique perspective. Graziella had repeatedly preached that Magic and Faerie alike must embrace the Dominion and adapt. Graziella believed faeries to be faithful servants of the Creator. After all, didn’t fairies avoid taking the Saviour or his mother’s shape? Didn’t faeries take upon the mantle of saints according to His will?

House Merinita wasn’t very pleased with these unorthodox opinions, their anger only multiplied when Graziella started to refer to herself as the daughter of Saint Giovanni Gualberto. Censor could only stop Graziella for that long. Finally, her expulsion was certified as she began meddling in the planning of monasteries so they would be constructed in faerie auras. Garziella had numerous charges, including molesting, meddling and depriving, having much of her possessions confiscated and familiar slain Graziella had to leave her former House.

House Ex Miscellanea welcomed her and her apprentice. There they continued their own theories and heretical teachings. In secret Graziella constructed her own script for Faerie Magic, though it's in a very unusual form with divine themes and quests.

Characters from this lineage should consider taking virtues and flaws like Student of the Divine, Pious, Relic and Religious. With troupe approval Faerie magic can still be picked as the Free House Virtue. Appealing to Faerie might make a suitable replacement if deemed unfit.


Lineages of Magi Orbi (Verditius, Criamon and Guernicus)

Line of Modest Agapios
Due to a severe magical accident when Agapios of House Verditius was creating his latest masterpiece, Agapios lost the function of most of his body. Agapios couldn’t be healed with magic nor mundane means, he had become all but total lame. To his horror he was no longer able to practice his beloved craft of woodcarving. Distraught, he saw no other option but to leave his House – something the Primus supposedly tried to stop. Agapios was of the same line as the Primus and a possible inheritor. Agapios could not be swayed however and took a selmon farewell to his former House.

House Ex Miscellanea welcomed Agapios and he lived a mostly uneventful life after his departure. The years passed and he could feel his former hubris and pride leave him. Legends even say that he became a generous and thoughtful soul who cared greatly for his servants. He would train a few apprentices during this time, but he never created a new magical item. He encouraged these apprentices to seek out House Verditius – since he couldn’t initiate them into the Outer Mystery himself. One of the apprentices refused however. Xene would rather remain an Orba and stay with her parens then seek the egomaniacal wizards of House Verditius. And so, the small line of Agapios was certified.

The line focuses much on the creation of items that aid the helpless and sick people. Prosthetics is a common focus. So is healing items and similar. The tradition can never create item on par with House Verditius nor do they attempt to. They simply create items for those in dire need of them. Perhaps this altruism is just another form of Hubris however.

Inventive Genius is perhaps the best replacement of Verditius Magic, a suitable Minor Magical Focus could also work. Other virtues and flaws that suit characters of this line are: Gossip, Humble, Compassionate, Temperate. Technically a magi of this line might still inherit the prima title though and be involved in House Verditius politics. Thus, the Primogeniture lineage could be considered.

The Line of Gusoyn
Separated from the rest of the Gorgiastic is the line of Gusoyn. Gusoyn was a magus of the 10th century who, like his fellow house members, explored the Enigma. Gusoyn, like many other members of the House Criamon had lived a tragic life before his magushood. Supposedly this was due to influences from the infernal realm, and what sparked his later obsession. Gusoyn would walk the wandering path in the House. Already at this state some claimed that Gusoyn was not living truly aptly, he seemed to follow strife and look to engage it. With the years Gusoyn slowly became more and more fascinated with demons’ roles within House Criamon’s cosmology.

After a few particularly controversial tractatus on Enigmatic Wisdom and Infernal Lore spread throughout the Order and the House, Gusoyn was asked to travel to the Axis Magica. There he supposedly laid forth his arguments and a demand of the current primus. What this demand was is something which is heavily debated to this day, none seem to know for sure and the ghost of the Primus doesn’t offer any answers.

Gusoyn would leave the house the same year and join House Ex Miscellanea. There he trained an apprentice, laying much focus on identifying and combating the Infernal realm. The lineage slowly developed their own different cosmology and after a few generations they no longer had the characteristic stigmata. Charges of Diabolism has been pressed toward more then a few members of this strange lineage, though if these come from an incomplete understanding of their cosmology or based upon evidence is as of yet undetermined.

