A labor of love and magic

Once the labs are completed the two old magi rest for the remainder of the day, Maxximianus saying he'll be leaving next morning. The two spend the rest of the day arguing and sniping at each other, which seems to be a favorite pastime of theirs. On the morning, Maxximianus takes his leave without much ceremony, he says goodbye to Rhodri, gives the Figo to Aggie (who accepts it with a snort), pulls a floortile out of his pouch, casts a spell and disapears, leaving faint scrollwork traced into the dust where he stood.

A few days later Spring has officially begun and after the sun sets on a rather wet and rainy day, a gong is rung that echoes from the second landing throughout the underground Covenant. Servants have set up the stone table on that floor, and some of the doors that have been created are closed. The first Council meeting has been called, you have been summoned.

Acacius is the first at the council meeting he has had trouble sleeping during the night, all the excitement of planning his own garden and getting accustomed to his lab and now this council meeting. The first one at a covenant where he is a resident magus, it is almost too much. Acacius has his wax tablet and stylus at hand in case he needs to take notes.

Bjorn takes his time getting himself ready for the first council meeting of this new covenant. Straightening his best craftsman outfit, he picks up the leather pouch containing his voting sigil and attaches the pouch to his belt, and tucks a wax tablet under his arm. With a last look around, he steps out of his sanctum, turning to gaze through the portal once more at his own, personal space. A smile comes to his face at the possibilities that lie within that room, and he glances to his sanctum marker that now graces the doorway. With a bounce in his step, he quickly turns and heads up the stairs to the gathering council.

Stepping onto the second landing, Bjorn looks about the council room and a thrill of anticipation ripples through him. His first council session will also be the very first at this new covenant! Eager to begin the first meeting, he nods to Acacius, and walks over and stands behind an empty chair, to excited to sit just yet.

Siobhan is one of the later arrivals. She has been getting lost in the work for her lab and making sure she knows where everything is. Eventually she realizes how late it was getting and grabs her sigil and her initial notes of ideas for the faire. The first thing the group is going to have to do is arrange for supply of parchment and vellum to write upon whether made here or brought in from outside as it will get used rapidly.

She smiles as she enters the chamber.

"I told ya ye old fool! They stored the ale downstairs to keep it cool!" comes the echoing and shrill voice of Tessa down the stairs from the first landing.

"Well be a good lass and get me an ale then!" comes the echoing roar of Agitatus.

"Hah! That'll be the day, get it yerself y'old bastard!". Tessa's voice and her footsteps recede back up the stairs and out of the covenant as Aggie's doddering steps and grumbling voice continue down. Rhodri makes his entrance at the stairs from the lower levels, looking slightly winded. He looks around and listens for Aggie's footsteps.

"He's coming right? I told him about the council meeting and he told me to go to hell. So I asked Tessa to think of a way to get him down here once we were ready." Rhodri sees a long shadow coming down the stairs and hurries to an empty chair. Moments later Agitatus ex Tytalus appears in the entrance of the stairs leading to the first landing. He looks about suspiciously for a few moments.

"This is a hell of a place to put a tavern. What the Hell's going on?" he finally asks. Rhodri stays very quiet.

Siobhan walks over to Aggie and smiles. She leans up to give him a kiss on the check like he was a parent or relative. There are many sorts of magic in the world and that of a woman to a man is one that parma doesn't protect. "I am so glad you could join us. We are just sitting down to discuss the covenant and pick who will watch over things and other details of the covenant.

Agitatus blushes slightly and harumphs. "Well...there'd better be ale down here." he says finally and takes a seat. Rhodri is already passing around mugs, at least that part of the ruse was correct, a keg of ale was stored down in the cooler recesses under the earth. Agitatus takes his ale and leans back in his seat.

"Well...what then are we doing?"

Rhodri unrolls a scroll he had prepared. "Well, I wrote down a few things that need to be done. We need to elect a Steward, or Seneschal, or what have you. We need to name the Covenant. I suggest Celebritas Occultes, Secret Celebration. We also need to cast the Aegis on the upcoming Spring Equinox. There are no doubt other important items that need to be discussed. These are just a few that come to mind.

"I'd also like to take the time to again thank you Master Agitatus for both gathering us and then casting the spell to create the labs." he raises his mug in a toast.

Acacius seems hesitant but then decides to take the word. I have a few things that I wish to address to this council. I have stated a herb garden as you know but I have a long term plan and that is to start a hospital that will spread knowledge and cure those who needs it. For this plan I will need some silver. Perhaps the real question is, how much mundane resource can I ask of the covenant? And should we have rules that allow us magi to have an allowance that we could use at our own wishes. I intend to find locals that wish to learn the art of healing.

