6b Back at Home

I am preparing material for all of you over the weekend :wink:

(at least that's my plan)

Carrles of Jerbiton will arrive shortly after dark and ask to speak to the council when he arrives.

Decimus looks at Eric the redcap. [color=red]This exchanging of letters and suspected conspiracy, is it something that will affect us in someway? I like to keep track of the magi of the Order. But we can’t open messages. Try to find out whatever you can and then report back to me. Deciums tries to remember some magus that could have some information and if so tells Eric about that magus. Eric, Decimus looks him in the eyes, do you know anything about hedge magic’s…? Are there some covenant records or books about hedge magic, particular concerning scripts to initiate ungifted? Could you look into it? I will speak to the council and notify them that Carles is requesting their time. I could personally take care of his cat.

Later Decimus arrange that Carles can speak to the council and he order that Guilmerus the lackey should attend and take care of Carles every need during his stay.
Once Decimus learn of Ameline’s attempt to spread the words of the bible amongst the children of the covenant he becomes furious. Thinking to himself that this cannot go on. Magi must spread the word of the true gods. Now he will have to come up with a plan to thwart this spreading of Christianity.

Curious things you notice abut the chapel in the castle. Father Gonzolez, the priest from Arans (the name of the village that the covenant overlooks), is the same one that runs this small chapel. In addition to the odd layout I had mentioned, you notice Templar symbolism here and about. Also, as you are finishing up your prayers you notice Father Gonzolez talking with one of the covenfolk, Benito, one of the professional doctors/apothecaries you met earlier. He happens to be Jewish, and there is no rabbi at the covenant. However, there is one who lives in a nearby village called Valnord that the Father Gonzolez is friends with. Benito wants the father to ask the rabi if he would travel to Arans for some special services for his son Saul. He is one of the children at your little bible story session, an older boy.

Then one of the Redcaps from the Mercere Quarter comes in with a message for Father Gonzolez. Her name is Lejla, and the Father tells you aside that she happens to be Moslem. And Decimus, Master Mercere of the Quarter, he happens to be a Pagan devoted to the Greco-Roman Gods. Andorra is a Multicultural Covenant :smiley:

Also, he gives you special sanction to stay up at night, there is important events and he feels you should be in attendence.

Ameline sighs as the father speaks, [color=blue]"I will pray for their souls as they have not accepted our lord as their savior. Still, as long as they do not stop me from speaking the word of God, I will not interfere with them. God loves all his children, even those that do not beleive and I will always hope that your words and mine or our deeds will sway them. If not, God works in his own way to show sinners the way to him. I have faith."

She will stay up if the priest feels it is appropriate and wait and watch. For now, she will teach the children so they can be raised knowing of god and believing.

Father Gonzolez consoles you. [color=red]You are free to share bible stories and preach to any who want to listen to you. Others will do the same. I just wanted you to be aware of the situation. Rodrigo of Mercere, one of the Elders, instituted a policy stating that each member and covenfolk of Andorra has a sacrosanct right to their own personal religious beliefs, so long as the do not violate the Oath or Code, and all business of the council is to be conducted in a secular and impartial manner.

I am not overly fond of the wording, but it has worked well so far. In my days as a companion to magi, I have seen covenants that were strict adherents of some form of paganism or heresy, others that were Christian but were intolerant to shameful extremes. And even amongst those who are more liberal, cultural bigotry still divides magi. Did you know that there is a cabal of Ex-Miscellanea Kabala magi in Barcelona, yet they are excluded from the Covenant there because they are Jewish?

God is real and God is one. He has no fear of competition, for he is the Truth and the Light. Rodrigo’s policy is one learned from his experiences in Andalusia, of the tensions and the tolerance that paradoxically coexisted there. He is an interesting fellow, you will meet him in a few days.

Ameline fully undersands at the father's words. [color=red]"It is unfortunately common in the order especially in that the word of God sometimes interferes with the magic of the order. If God wishes them to believe, he will make his will manifest. I can only pray that those here open their eyes to his words and works and preach softly that the words can be heard by those who will benefit from it. He guided me here and it has to do in part with the welfare of one of the children but I will see to all of them the best that I can. One can not force someone to turn to the way of God, only love all his children and hope that they turn to him. Our lord will always have his way and those of us that seek to do his work must never forget that he gave us free will and seek to deny it to others. Let our lives be examples that inspire."