Replacing the free House virtue with Gorgiastic is suitable. A character of this linage might also consider taking virtue connected to the infernal like: Student of Infernal, Plagued by Supernatural Entity (Demon) and many others.

The Line of Angrebod
Angrebod was a Guernicus maga with an impeccable reputation. A skilled investigator and someone who was never deceived nor halted. Angerbod settled many disputes, especially those stemming from the aftermath of the Schism War and now unclaimed resources. During these negotiations and investigations, she repeatedly encountered trouble with dealing with magi of House Ex Miscellanea. Many members didn’t share the trust and faith in Quaesitor the rest of the Order held. To make matters worse those knowledgeable in Hermetic History knew Fenicil Latin only tendencies and feared similar thinking from other members of the House. One non-latin House had just been destroyed. Perhaps the Order was already looking for the next one?

This resistance from the Young House became something that troubled Angrebod who never had known failure or innocent parties opposing her. It nagged her, especially so since she was only trying to aid the House and help them realize their own rights. Quaesitors of the Young House didn’t have it much easier themselves. With so many different traditions and complex histories it was near impossible to find someone who was seen by all to be neutral and worthy of trust. The dilemma persisted and Angrebod determined that a drastic nature was needed.

Angrebod would see to it that her first apprentice Dodiva upon passing her Guernicus Gaunlet joined House Ex Miscellanea. Dodiva would spend her years as an Orba in the House teaching and preaching the benefit of the Code. Dodiva herself never officially became a Quaesitor but was considered widely to be an expert on the Code. She trained two apprentices who both became Quaesitors. The new lineage carefully groomed their reputation with the Young House, perhaps falling on the side of favourable rulings from time to time.

The line has yet still not gained the trust they desire, but progress is being made. The biggest hurdle is the Latin origin, something that seems hard to shake. Suggestion of abandoning the way of a true lineage exists but even that is not an easy task.

Hermetic Prestige can still be taken as the free House virtue but perhaps is not the most suited, Puissant Code could work better. Obsession (Unbiased Reputation) or Driven make suitable flaws.



Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Western Mythic Europe
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Lore of the Dead (Hooks p.29)
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Mystical Choreography
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Necessary Condition (Touching Grimoire)

There are many minor traditions of necromancy throughout Mythic Europe, most origin lies within chthonic cults which predates Christ. The Order is familiar with many of them, most are beneath their notice and those that aren’t are either invited to House Ex Miscellanea or considered enemies.

One of these traditions are the Incantationes. Though the traditions' ancient history and more precise origin is rather obscure and not properly recorded. The tradition has however been very meticulously recorded in more recent years. This is due to the tradition having moved from ancient deep crypt to the spreading and influential monasteries.

The necromancers of Incantationes made monasteries their home for many reasons. Firstly, it served as a place where even a Gifted individual could be treated well. Secondly, the monasteries handle their own affairs and external powers have little influence in the daily affairs. Thirdly monasteries are a centre for books and knowledge, something vital for any wizard. This has the further advantage of book production not being viewed as suspicious. Lastly, being literate has become so vital for the tradition that seeking apprentices that have already begun learning Latin and Artes Liberales is a great boon.

Before being discovered by the Order in the 11th century the tradition was very obscure. A sort of secret brotherhood loosely connected in the complex network of sister and mother monasteries. The necromancers would greedily seek out the monasteries’ libraries for grimoires. These books containing spells, charms and Incantationes of powerful beings were the tradition’s source of insight into magic. They tried to recreate the complex ceremonies written down with limited success. The Incantationes wrote down the ceremonies which worked into new grimoires who were traded between different members.

The magi who introduced Incantationes to House Ex Miscellanea was a few years afterward march on charges of diabolism. It has been suggested that he accidently encountered the tradition while searching for grimoires containing names of powerful demons.

The Incantationes has always been a highly literate tradition, relying on books to teach the following generations. This was extra vital before the Parma since the Gift is a big hindrance to teaching. Each apprentice is tasked with writing a grimoire. Contenting ceremonies their parens himself has written down in his. Apprentices are encouraged to seek new ceremonies to add to their grimoire, but this is no easy task. The tradition of taking apprentices from monasteries still persists, even if many members now live at covenants rather than monasteries.

