[After the Fall] Support and Saga Discussion

Well, 5 nights or so into After The Fall. We're still in the prelude, really, but things are lining up well. I'm still trying to manage my pacing better and keep everyone involved. The Tribunal was the most fun, I've been told, since everyone was there to act and debate instead of people running off and dragging attention away.

I still need a good name and title for the Rhinegraf. I've danced around the issue, and wanted something historically, vaguely accurate.

I'll most likely have things up to date by today or tomorrow...

Also, I'll post character sheets.


Caliana Zarqa

Covenant: Konvent der Drei Silberne Ringe

Saga: After the Fall

Characteristics: Int +2 (Cunning), Per +3 (Discerning), Pre +2 (Charismatic), Com +2 (Eloquent), Str -2 (Delicate), Sta +1 (Strong-Willed), Dex 0 (Graceful), Qik -2 (Deliberate)

Size: 0

Age: 26 (26), Height: 5'7'', Weight: 130 lbs, Gender: Female

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Educated, Enchanting Music, Gentle Gift, Free Expression (Bonus: +3 to create new work of art), Venus' Blessing (Bonus: +3 Com and Pre with sexually compatible characters), Puissant Enchanting Music, Privileged Upbringing, Improved Characteristics, Puissant Rego, Busybody, Black Sheep, Necessary Condition (Must Sing), Social Handicap (Foreign Ways and Looks), Weakness (Flattery), Susceptibility to Infernal Power

Personality Traits: Nosy +3, Ambitious +3, Meddlesome +3

Reputations: Bad Reputation 2


Dodge: Init: -2, Attack --, Defense -2, Damage --

Fist: Init: -2, Attack +0, Defense -2, Damage -2

Kick: Init: -3, Attack +0, Defense -3, Damage +1

Soak: +1

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Abilities: Arabic 5 (Musical Terms), Latin 4 (Flowery), Etiquette 1 (Moorish), Enchanting Music 3, German 2, Concentration 1 (Focused) (2), Finesse 2 (Mentem) (2), Artes Liberales 2 (Music), Parma Magica 1 (Mental Protection), Charm 2 (Opposite Sex), Folk Ken 2 (Nobles), Guile 2, Carouse 1 (Drinking Songs), Music 3 (Singing), Code of Hermes 1 (Mundane Relations), Penetration 2 (Mentem), Magic Theory 2 (Quick Study) (6)

Arts: Cr 6, Pe 5, In 3, Mu 5, Re 10+3, An 0, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 12, He 0, Ig 0, Im 2, Me 10, Te 0, Vi 5


Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5) +26

Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5) +26

Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +26

Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20) +24

Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 20) +24

The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20) +21

Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15) +16

Prying Eyes (InIm 5) +6

The Gift of Vigor (ReCo 20) +26

One or two characters had some minor issues overlooked. Caliana is a Moor, but her flaws are not too intense - no Outsider, for example. Her "Foreign Ways and Looks" will probably be modified into something else. She's very pretty, and so that's being used to overlook some of her foreignness. It may well be that women are REALLY distrustful of her due to her appearance.


Magnus Erikson

Covenant: Konvent der Drei Silberne Ringe

Saga: After the Fall

Characteristics: Int +2 (Cunning), Per 0 (Wary), Pre 0 (Intimidating), Com -2 (Overly Aggressive), Str 0 (Strong Grip), Sta +2 (Rugged), Dex +1 (Nimble-fingered), Qik +2 (Hawklike)

Size: 0

Age: 26 (26), Height: 6'3'', Weight: 200 lbs, Gender: Male

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 2 (5)

Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Affinity with Penetration, Enduring Constitution (Resist Pain: +3), Puissant Penetration, Strong-Willed (Will Rolls: +3), Tough (Soak: +3), Elemental Magic, Fast Caster (Initiative: +3 to cast spells in combat), Hermetic Magus, Self-Confident (Confidence: +1), Weak Enchanter, Short Attention Span, Incomprehensible, Overconfident, Fury (Enraged: +3 damage, -1 on all other scores)