She sighs a little though [color=red]"I will always speak fair and impartially as possible for that is justice but I fear that I will always have to weigh the words of scripture in all my decisions and actions and can not act in a purely secular manner. The best I will be able to do is perhaps keep silent at times. I can not actively help people become pagans or support them in such activities. To grant them their free will to do as they feel they must is one thing, but I won't help them condemn themselves or take action to encourage it. My life is in God's hands and my deeds to God's will."

Carles of Jerbiton arrives sometime after midnight. His entourage is small, consisting of two grogs, an injured cat, and Golda. Carmen runs up and gives her mom a great big hug (hug), and they go off to talk. Carles is all agitated, and is further aggravated because Tacitus of Gurnicus is not here yet. Marcellus is the senior most magus of the council, so he insists on a private conference with him.

That leaves the rest of you with the cat (Ameline & Decimus). Singed whiskers and bandaged tail, he looks up ant you and says “[color=red]What?"

(To catch you up: Golda is Carmen’s mom, and was the guide for the magi when they were in Barcelona. Tacitus is a Quaestor of Duresca, and is Octavian’s mentor. Carles is a Jerbiton magus of the Covenant of Barcelona, and helped gain them access to the portal. Noscur the cat is his Familiar. Also, Andorra is the name of the whole Principality. The Covenant of Andorra is located overlooking the village of Arans, which is in the Parish of Ordino. Valnord is another village in Ordino, a few valleys north of here.)

Ameline looks at the cat and frowns deeply. [color=red]"What happened to you?" She carefully studies the wounds, [color=red]"if you don't mind, I would like to tend your wounds." She is not sure whether she should heal the wound magically yet but she is still an expert chirurgeon. At minimum she can insure the wounds will heal well once she determines how bad the cat is hurt.

The cat is not hurt that bad, and you are not a veternarian :laughing:. Animal Handling would be the appropriate ability here.

[color=green]Noscur the Cat: [color=red]Well, we had located the villiage of Perdut, just outside of Val-Negra. The magi were investigating matters when all hell broke loose. Certain enemies of the Order were hiding in the Magic Realm. He snuck past the magi, killed the guard they left, escaped through the portal and destroyed it behind him. I snuck ahead of him, but he tried to torch the Lab at the Silver Rooster too. That's how I got hurt (licks his tail). But I am okay.

Ameline doesn't have a spell to permanently heal animals of wounds. She will have to deal with that in lab at some point. [color=red]"What sort of enemy was this?" She can not forget the dark shadow images of her vision. She might need to speak to the council soon. [color=red]"I can easilly cast some magic to help you heal faster. It would be my pleasure help any to heal that need it." She reaches out hand to lay on the cat and impart the healing magic.

OOC: only If the Cat agrees, sponting a CrAn spell to give +3 to healing rolls (base 2, +3 moon, +1 touch) or level 10, exerting self: casting total is 25 (Sta 2+13 cr+10 an+5 aura -5 no gestures) +2 (stress die) /2 = 27/2 or 13 (so cast with 5 penetration vs MR)

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1950498/ (theology for prayers to offset no gestures)
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1950501/ casting roll

Decimus speaks.[color=red] I also offer my aid. I could give you the blessing of Diana. I have a special rom in my laboratory that gives me more power when it comes to ceremonial magic. It is a short walk but the magic I give is very potent. I know it is in my sanctum but I swear upon the gods and with my soldae as witness that no harm will come upon you.

I am thinking more on it, and maybe Chirurgy would work for animals, but Animal Handling would be used in place of medicine.

Noscur is one of those obnoxious sort of tomcats: the kind that won’t let anyone but his master touch him, he’ll sit and stare at you but if you move towards him he will move away, if you sit still he comes closer to a range just outside your reach. He can’t help himself, that’s how they are. If he does let you touch or rub him, he still won’t let you pick him up or grab hold of him. He magically leaps around too, just because he his fidgety, and claims he can walk through walls.

Ameline smiles as the cat refuses the healing touch, [color=red]"God made cats to be as they are." She patiently holds out a hand to let the cat sniff and get a scratch if it wants. She won't force magic upon it, especially since the power of healing spells means she can't penetrate the cat's likely magical might unless it lets her.

She is still waiting for the council to let her address them.

