Adventures in Brief

Mom, can I be of any help?

Other than that I don't think Bravery would interact or participate. Unless of course his mother sends him.

I also started two threads, Conversations in the library

Sandor is definitely opposed to using "his" forces to defend Honor's lands. "Strategically unsound. All these veterans are well-known to Roger's forces. I am very well-known to Roger himself, and to all of southern Italy. To send us to oppose him would likely ignite a war again, Roger could not afford to have the Knight of Siderno rebel, and some of those who have already bent the knee would rise. It's an avoidable disaster, frankly. And I choose not to do so as well. He is my liege lord, after all. Sandor stares proudly at the Council. Bah, Roger knows that you are a wizardly cabal, engage him on that level. Mayhap Count Honor and his lands are cursed, and thus undesirable, maybe they prevent the curse from spreading, ehh? Extol some esoteric value he has to you, useless to a King, but valuable for wizards to steward in his stead. Looking at Honor Maybe hint he is poor as well, and with few men-at-arms to defend his feeble possessions, eh, Honor, none to spare? How are your accounts, time to dab the walls and the faces with the wattle and the mud to sell the ruse, ha! Really missed the boat on this one, the estates were there for the taking, 10 years of this, man!

Lady A is much more diplomatic and gentle, she counsels against the loss of life in battle, directly opposing Roger not in defense of the Covenant is forbidden by the Code, and would squander all the influence and favor they currently have earned with the sovereign. Diplomacy and the currying of favors and the narration of varying levels of truth is the way forward, she believes, together with a dose of subtlety, magical suggestions and timely illusions. Surely this council cannot countenance a military endeavor, or even worse, magical warfare, save as a ruse.

Gloriana is ready to aid her sister maga, in a support capacity, but she cannot break the Code. We can find ways to skirt it, though! Trickery and subtlety make sense to her to handle this situation.

Andros dislikes this arrogant Sandor fellow, but it seems he and his mother make sense. No troops. He will aid in indirect and supportive ways, but will not help directly unless the course forward is diplomatic/tricky/behind-the scenes.

Danaë is all for intrigue and back-room deals. "I know some people! We can certainly bribe the officers, but will they keep their mouth shut? They never do, but certainly can all meet with unfortunate accidents, after the deal is done! Yea, because the knights charging the king's troops might be glorious, but yes, breaking the Code! And several Quaesitors nearby, slipperiest of slopes! " No troops. Danaë has Area Lore Italy 6 with spec on Nobility, how are Honor's lands, are they rich, are they just average, any likely useful legend? Are his peasants loyal? Didn't he look a terror not long ago (no offense meant!), so this curse idea might fit the narrative?

The lands are a fairly typical manorial estate, producing 20 pounds of silver per year in revenue through goods, services of peasants and food. It covers 1 square mile in total.

Aurthor, Arduino and Pazzino will don't have adventures this year.

Will update for all! Welcome back!

  1. helping the Guernicu: winter, one cycle, social, challenge 12
  2. faerie noble: winter, one cycle, magic challenge:9
  3. Gloriana's search for resonant materials: one cycle, magic, challenge 18
  4. Honor's defense - fall 1 cycle investigation, challenge:8
  5. war(ish) a) 1 cycle (outdoors) ch:12 b) 1 cycle (combat) ch:12 c) 2 cycles (commerce/goodwill, outdoor) ch:6 d) 2 cycles (legal/diplomatic, outdoor) ch:9 e) 1 cycle (combat) ch:6 f) 3 cycles (combat, magic, combat) ch:9
    g) 3 cycles (magic, legal/diplomatic, commerce/goodwill) ch:9

unlikely to actually use g), apparently simply getting there with a show of force is often enough to accomplish these goals...

Updated! But, added only to 1 adventure in Winter, Gloriana forbids Winter adventures for Sybilla and Mercurio, am assuming they both still go to Sybilla's one (as Mercurio was after that action), playing hooky. Does Mercurio still go to adventure 1?

Hehe, edited just moments before.

silveroak, questions:

Had removed Mercurio from 1 awaiting raccoonmask's response about

but now difficulty and cycles have been rolled. Should I just add him back?

Also, Sandor had put his "Managing Holdings" season in Spring in the Google sheet, assuming the War was done. Can he then preempt another season in 1140 to do the Managing action?

Is the Honor's defense challenge of 8 or 18? Cause it says 8, but that doesn't seem right...

Mercurio is more interested in Gloriana and Sybilla than the people going on adventure 1, so will stay and work with the ladies.

Honor's defense should be challenge 9. I don't know what my fingers were thinking.

Danae: Intrigue (6)+Int(2)+Assist(1)+Stress(0)=9, no botch, botch check(3)
Aegis: Second Sight(6)+Per(3)+Stress(4)=13, Success!
Danae: Folk Ken(5)+Com(5)+Stress(7)=17 Success!