Personality Traits: Aggressive +3, Overconfident +3, Arrogant +3


Dodge: Init: +2, Attack --, Defense +4, Damage --

Magnus' Jutlander Axe: Init: +2, Attack +7, Defense +4, Damage +6

Fist: Init: +2, Attack +3, Defense +4, Damage +0

Kick: Init: +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Damage +3

Soak: +5

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, 0, -2, -4, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20) (total penalties reduced by 1)

Abilities: West Norse 5 (Fighting Talk), German 2, Athletics 2 (Running), Brawl 2 (Grappling), Swim 2 (diving), Survival 3 (Coastal), Awareness 3 (alertness), Carouse 1 (staying sober), Folk Ken 1 (peasants), Hunt 1 (tracking), Code of Hermes 1 (wizards' marches), Concentration 1 (spell concentration), Penetration 3 (Ignem), Single Weapon 1 (Axe), Parma Magica 1 (Ignem), Magic Theory 3 (Elements) (4), Latin 4 (academic usage), Artes Liberales 1 (ritual magic)

Arts: Cr 7, In 3, Mu 5, Pe 5, Re 0, An 0, Aq 3, Au 6, Co 5, He 0, Ig 5, Im 0, Me 0, Te 6, Vi 5


Encumbrance: 1 (1)

Spells Known:

Palm of Flame (CrIg 5) +14

Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20) +14

Creeping Oil (CrAq 15) +12

Charge of the Angry Winds (CrAu 15) +15

True Sight of the Air (InAu 15) +11

Footsteps of Slippery Oil (CrAq 5) +12

Pit of the Gaping Earth (PeTe 15) +13

Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 10) +12

The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (CrCo 20) +16

"Renaldo de la Forêt"

Covenant: Konvent der Drei Silberne Ringe

Saga: After the Fall

Characteristics: Int +5 (Brilliant), Per +1 (Discerning), Pre -1 (Unassuming), Com 0 (Plain-Spoken), Str 0 (Soft), Sta +1 (Hardy), Dex -1 (Uncoordinated), Qik +1 (Nervous Speed)

Size: 0

Age: 19 (19), Height: 5'9'', Weight: 195 lbs, Gender: Male

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Flawless Magic (Study Totals: Doubled for spell mastery), Great Intelligence, Life Boost, Book Learner (Book Quality: +3), Affinity with Magic Theory, Arcane Lore, Mastered Spells, Hermetic Magus, Puissant Magic Theory, Necessary Condition (Must not be watched by Mages.), Magical Animal Companion (Crow, Size: -2, Might: 12), Soft-Hearted, Fear (Darkness), Dark Secret: Pretender, Deficient Form (Aquam)

Personality Traits: Careful +3, Compassionate +3, Independent +3


Dodge: Init: +1, Attack --, Defense +3, Damage --

Fist: Init: +1, Attack +1, Defense +3, Damage +0

Kick: Init: +0, Attack +1, Defense +2, Damage +3

Soak: +1

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Abilities: French 5 (Instructional), Area Lore 2 (Rhine Tribunal) (5), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 1 (Fashion), Brawl 2 (Knavish ), Charm 2 (Ingratiating), Legerdemain 1 (filching), Guile 2 (lying to authority) (4), Latin 5 (academic usage) (4), Concentration 1 (Quick Study), Swim 1, Code of Hermes 1, Artes Liberales 2, Parma Magica 1, Magic Theory 6 (learning spells), Finesse 1 (Herbam)

Arts: Cr 5, In 3, Mu 2, Pe 3, Re 4, An 4, Aq 2, Au 2, Co 2, He 6, Ig 3, Im 2, Me 2, Te 3, Vi 3


Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15) +13, Mastery 1 (penetration)

Blunt the Viper's Fangs (PeAn 15) +9, Mastery 1 (penetration)

Bridge of Wood (CrHe 20) +13, Mastery 1 (fast casting)

Rope of Bronze (MuHe(Te) 15) +7, Mastery 1 (still casting)

Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron (MuHe(Te) 20) +7, Mastery 1 (multiple casting)

