Note that D:Meal effectively already exists!
You just need the Minor Virtue Performance Magic (TMRE p.29), using the Craft ability Cooking. You can then cast your magic with D:Performance (equivalent to D:Conc in level) and it lasts for as long as your delighted guests keep munching and you keep serving them food.
A 40 watt bulb produces approximately 30 candelas (SI unit). A common wax candle emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one candela, so 30 candles.
In particular, the Base Guideline is probably 3: roughly torchlight, certainly more than candlelight (Base 2) and significantly less than sunlight on a cloudy day (Base 4). While the Range is Touch, and the Duration is Sun, the Target is Individual, as it's an Individual light. So the final Level is 10 (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun).
Essentially Lamp without Flame (ArM5 p.140) with longer Duration and weaker light intensity.
They would obviously not synchronise with other clocks. Clocks are simulations, and magi depend on the true, celestial time to know when their magic expires. So if they were to have clocks, they would make clocks to synchronise with the sun and the moon.