Abe's Ideas

My last idea was a non-magical idea!

So was mine.

any weird books out there?

Ars Magica - core book.

I was so tempted to post that, but I restrained myself. Nice to see that I wasn't the only one who thought those words.

It took me months, but I no longer have much restraint toward Abe.

To explain why I cannot put it better than Timothy did here.

so im stupid at this game dosn't mean I can't produce good ideas from time to time.

From time to time, I agree. Less than you might imagine though.

Happy Holidays Abe

Fixed your typo.

To be honest, I found some of your ideas very funny, mostly because they were so off-topic, but none of them were good, nor of any use in an Ars Magica game.

And I'm quite convinced you're not stupid either. It's been fun, let's move on.

I second that notion!

It continues to worry me that people openly condemn how one person enjoys role playing, as if they alone had a monopoly on the only way to have fun.

I've seen ideas far, far less useful than some of Abe's scattered about on these boards, but no one felt obliged to savage those contributors, much less continually stalk and openly flame them after decrying them, as if it were a competition.

Abe's ideas are useful to me by contrast, or by opening a door to a tangential thought (enchanting temporary foodstuffs like applesauce, for instance.)

If Abe's contributions are a bit confused or confusing to some, he makes up for that in sheer enthusiasm, and good will and tolerance for those who disagree with him. And that's more than many of us can say for ourselves.

Cuchulainshound, you do make a just case.

But I have to add that what makes most of us annoyed at Abe is unrelated to how he plays or what he enjoys ingame, but how he acts on the board. And that is all that counts - not what your gaming preferences are.

He asks for responses and many people have spent many hours helping him, just to find that he has not read the rules nor intend to, and most of all that he asks for help repeatedly and takes no effort in listening to people who spent a lot of time answering those calls. And that he stuffs the sticky threads with completely unrelevant material. Moreso it ticks several people off that he comes off as faking certain challenges, and thus makes a heartless jest on behalf of the people truely suffering from such.

Call me a bastard, but I have little tolerance left for Abe, and it took me a long time to get there.

I have yet to see any group that has anything but dissension due to Abe.

The arguments and ill-feeling generated by response to his so-called "ideas"
far outweigh any value they might have in and of themselves.

thanks for the kind words as follows

again thanks!

I thought the original more correct...

new spell-icefall
tell me if this is better than my other posts,please!

  1. "Far" is a range, not a target. So, do you want "Sight" or "Far"?
  2. You never say what your spells are supposed to do. How do you expect us to adjudicate them?
  3. Why level 25? Be specific.

sorry I meant sight
& your right 20 would work better.
this spell is suppost to create a instant & daylong hailstorm.

Now, what is the target?

Why? Explain how you arrive at that number.
And no, it is not supposed to be a guess, you should know that by now.

Why didn't you say so in the first place? Weather is Auram. Read the guidelines.