Shriek of the Impending Shafts (InHe 15) +11, Mastery 1 (fast casting)

Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5) +13, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Repel the Wooden Shafts (ReHe 10) +12, Mastery 1 (fast casting)

Ward Against the Beasts of Legend (ReAn 17) +10, Mastery 1 (penetration)

Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5) +11, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10) +11, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Coils of the Entangling Plants (ReHe 20) +12, Mastery 1 (penetration)

Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5) +10, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5) +10, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5) +8, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10) +10, Mastery 1 (penetration)


Covenant: Konvent der Drei Silberne Ringe

Saga: After the Fall

Characteristics: Int +4 (Open-Minded), Per 0 (Tiny Details), Pre 0 (Intimidating), Com 0 (Methodical), Str +4 (Strong Hands), Sta +1 (Staying Awake), Dex +1 (Fine Work), Qik 0 (Eating)

Size: 2

Age: 26 (26), Height: 7'0'', Weight: 290 lbs, Gender: Male

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Giant Blood, Inventive Genius (Invent Lab Totals: +3), Hermetic Magus, Affinity with Woodworking, Affinity with Goldsmith, Great Intelligence, Verditius Magic, Puissant Goldsmith, Improved Characteristics (×2), Diabolic Past, Weakness (Underdogs), Deficient Form (Mentem), Deficient Form (Imaginem), Driven (Prove your past is behind you and you are loyal to the Order.), Susceptibility to Divine Power

Personality Traits: Dependable +3, Artistic +3, Loyal +3


Dodge: Init: +0, Attack --, Defense +2, Damage --

Fist: Init: +0, Attack +3, Defense +2, Damage +4

Kick: Init: -1, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +7

Soak: +1

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-7), -3 (8-14), -5 (15-21), Incapacitated (22-28)

Abilities: Spanish 5 (Craft Terms), Athletics 2 (Jumping), Brawl 2 (Outnumbered), Swim 2 (Rough Seas), Infernal Lore 1 (Diabolic Cults), Magic Theory 5 (Creo) (17), Jewelworking 2 (2), Parma Magica 1 (Terram), Latin 4 (Instructional), Woodworking 1 (Furniture), Finesse 1 (precision), Artes Liberales 1, Goldsmith 2 (Necklaces and Chains), Philosophiae 1

Arts: Cr 8, In 1, Mu 5, Pe 5, Re 5, An 0, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 3, He 1, Ig 5, Im 0, Me 0, Te 5, Vi 1

Equipment: Maximus' Tap (Vis Capacity: 10; Total Pawns Invested: 10; Total Effect Level: 90; Effect Name: Water Becomes The Barman's Beer; Effect Level: 15; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Unlimited use; Change the liquid passing through the tap into a purified beer.; Arts: MuAq 5; Design: Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; Effect Name: Water Becomes The Barman's Mead; Effect Level: 18; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Unlimited use, Penetration: 6; Change whatever liquid passes through the tap into mead.; Arts: MuAq 5; Design: Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; Effect Name: Water Becomes The Barman's Hot Cider; Effect Level: 18; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Ignem, Unlimited use, Penetration: 6; Whatever liquid passes through the tap is transformed into pure hot cider.; Arts: MuAq 5; Design: Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; Effect Name: Water Becomes The Barman's Red Wine; Effect Level: 20; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Unlimited use, Penetration: 10; Change a natural liquid into another natural liquid; Arts: MuAq 5; Design: Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; Effect Name: Water Becomes the Barman's Hot Lager; Effect Level: 19; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Ignem, Unlimited use, Penetration: 8; Change a natural liquid into another natural liquid; Arts: MuAq 5; Design: Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch)

Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu 5) +14

Footsteps of Slippery Oil (CrAq 5) +14

Comfort of the Drenched Traveler (PeAq 5) +11

Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 5) +7

Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 10) +11

Charge of the Angry Winds (CrAu 15) +14

Clouds of Summer Snow (CrAu 25) +14

Tremulous Vault of the Torch's Flame (ReIg 5) +11

Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20) +14

The Many-Hued Conflagration (MuIg 5) +11

The Crystal Dart (Mu(Re)Te 10) +11

Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10) +11

Reylar ("Valerian")