This plan is some time into the future as I need to catch up on my medicine studies… Now that brings me to another thing… Books for our library… Perhaps we should set of some resources to buy some books. Personally I have a interest to find some book in the mundane academic field.

Oh yes, there was another thing… How about or work for the common good… We should make sure that we make our covenfolks life easier by providing magical light, fresh air, water and perhaps even magical heat… I thought that I might invent a spell that would create a spell that gives magical light, like the one I created when we explored the covenant. Acacius blushes. I am sorry I guess I started rambling now… Now what do you think my soldaes?

Siobhan speaks softly "Before we allocate any resources. Here are the first questions. First, how much silver do we actually have currently. What do we need for buying food, building supplies for the clan, food for the clan, parchment for lab texts. What income sources do we have exactly and what are they worth. What do we need to buy to arrange proper tents and pavilions for an autumn mage fair?" She knows we all have ambitions nad desires but before people start pursuing their pet projects and something new, let's figure out how much is free to be spent.

OOC: it seems to be all my character's duties to be practical.

Yes that would be nice to know… can’t say I have a clue… Acacius sighs then turns to Rhodri. Do you know how our silver flow is…? If not then perhaps we should find out so that we don’t run into trouble. If our books are not up to date then perhaps we shall discuss a few other things. Now is there any one who wish to be our leader..? I can’t say that I long for that assignment.

Bjorn glances about the table at his fellow magi. "I certainly don't want to be leader, not that we know what being leader will entail as of yet. But usually it means spending a lot of time out of the lab taking care of the covenant's problems. Does anyone want to be Steward?" He looks pointedly at Rhodri and Siohban, figuring Agitatus would never volunteer for something like that.

"I don't mind Celebritas Occultes as a name for this place, but I'd hate being stuck with it if the Tribunal should decide that the fair should move somewhere else or be cancelled altogether. What about Terra Occultes*, Secret Earth, or something along those lines?"

*My poor attempt at Latin. Feel free to correct me.

Siohban perhaps you would do us the honour to be our steward? You seem to have a keen mind and a skill to handle our more practical affairs. Acacius turns to Siohban and awaits her response. Oh and I agree on any name for our covenant.

Aggie takes a pull off his mug and tosses his Sigil onto the table with a clatter.

"Whoever is the Steward or whatver you call it can have that. As long as it ain't me!"

Rhodri wrings his hands. "I feel I'm a bit too young to take on the responsibility. I'd like to see someone else do it first so I can learn from the experience."

Bjorn turns to Siohban as well, waiting for her response. "If you don't want to be in charge for the first year, it looks like we are going to have to put everyone's name in a hat and draw on that way."

Aggie seems bored and takes a long look around the chamber, obviously not all that familiar with it since he spends his time above ground. "Ach...the lad from Ex Miscellenea...Acacius right?" he says as he snaps his fingers. "Why not you lad? You found the place, ye've scouted it. Why not be the Regent? Ye can stay and handle all your little...gardens and what not."

Rhodri nods at that. "That's an excellent idea! The Regent should be staying close to the Covenant anyway, you'd be able to pursue your interests and handle the affairs. The grogs are already accustomed to you. I nominate Acacius!"

"Seconded." Aggie mutters as he gets up to get another ale.

"Will you accept the nomination Acacius?" asks Rhodri.

SIobhan who had been silent thinking she was going to get roped into it is very glad to see attention turn away from her. "I think he would be great at it."

Acacius face takes on a red hue and he tries to speak. Well I… Don’t know… I would be most honoured but are you sure..? I can take the first year but by then I am sure that someone else would take the task as I am not sure that I am a leader. I don’t know if I am the best to deal with the covenfolk after all they did not seem to like me while we travelled here. A short pause of breath. I accept the nomination but I am convinced that anyone of you my soldaes would be better suited for this responsibility.

Rhodri clears his throat. "Well, let us be official and proper. There is a motion and it is seconded for Acacius Ex Miscellenea to be our Regent. Are there any other motions for any other Magi that might be considered? Let us know now before we call a vote."

"I say we call for vote now and I vote Aye for him. Of course we will have to see about selecting from the clan or others that come, suitable people to handle more of the chores and duties that being regent is no more than a short time each day getting reports." Siobhan is certain about that.

"Aye! Get on with it for Christ's sake!" snaps Aggie. "Aye, let the Ex Misk run it. That's my vote."

Rhodri shrugs and then raises his sigil. "Aye. Let Acacius be the Regent."