The men of a nearby noble, one of Rodger's Lackeys, sends men to nearby towns on "vacation" as a blatant scouting attempt. The women of the group easily "disguise" themselves and get plenty of information out of the noble's men. The noble is in charge of the campaign to intimidate/check on Honor. Anna has decided to call the noble Rackey. Disturbingly Anna and Aegis notice a ambition spirit hovering nearby one of the men, and Anna notices two more of the men have imps whispering in their ears.

There wasn't anything implicitly infernal about this and I don't see how merely noticing infernal spirits prodding Roger's me would resolve the issue. The fact that it can be resolved through investigation alone implies a lack of complications, not excess layers, and while there certainly can be people in Roger's service who are influenced by infernal spirits the plot itself is a natural consequence of your decision to stay out of the conflicts.

Okay two things:

  1. I had assumed this was only quest one out of a potential series of quests. Is that not true? Is this supposed to be dealt with?
  2. I wasn't thinking of this as an infernal sourced plot, but opportunistic imps and spirits encouraging what was already there. They act as confirmation that these people are the investigators. Does that make more sense?


3 ) Glorianas search for resonant materials- fall one cycle, magic, challenge 18 Gloriana/MR/Francesco/Mercurio/Phillippe Huntsman/ Sybilla/Danaë

1)Danaë Penetration 7 + 5 Sta + 3 Aid (Gloriana 3/MR 4/Francesco 0/Sybilla 0/Mercurio 0/Phillippe Huntsman 0) + _: 1D10 = [6] = 6 = 21, success
2)Gloriana's Exeunt to Weal or Woe [ReCo 40, +55] + _: 1D10 = [5] = 5 = success
3)Gloriana Magic theory 17 + 5 Int + 13 Aid (Danaë 0/MR 7/Francesco 3/Mercurio 8/Phillippe Huntsman 1/Sybilla 7) + _: 1D10 = [4] = 4 = 39, success

Adventure is a success, lasts 19 days, provides 10 xp, 1 Confidence, 2 Rewards:
•Gloriana Resonant materials for Fertility Lore Arcane skill
•Gloriana 6 Co vis personal

Under the guidance of Danaë and Phillippe, the group reaches quickly a hidden complex of caves in the Sierra San Bruno. Local hedge magicians have rumors of cult activity that seems exactly what Gloriana seeks. The actual caves are shallow, but a regio is quickly found. The air is heady, musky, the walls full of whispers, and somehow soft as caresses. It is very disorienting, and only Mother Rabbit and Gloriana (who has a very high Co and Me, along with her Parma) are completely unaffected. Shadowy figures appear and try to kidnap and separate the members of the group, but Danaë manages to ward different areas, including the entrance, and get through the MR of these beings, separating them. Gloriana banishes them outside the cave, where their powers are much lessened, and were they cannot regain their spent Might. They finally confront a slightly taller being who claims to be Janus; obviously a Faerie version. They arrive at an understanding, and agree to destroy their wards and leave, and allow his servants to return, after a discussion on Magic fertility and they pick up things useful for Gloriana's tome. The creature is pleased by her commitment to Fertility (beginnings) and her association with Roman priests (Neo Mercurians). Penetration, Exeunt to Weal or Woe, Magic Theory success


2 ) Sybilla overhears from faerie hiding in her bower how a certain Lady, widowed by the war fairly recently, is in fact a faerie who plans to torment her suitors while Roger endeavors to find her a replacement husband and settle her estates. (winter, one cycle, magic challenge:9) Sybilla, Mercurio, Sandor, Hanbal, Noll, Patrice, Rudolph the Huntsman

1) Mercurio Faerie Lore 5 + 3 Int + 3 Aid (Sybilla 1/Sandor 1/Hanbal 0/Noll 0/Patrice/Rudolph the Huntsman 4) + _: 1D10 = [6] = 6 = 17, success
2)Sybilla Second Sight 4 + 1 Per + 1 Aid (Mercurio 2/Sandor 0/Hanbal 0/Noll 0/Patrice 0/Rudolph the Huntsman 0) + _: 1D10 = [2] = 2 + 3 Confidence = 11, success
3)Patrice's Enchanting Music 5 + 4 Pre + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, _: 1D10 = [5] = 5 = 19, success

Adventure is entirely successful, lasts 10 days, provides 6 xp, 1 Confidence (Sybilla spent 1), 2 Rewards:
•Notch on Hook
•Mercurio 1 reward