Covenant: Konvent der Drei Silberne Ringe

Saga: After the Fall

Characteristics: Int +3 (Witty), Per +1 (Sharp), Pre +1 (Attractive), Com 0, Str -1 (Small-Frame), Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik +1 (Fleet-footed)

Size: 0

Age: 26 (19), Height: 5'9'', Weight: 140 lbs, Gender: Male

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Deft Form (Form: Imaginem), Strong Sidhe Blood, Second Sight, Faerie Magic, Inoffensive to Animals, Puissant Imaginem, Fast Caster (Initiative: +3 to cast spells in combat), Magical Memory, Weird Magic (Botches on Stressed Casting: Extra botch die), Iron Flaw, Carefree, Faerie Upbringing, Careless Sorcerer (Spellcasting: Roll two more botch dice), Curse of Venus


Dodge: Init: +1, Attack --, Defense +3, Damage --

Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +3, Damage -1

Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +2, Damage +2

Soak: 0

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Abilities: Occitan 5 (poetry), Organization Lore 3 (18), Brawl 2 (Dodging), Second Sight 3 (regiones) (6), Guile 2 (elaborate lies), Charm 2 (Witty Jokes), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), Parma Magica 1 (Terram), Penetration 1 (Herbam), Magic Theory 3 (enchanting items), Latin 4 (academic usage), Artes Liberales 1 (rhetoric), Code of Hermes 1 (political intrigue), Legerdemain 1 (picking pockets), Faerie Lore 2 (specific types of faeries) (2), Folk Ken 1 (magi), Woodworking 1 (Decorative Carving), Bargain 1 (hard sell), Intrigue 1 (rumormongering), Awareness 1 (alertness), Music 1 (Harp), Carouse 1 (games of chance)

Arts: Cr 4, In 0, Mu 4, Pe 0, Re 4, An 4, Aq 3, Au 3, Co 4, He 4, Ig 0, Im 8+3, Me 4, Te 0, Vi 4


Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) +15

Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10) +15

Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10) +15

Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5) +15

Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +8

Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5) +8

Piercing Shaft of Wood (Mu(Re)He 10) +8

Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15) +8

Wizard's Communion (MuVi 12) +8

Ward Against the Beasts of Legend (ReAn 14) +8

Restore the Moved Image (ReIm 9) +15

Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10) +4

Its Konvent not Kovenant in german :wink:

I read the other stuff tomorrow :slight_smile:

Man, I keep getting them mixed up. I've had to reinput the characters into Metacreator twice now, and I think I slid into the bad spelling again. Sorry, and thanks for the spell check.

I'll correct it all tonight.


People will argue with me to death due to the "direct the flow of bodily energies" guideline in ReCo, but in my opinion, that's within the scope of non-ritual Creo Corpus, under the same principles as "Cause a person to reach full physical maturity over the course of a single day or night", "Give +x bonus to recovery rolls" (they "speed up" healing in the sense that you have a better chance to improve on your very first roll, reducing the length of your convalescence), and the similar "Bring a plant to maturity" in Creo Herbam.

Won't it have expired by then? There is potential in having Ms Mouse being semi-permanently connected (her nature has been permanently changed by the trade of the hair) to Reylar (faerie familiars, here we come), and later come knocking at the door of their brand new Covenant (bypassing the Aegis if needs be) along with her (extensive) family.

Cook: "Mice in my pantry!"

Renaldo du Bois, or Renaldo de la Forêt.

"Un foret", without the circumflex accent, means "a drill"... I don't think "Renaldo of the drill" was the intent here.

The Arcane Connection should have worn off, unless the Fengheld kids happen to get to it during the Tribunal. And with faeries involved, I'm not ruling anything out.

As for the circumflex over Foret, well, the player did write one on his character sheet - he made up the name, but I could not get it to reproduce in Metacreator. Actually, I might be able to with a cut and paste, but inserting the symbol wasn't working. Since my character writeups above all came from Metacreator, I was a bit stuck. I'll see what I can do.

I like the mice in the pantry idea... Heh heh...