Characters hailing from this tradition are usually focused on non-corporal necromancy. Binding and contacting ghosts. Many have a Magical Focus in some aspect of necromancy. Mentem focus is exceedingly common. Puissant Artes Liberales is a common virtue, so is educated. Flaws resulting from monasteries are also common. Pious and Failed Monk are examples. Social Contact (Monks) is useful for finding apprentices and new grimoires.

Having been confined to Dominion auras and still having to cast spells had forced the tradition to become experts in Ceremonial Magic, they can put these practices into use in Hermetic Magic as well resulting in the Mystical Choreography virtue. The Necessary Condition (Touching Grimoire) is a result of the importance of constructing during the characters’ apprenticeship. Though the character must touch a grimoire it need not be his own, the grimoire need not even necessarily be from the Incantationes tradition. Hermetic books on spell mastery have even worked.


I think you forgot the Lore of the Dead description

Not my own creation, but I should have included a reference to it. Have updated it to do such.

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The Handmaidens of Fates

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: All
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Death Prophecy
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Affinity with Intellego
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Twilight Prone

Across the many pagan religions of Mythic Europe similar concepts exist. One example of this is a female trio of gods who oversee each human’s life. Their prophecies and diving are often connected to textile, like thread or weaving. In ancient Greece they were known as the Moirai, to the Roman’s Parcae and in Scandinavia the Norns. Collectively this motif is called the Fates.

Folk Witches have long been observed by the Order with little interest. These magicians are weak, and their trick are easily emulated. Sometimes however lesser movements of witches do draw the Order's attention. The Handmaidens of Fates was one of these minor witch traditions. The Handmaidens claim their tradition’s founders' life are what gave the story for all the concepts of the Fates. The different versions of the Fates are all different stories of these ancient three sisters. The founders’ magic was taught to a chosen few, and those inheritors make up the Handmaidens of Fates.

These mythical origins' validity is not known, the tradition could however perform powerful divining and scrying. Eventually practitioners would join the Order. Within short most Handmaidens would swear the Oath though only a portion bothered to teach their apprentices Hermetic Magic – something that has been perceived as an insult by a few magi.

Members of this tradition usually make small study groups called trinities. The trinities keep in contact and are tasked by the tradition to monitor a certain region. The tradition believes that in observing and getting reports on the various things going on they can interpret the future more accurately.

The trinities’ structure and method differ, some meet annually (or even more scarcely) others make up a full covenant. Some Handmaidens are trained as Folk Witches rather than Hermetic Magi, a trinity usually tries to include at least one of each but this comes and goes.

During a special ceremony all trinities gather. The regularity or even location of this event is poorly understood by the Order, not that many care about such oddities of minor traditions. Walpurgis night is commonly suggested, but no clear hypothesis of location has been determined. It's during these irregularly held mass ceremonies that the death prophecy of new members is divined. A member could also apply to learn this mystery during these ceremonies. The process of this is usually rather slow, and the initiation awfully dangerous. Mechanic-wise its two initiations of the Major virtue Ritual Power. Leading to the Grant: Death Prophecy power.

It has become a tradition for a Handmaiden’s talisman to be connected to the textile industry, usually a loom. Non-hermetic witches use these items as mediums for their magic.

Divining is a natural interest of this tradition. Some members are taught the Divination method of Scrying, others rely only on Intellego. There is a dedicated movement within the tradition to rediscover the ancient lost method of divination of observing textile products. Others work towards overcoming the Limit of Time.

After passing their Gauntlet each Handmaiden is read their own prophecy, granting them the Death Prophecy virtue. This helps the Handmaiden avoid peril while they observe the world around them. Regrettably being told this prophecy also makes them more susceptible to Twilight. Mentor is a very common Story Flaw and might relate to a member in the character's trinity or a more senior trinity. The Missing Eye flaw is also common, it’s believed that losing an eye will allow the character to see things which others might not perceive. Second Sight is a common virtue.

Non-hermetic handmaidens may be created as normal Gifted Folk Witches with the addition of Divination & Augury (Scrying) as a favored power.