((OOC: i'd note most medics would have "practiced" on animals first before going on to humans so Chirurgy is certainly applicable. As for medicine, it's not the same, but I'd think some principles are, depending how different the animal is to a human. I.E. treating a snake and treating a gorilla are two different animals. Pun intended. )

Eventually Noscur gets familiar with you guys. He rubs his head up against each of you in turn, and will purr slightly as he allows you to scratch his neck. But he still won’t let you pick him up or touch his tail.
But he warms up enough to reveal a startling confession…

[color=green]Noscur, a Cat who walks through walls: [color=red]Farusca has really screwed us all over on this one. Carles is furious with her manipulations and intrigues. Check this out. She fills Carles and Fuego and all the other crotchety old-old farts full of false hopes, dreams of restoring Val-Negra and such. I’m supposed to keep it a secret, but the cat’s already out of the bag so to say.

Truth is Farusca could give a rat’s @$$ about the plan or Val-Negra at all. The rats even told me she said so, that she said it is the sort of ill conceived plan that nostalgic old men are suckers for. Stupid mice know whose boss. I have a few of them that are loyal too me and infiltrated her rodent network.

What she was really trying to do is to see if she could entice some Flambeau Archmagus to explore the other side of the portal, see if there was any danger, and possibly seal it off for good. She was just looking for one lone powerful magus, and everything spiraled out of her control. All of a sudden magi are popping up all over the place, Fuego is panicked about some supposed crisis involving Iron Rings and Obsidian Doors, there is intrigue and subterfuge and secret conferences and Certamen all over the place. The place is just utter chaos.

So your guys form an expedition and just go in and get it over with. I tag along to make sure they are safe :smiley:. And we get there, the place is nice and clean and tidy. I liked it, but the people were weird. The magi had to tie one woman to a chair so that they could interrogate her baby. Anyway, everyone goes outside to check things out, leaving me to supervise the woman and the ay and one of their soldiers that they left behind. Then there is some sort of fight going on outside. I hear a lot of shouting, so I decide to find a good hiding spot, see. Then everything suddenly goes dark, I dart back into the portal and I hear all kinds of explosions behind me. I escape back to the Lab in the Silver Rooster, and the same thing happens. The place goes dark, and there are fire bursts everywhere. I know that place really well, and crawled into a hole. I caught it in the tail, but I’m okay. There are magic safety measures in place and the damage was contained. The lab was destroyed, but everything else was safe.

But check this out, this shadow fire thing, they call him Meteror or Metra or something like that (Metro? Metron? Meteortron?). Apparently he is some kind of wanted villain. He’s the guy that Trentus fought with that caused that fire that did burn some of the library. Carles hates that Trentus guy, complains about him all the time.

What’s more, Carles suspects that Farusca knew Metropolitan was hiding out in there all along. He can’t prove it, but he thinks she was hoping to get some warrior/adventurer type wizard to flush Meteorite out and do her dirty work for her. I don’t know why she would want to keep that a secret. Maybe she was trying to avoid the attention, but if that’s the case her plan backfired big-time.

But wait! And then…
Oh, here they come, Hush up, I didn’t say anything.

Carles and Marcellus come out of private council, and Marcellus makes an announcement. His breath is frosty and his eyes are a cool blue, his voice dispassionate. The Glacius personality is dominant once again.
[color=blue]I call to order a meeting of the Full Council of Andorra, auxiliary and guest members included. We shall commence in ten minutes.

And then one of the grogs announces the arrival of Tacitus of Gurnicus.
[color=green]Carles of Jerbiton: [color=red]Just in time…

Ameline is concerned at the tale she is hearing and looks at one of the guards, [color=red]"Could you please see that someone checks on Kesara and keeps a sharp eye on her. I fear there might be a threat against her." She heads to the council. She has a warning for them that could related to the tale of the feline.

OOC: I was waiting fro Scott, but we can proceed without him and let him catch up. You heard what the cat had to say, and if you were reading the other thread you know what Carles has to report. Marcellus has a radical plan. He wants to form a rescue expidition, and anyone that joins will become elevated to full member status upon his authority as the senior most council member present.

Ack, I don't know what happened, but I missed the last few days of this thread. I have to run out the door right now, but I'll post something late tonight.


:laughing: no worries :smiley:

Mark, that won't actually fly in Judaism--you need 10 men (a "minion") to hold a service, which probably means Saul has to travel Valnord.
