6b Back at Home

Since Chirurgy is a practical skill, I'd think that Animal Handling would equate to it. Wouldn't a specialization of (natural) Philosophy be equivalent to Medicine?


Viola eventually wanders into the council chamber, with her butterfly Constantine dancing about her. As she takes a seat, he settles on top of her head, staring intently at each of the other magi in turn.


Good point
I will look into it :wink:

Well, Marcellus has stated his proposed plan to all the voting members, who must make a decision. Marie and Dimir Taar are a little disoriented at the moment (after effects of faerie maybe). They each abstain. So the decision is now Viola's. Do we offer full membbership to Carmen, Decimus, and Ameline; in return for their pledge of assistance in rescuing our covenant mates?

[OOC: Ha! I should have stayed behind. :unamused: ]

[OOC: Assuming the other members will agree to it afterward and not revoke it :stuck_out_tongue: ]

[OOC: After a daring rescue? Poor form my good man, poor form. But technically I suppose that would depend on the bylaws etc. of the covenant/charter. It could be possible to overturn it, I would agree. ]

(OOC - We shall see :smiling_imp: )

Viola looks baffled. It turns out she hadn't heard anything about anyone going to Barcelona, or being missing, as she's been holed up in her lab.

"Missing. Who?"


Carmen: [color=red]Inigo & Octavian, along with Ludo and Vares. The went into a secret portal to Val-Negra underneeth Barcelona covenant. An old villian was hiding inside, Metron of the Flaming Shadows. He escaped, destroying the portal behind him and trapping the rest in the Magic Realm. Marcellus says he knows of another way there, but it is frought with perils and danger, and we will need every resource at our disposal to make this successful

Viola waves her hand, baffled. "OK." She nods to the new magi, "Go."


Ameline goes pale at that announcement, a more detailed description of what the cat has said. [color=blue]"I have come here to Andorra because I saw a vision of this covenant and was given the warning 'The shadow that escapes seeks to banish a child of light'. The one that escaped will eventually be coming here for one of the children of the covenant though I can not say how soon. It was that which brought me here." She speaks softly.

[color=blue]"I would gladly assist with this rescue if appropriate measures are taken to insure the protection of the child."

Marcellus Glacius: [color=red]You too. I want you to lead them.

((someone might recall octavian had warned about seeing kesara die))

Marcellus: [color=red] I will be staying here, and I can protect the children. The reason I want Viola to lead the rescue operation is because I am in the midst of a rather complicated situation. A certain local giant is waiting for me to let my guard down. He may very well launch an attack on the covenant if I am not here. I have something he wants, embedded deep within the Ice Cavern, and I cannot risk letting him get his hands on it.

(ooc - story for another day :wink: )

Viola fixes Marcellus with a glare that could cleave Damascus steel into neat pieces. "Lead? Yes. Me? Joke, yes?"


[color=blue]Marcellus Glacius: [color=red]Not a joke. You and I are the only members present that are not faerie addeled (my excuse for Marie & Dimir Taar for now)[color=red]. I already explained why I cannot lead. I would rather have Carmen lead, but she is only an auxilliary member for now. I need you to do this, and I do not like having to need anything from anyone. That should impart to you the sense of urgency I hope. It is not just a chore. It is your duty.

And Toledo Steel is way better than Damascene any day :wink:

Ameline speaks softly, [color=blue]"It is the girl Kesara that is at risk. She is the prime target. I do not know what this shadow one can do but if he can penetrate the covenant, he will kill her. I know that I must do what I can to help for this will lead me to where I need to go." She mutters softly a prayer for guidance to St. James.

Okay, let’s bump this forward a bit. Marcellus and Viola are agreed that membership will be extended to the auxiliaries and guests that assist in an expedition to rescue the rest of the magi from Val-Negra. You have a few days to prepare, and you can role play them loosely as you wish. I am just gonna toss stuff at you to play with.
• Marcellus is going to continue to try and talk Viola into leading the expedition, and keeps making reference to issues that he is currently having with the local giant, and he cannot leave his vault in the Ice Cavern unguarded.
• Tacitus of Gurnicus is here. He got here late, and he wants you to all wait. He is concerned for the lost expedition, but he thinks the greater urgency is the fact that Metron is still alive and he is on the loose. That is Ameline’s concern as well, because she has Visions telling her that the shadow of fire seeks to extinguish the child of light. Ameline clearly recognizes that Kesara is that child.
• Back a while ago, Octavian had Visions that a being of fire was coming for Kesara. He starred into the Eternal Flame of Andorra and saw with greater clarity. More importantly, the Flame reflects Visions so onlookers can observe. Carmen suggests Ameline consult the Flame. This whole fire oracle thing sounds like the sort of accidental blasphemy most magi are guilty of, which is why Ameline doesn’t use Hermetic Words & Gestures.

((OOC: Octavian never mentionned he consulted the flame, only that he had the vision.))