Physicians of Asclepius

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Theban and Levant Tribunal
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Asclepieian Rituals
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Affinity with Corpus
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Waster of Vis

Asclepius was before ascending to godhood a skilled physician and healer. Some legends even say he managed to resurrect a few humans during his mortal life. Hades would soon complain to Zeus that Asclepius stole people away from him and his kingdom. Zeus himself was also afraid that Asclepius would teach his secrets to humans so they would no longer need the gods. Asclepius was struck down by a lightning bolt.

Zeus' fears were not unfounded as Asclepius did in fact take apprentices, most notably his own sons Machaon and Podalirius. These would later take their own apprentices and thus a magical tradition would be born.

Meanwhile a cult of Asclepius was spreading across Greece. The cult would see to the construction of asclepeions where the practisers of the tradition could heal people. The temples also became famous for healing whomever sleeps inside it.

As the Cult of Mercury grew it would absorb some of the Physicians of Asclepius secrets and understanding of magic. Most noteworthy the Cult would develop their own version of the most treasured of the Asclepieian Rituals, the Longevity Ritual. In some aspects the Mercurian Longevity Ritual was more powerful than the Asclepieian Ritual equivalent, especially when affecting people heavily influenced by magic.

When the Cult of Mercury fell the Physicians of Asclepius hoped that they would once again have a monopoly on mimicking immortality, but Bonisagus would soon crush their dreams. The Order had preserved the Longevity Ritual. Eventually the Physicians of Asclepius would be absorbed into the Order through the Young House.

Healing and aiding others is the centre of the tradition’s studies. There is little structure in the tradition. Members are free to do as they please along as they continue healing those in need. The tradition's oldest living member always moves to the Theban Covenant of Epidauros. Other members don’t usually leave Theban, but it has happened in the past. Most noteworthy for the Levant Tribunal where new medicine practices have started to develop.

It’s said that another ritual is passed to the oldest living member of tradition, a ritual which the Order has no true equivalent of. Asclepieian Resurrection. Nobody knows if this is true or not, but the tradition seems very cautious in using it. Or perhaps some of the miracles so often given credit to the divine have a more magical origin.

To cope with their own traditions' unshakable habit of wasting vis the tradition has developed a method to delegate important rituals to those not affected by this flaw.

Members of the Physicians of Asclepius practice the trade of their founder: healing. They seek apprentices who are benevolent and philanthropic. The apprentice is trained in Magical Lore, Medicine and Chirurgy besides the Hermetic Arts. Creo, Rego and Corpus are the preferred arts of most members. Focusing on spells that need no vis, while relying on their Asclepieian Rituals for effects that do need vis.

Responsibility is also an important virtue which is taught repeatedly to a new apprentice. The Asclepieian Rituals should only be taught under circumstances where the magi have complete control, and no abuse is possible.

It is said to exist several more secret rituals with effect who have no equality in Hermetic Magic, if these rituals still persist within the tradition they are treated with great secrecy.

New Major Supernatural Virtue: Asclepieian Rituals
A character with this virtue may teach and perform Asclepieian Rituals. Asclepieian Rituals are ceremonies which mimic those effects found in the Creo Corpus guidelines. The rituals can be less expensive in vis than Hermetic Magic but are more limited. First, they may only affect one target. Similarly, the rituals are always instantaneous. Furthermore, the rituals always cause a Warping Point to the target.

This virtue also allows the character to teach others Asclepieian Rituals. This means that he can teach healing rituals to other characters, even those ungifted. Such a ritual allows the student to replicate a single effect by expending vis (Creo or Corpus) equal to 2 + Score needed for the effect. This vis is often worked into slaves or potions who the sick consume. Those without magical sensitivity or similar abilities need help in finding vis.

In a season, the character can teach a single ritual to a number of characters equal to his Leadership Ability score, and the students may only perform one ritual and only retain the ability to perform the ritual for a year.