"Forewarned is forearmed". Sybilla confides in her dear friend Mercurio about this Faerie rumor, and both decide to skip Lab routines for "a few days, Mother won't be angry, will she?" to investigate "for the greater good"! They gather Patrice and Rudolph, and in an effort to learn what they can about this estate and the Lady, Sybilla talks to Sandor about it. Big mistake! The smiling meanie invites himself and his two [strike]tools[/strike] friends Noll and Hanbal. The scheming Sandor effortlessly belittles and mocks Sybilla's efforts at every opportunity; still, he and his cronies have useful information about the area and their military bearing frightens off any would be robbers. Mercurio reviews what he knows about Faerie signs and portents, even Sandor knows a little about this. They arrive at Lady V. Nera's state, and the Knight of Siderno " and his servants" are given a glad welcome. Infuriating! The Lady, a relatively young and enchanting woman with flawless complexion and overlong tresses sets immediately about to seducing Sandor and plying his two minions with spirits (wine). The others are left to investigate the place. Sybilla and Mercurio catch glimpses that things are not what they seem. At times the place seems far more ruined, dirty, and overgrown, often in the corner of their eyes. Some of the servants also appear to be nothing more than bags of clothing filled with straw. When staring at the Lady, an afterimage imprints in her brain, a far more cruel, gaunt and toothy vision! The actual peasants are furtive and secretive, and they seem to greatly fear their mistress. Sybilla and Patrice notice that no songs or music are heard, and they check with Mercurio. A clear sign of a Faerie that might be revealed by such means! They check in with Sandor and his brutes, who are busy stuffing themselves with food and drink, and let them know about the plan. In the middle of the presentation for the next overstuffed meal, Sandor announces a gift for the Lady, and Patrice is ushered in quickly. The Lady's face changes slightly, but once Patrice starts playing and singing, she seems transfixed. The house itself starts looking more and more like a ruin, many of the servants become inanimate, broken bags of clothing, and the meal becomes worms and sawdust. Sandor, Noll and Hanbal start choking and vomiting. Lady V. Nera is a withered husk with long claws and beady eyes. Sybilla confronts her, and threatens to cage her and tour every city in Southern Italy with Patrice playing a ditty that forces her to dance and reveal her true visage to leering audiences. The creature agrees to leave and never take this ravenous shape again. Sandor and his minions are somewhat more subdued on the way back, although the Knight still smiles and jokes, this time at the expense of his "useless" buddies. Sybilla is all smiles and hugs with Mercurio, Patrice and Rudolph. Faerie Lore, Second Sight, Enchanting Music success

No, this is not a start of a series of plots, it is in fact a historical event- in 1140 following his successes in Apulia against the Holy Roman Empire and Innocent II Roger II left his sons to consolidate his power in Calabria and Apulia and bring to heel those who failed to support him. Your lack of support would have been a minor part of this, and discovering imps infiltrating his ranks could have resolved the issue in several ways, including revealing corrupted agents to their superiors and gaining leniency in penalties before swearing fealty to Roger.

A Guernicus mage has been asked to investigate claims of diabolism where he has a potential conflict of interest, and has asked the covenant to supply an investigator in his place, for which he will be indebted to them. (winter, one cycle, social, challenge 12) Anna, Fang and Aegis, Sandor and his [strike]thugs[/strike] friends Hanbal and Noll

1) Sandor Charm 3 + 5 Pre + 7 aid (Anna 4/Fang 2/Aegis 5/Hanbal 2/Noll 2) + _: 1D10 = [5] = 5 = 20, success
2) Sandor Folk Ken 5 + 1 Per + 5 aid (Anna 3/Fang 2/Aegis 1/Hanbal 2/Noll 2) +_: 1D10 = [10] = 10, bah, _: 1D10 = [9] = 9, no botch , + 3 Confidence = 14, success
3) Fang's Gaze of the Wolf auto-success

Adventure lasts 13 days, provides 7 xp, 1 Conf (Sandor spent 1), 2 Rewards:
•Notch on Hook
•Anna Reward

Soon the reason behind the Guernicus's conflict rears its head: his wife's extended family of merchants is the one suspected of diabolism! The Quaesitor indicates that this is a power play from a Covenant that has been up on charges and under investigation before by himself, so this is a belated vengeance. Anna is on the case! Sandor and his pals tag along, as they are well-armed and well-known after Roger's war. Sandor himself is curious about the Order's inner workings. He seeks perhaps to position himself as Roger's go to for supernatural experts. They swiftly arrive at Naples, where the family is an important and influential faction. This family is initially both obsequious and extremely hostile and private. Anna is off to investigate the magical traces, and look at the individual members for demonic riders. Sandor takes a different tack, and organizes a feast, at their expense, where he proceeds to charm and impress people left and right. Noll and Hanbal organize a room for private interviews, where well-dined and somewhat drunk family agents are quizzed in a friendly manner. After finding some likely candidates for further questioning, these are taken to a smaller room where Fang keeps them quiescent until Anna and Aegis can further use the Second Sight to suss out actual demons. Nothing is really found, this round, and they report back to the Quaesitor with the (hopefully) good news. No limbs were broken, this time.
Charm, Folk Ken, Gaze of the Wolf success

I see that the list of who was going on which adventure was edited on the 26th, after the posting of adventures on the 25th, and included characters I had already advanced as not having adventures. This is frustrating on two levels- one is that the advancement had been completed, the other is that your teams need to be decided before they know what is included in the adventure, since part of going on an adventure is not knowing what to expect.
I am trying to decide what to do about this, since I made sure everyone had posted before I posted the adventures, and I feel that letting it slide is counter-productive. On the other hand I don't have a history of what the pre-edited post was. I am also distressed because a great deal of what makes this game possible is based on an honor system which I feel has been violated.