Hold down ALT and type 0234 on the numeric pad. It works here (though directly using the appropriate keys is easier :wink: ) And it is "de la", not "du", though you could use plural and make it "des Forêts" (or "des Bois" ... in French, "Robin Hood" becomes "Robin des Bois" :slight_smile: )

And the mice could report that the Fengheld Kids "did put their hands on some of the hair, is that a bad thing?" Let the players sweat a bit.


Nice twist making the boy Murion's apprentice. :smiling_imp:

:bulb: If you run out of ideas once they're settled, you can always tell Magnus "You are bored to death and are starting to miss the exciting days of Tribunal. What are you going to do about it?" Ah, Tytalus magi, got to love them...

Have they sworn the Oath yet? Can they raise their own Parma?

It's Confidence.

Thanks Yannick. I must be thinking True20 to get that Conviction/Confidence goof. Fixed!

Lorenzo and Caliana are, I suppose, Mage Candidates - they've passed all their exams and are eligible to be wizards. An actual ceremony has not been played through, and their parma still needs to be completed.

Thanks for all your feedback and notes. Now go read about Reylar's Gauntlet. In truth I was tired and it was late. He should not have been passed, but if anyone was going to pass someone who didn't deserve it, it's Twilight-addled Astarte. So, my thought is the House might correct this error.


Well, it's up to you to decide who rules whether Reylar has passed his Gauntlet -- and whether he should get it. It is a House decision, or the master's prerogative. There is no doubt that the player bungled it, but if Astarte is as befuddled as you pointed out, she might still pass him. If he can manage to swear the Oath before his actions are pointed out, he's home free.

Of course, that's a good way to acquire the Tormenting Master flaw. As well as a possible bad reputation. Or, of course, Squire Rabbit's liege might drop by and ask for justice. There probably still is room on his character sheet for an extra story flaw or three. :wink:

If it hadn't been his Gauntlet, there would have been a case for Molesting the Fay, but the master isn't liable for the actions of his apprentice during his Gauntlet, and neither is the newly gauntleted magus liable for what he did as an apprentice.

Or Astarte could take it up to Victor that he interfered with her apprentice's Gauntlet.

Fun fun fun.

See? you need to post these great ideas by Thursday night. My game is on Fridays, so the issue is... resolved.

Posting it in a few moments...


Well, now I know. :unamused:

Haha, no problem. Thanks for reading my posts! I put up the beginning of last friday's game...


I'm not really any better, so I can't blame him. :blush:

That's a good idea, if you can convince him. You could use the swearing of the Oath as an opportunity for the players to tweak their characters a bit, now that they have some experience with the game. Reylar being conflicted between the (I guess) gentle education he received from Astarte and his darker faerie nature could be interesting... and would give a way out for the player. Astarte could have knowingly set such a Gauntlet so that he would become aware of what really lurks inside him.

If they keep asking for favors of everybody like that, they're going to end up in some trouble sooner or later.

If you're going to dedicate more time to his Gauntlet, consider handing out faeries for the other players to play.

Is he at all religious? If he has moral qualms, a secret for a secret is a fair trade.

The end result of last game will be revealed after I finish updating the thread.

As for getting the other players to be faeries, that would have been ideal. As it was, the entire second gauntlet was an improvisation. Had I known what was up with Robert, I could have perhaps been prepared. Renee, Caliana's player, said I should have let him in the house but had them say "We're watching you!", to which I'd probably tack a Bad Reputation.

In the end, I think Robert's got a grip on his character that is better than his old. So, the game was an intervention, sort of, but Robert's a problem player who using that time on is of questionable worth.

Reylar, btw, is pagan, with the Faerie Upbringing hook.

Also, I mistyped: Reylar wanted the stag, not Renaldo.


So, in my improv Gauntlet (Chapter 7, part 3 or 4?) and its fallout, Astarte used a spell that I figured she would easily be capable of having, and which would easily overcome the Parma Magica of the mage-candidates: a riddle that acted like a virus if overheard.

However, I did not actually make the spell. Anyone care to?

Typed out...