Score Type of Healing Possible
1 Superficial Injury
2 Light Wound, Minor Aging Crisis
3 Medium Wound, Serious Aging Crisis
4 Heavy Wound, Lost Limb, Major Aging Crisis
5 Incapacitating Wound, Critical Aging Crisis
6 Heal All Wounds, Terminal Aging Crisis

Specialties: a certain type of effect (Supernatural)

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Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Rhine and Roman
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Bough Crossroad
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Puissant Herbam
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Twilight Prone

The magical tradition of the Nemorensis originates from the priest of Aricia worshipping Diana and their magical secrets. The priest of old gathered around Lake Nemi, in a sacred grove. The priests were considered barbaric by Romans of their times due to their esoteric rituals. The ritual consisted of an escaped slave plucking a golden bough from a sacred oak within the grove. After this the slave had earned the right to challenge the current head priest to combat to the death, where the winner would be crowned the new Rex Nemorensis.

As the persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire grew and with its eventual collapse the priests of Diana would spread among Europe. These priests would still travel to Lake Nemi during the Ides of August and perform the grim ritual, but they would begin to settle down more and more within the German Lowlands. Bringing their religion with them.

The worshippers of Diana would come into conflict with the Church during the 6th century. The Church officials were intolerant to both their pagan worship and promotion of their beliefs among the locals. Folk Witches, Herbalists and Nemorensis were all suppressed and had their sacred groves raided and eradicated. The Nemorensis were forced to go into hiding. It was during this time of decline that the Order of Hermes would be founded. Some Nemorensis claim that Merinita was originally from this tradition but this claim seems dubious and is protested by many others.

Those who became the modern Nemorensis would not join house Merinita when she started taking apprentices unlike many other nature-oriented magicians. Instead, they would remain secretive and carry out the rites and worship their goddess in groves and abandoned temples. The hedge tradition was largely ignored by the Order as a large, too weak to be seen as a threat. It was not until a Neo-Mercurian Pralician, seeking to learn more of the Cult of Mercury by integrating other priests and priestesses of Rome, would integrate the tradition in the 11th century. The Nemorensis had during this time begun forging their ties with the esoteric Mystery Cult of the Huntress in the Wood, as fellow worshippers of Diana. Their beliefs and understanding of Diana would be traded amongst each other and come to influence the Huntress and Nemorensis.

The Nemorensis function much like a Mystery Cult, the only difference is that the do not initiate any outsiders. The traditions members can all trace back their roots to the original integrated priests. Because of this, the tradition is small - consisting of just 5 magi in 1220. These magi are all devoted to Diana and are members of the Huntress in the Wood. The tradition has become less organized during the many years of hiding but some structure remains from their former heights. Each Ides of August they still travel to their sacred grove and meet to discuss important matters and their discoveries. The tradition has given up the Rex Nemorensis rite, so no bloody combat is longer held. The members of the tradition are thus all equal in theory, but the oldest member is expected to stay at Lake Nemi and protect the golden oak and serve as the authority for the tradition. As part of taking their gauntlet an apprentice is asked to journey to the grove and pluck a golden bough from this oak. This bough is often turned into their talisman. Losing the bough would be a great dishonour. After the Gauntlet the young magi are also guided in performing the ritual connecting the oak to their Bough Crossroad, to be able travel to it for the next meeting.

Magi of this tradition usually focuses on Herbam often paired with other magic that affects nature, like Animal or Terram. Many members of the tradition are part of the Huntress in the Wood mystery cult. Seeing the “corruption” of House Merinita as a terrible thing that must be stopped. Much of the cult’s and tradition’s history align and their beliefs have influenced one another.

Major Supernatural Virtue: The Bough Crossroad
The priest of Nemorensis could travel vast distances in an instance – entering a tree to appear out of another, an ability Merinita is said to have possessed as well. Irencillia’s Oak at Durenmar is said to be the result of Merinita’s own mystic understanding of this ancient magic. The ability allows teleportation to a tree as if the user had an arcane connection to it, seemingly breaking the Hermetic limit of Arcane Connection. The ability is theorized to, through some unknown process, make a tree an Arcane Connection to any other tree.

To travel via the Bough Crossroad a character must place his hand on a tree and think of one of the desired destinations, which must be a tree where the character has performed a specific ritual in honour of Diana. As the character imagines his destination and recalls a short chant to Diana, he rolls for a Casting Total. If the Casting Total exceeds the Ease Factor the character and any companion that are touching them are magically transported to the location. If the number of companions touching the character exceeds the score limit the travel will not succeed. A roll for the casting total is made against the determined Ease Factor.

A character’s score in the Bough Crossroad indicates two limits, first the number of trees travelable too is equal to the score. Secondly a character’s Bough Crossroad score is the amount of people he can bring with him on the journey.

The ritual to make a tree a destination of the Bough Crossroad takes about an hour to perform and includes plucking a bough of the tree. Once this is done the bough can be discarded, the tree is still connected to the character. If the ritual is performed but the character has exceeded his limit in destinations, the ritual will have no effect. A destination can be disconnected by performing a similar ritual, but after plucking the bough it is burnt.

Specializations: A certain type of tree, a certain location, traveling alone.

Casting Total: Stamina + Bough Crossroad + aura modifier + die roll.

The standard Ease Factor is 9 but external circumstances could alter this. Carrying a bough of the destination tree adds a + 3 modifier to the Casting Total.


The Shadow Puppeteers

Key Facts

  • Favored Tribunals: Iberian
  • Major Non-Hermetic Virtue: Living Shadow
  • Minor Hermetic Virtue: Closely Connected Shadow
  • Major Hermetic Flaw: Short-Ranged Magic

In the 10th century an enigmatic hedge wizard was welcomed into the Order. Little is known about the man but connection between him and several mysterious thefts has been made. Whatever his origins or background he would train two apprentices, both of whom had the Hermetic arts opened. None of the Puppeteers has shown any real interest in their founder or his origin but some suggestions have been made. Some say he was the little brother of Pendule of Merinita and from the same tradition. Others say that he stole the shadow of a powerful demon and tamed it.

The tradition's members have often been perceived as tricksters and troublemakers. Their awakened shadows are loyal servants, guards and spies. It wakes paranoia in even the most respectful magi to learn of what the Puppeteers can do with them.

The tradition is not very well known nor structured. Members have no real contact with each other lest for their parens. Some of those who have some familiarity with the tradition claim otherwise however. Saying that each member of the tradition’s shadows meets each full moon to exchange news and plans.

Many members focus on Ignem and Imaginem for their arts. A Major Magical Focus in Light is common. This is useful in manipulating their shadows and hiding them. Members often seek out child thieves for their apprentices. And some focus of the apprenticeship often focuses on stealth. The traditional Gauntlet for the Puppeteers is often a challenge in this nature.

The Short-Ranged Magic of this tradition is a limitation enforced by their close connection to the shadow. They may not affect things out of its reach.

New Major Supernatural Virtue: Living Shadow
Characters with this virtue have had their shadow awaken and gain the ability Living Shadow with a score of 1. The character shadow has essentially become a separate magical being. A shadow has characteristics of 0 in everything and an Ignem magic might of 1. It is therefore rather vulnerable. The awakened shadow seems normal in most circumstances, it is however very alive.

A shadow often resembles more than just the master’s silhouette. They adopt some aspect of their masters’ personality. A shadow always knows any language known by his master and speaks with his voice. The Shadow has the Supernatural Ability Second Sight with a score of 9, and it is very protective of its master. Other than these languages and Second Sight the shadow has no abilities or powers.

An awakened shadow can leave its master for several hours equal to the master's score in Living Shadow. During this time, it is free to act on its own, but must return before the time is over or it will perish. The shadow is no longer restricted by light sources, nor it’s master. Shadows can complete simple tasks like: Guard my Sanctum, deliver this message or follow this grog.

An awakened shadow is still limited by its nature. In many ways its limited in how it can interact with its surroundings. The shadow can normally only be seen and heard. It can’t affect physical things. It moves at the speed of its master. But being a mere shadow, it can fit through almost impossibly tight spaces. It's almost impossible to spot a shadow hiding in another shadow.

The Living Shadow ability also allows a character to perform a seasonal activity ritual of awakening their own shadow. To perform this ritual the character's shadow may not already be awakened. No die roll is involved though it costs one Ignem pawn of vis. An awakened shadow has no memories prior to its creation.

Minor Hermetic Virtue: Closely Connected Shadow
gain access to the additional Range: Shadow. Spells with this Range may target anyone touching his shadow. As long as he is touching the shadow as well. This range is equivalent to Touch for determining spell level but can be quite the increase in range if properly utilized.