Andor ex Tremere
Size: 0
Age: 81 (30)
Height: 6’0
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 1 (5)
Warping: 3 (36)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Int: +1
Per: +0
Pre: +1
Com: +1
Str: +2
Sta: +1
Dex: +0
Qik: +0
Cautious Sorcerer
Flawless Magic
Gentle Gift
Minor Magical Focus (Certamen)
Puissant (Finesse)
Puissant (Parma Magica)
Puissant (Penetration)
Personal Vis Source
Apt Student
Driven (For the good of the House and Order)
Favors (House Tremere)
Study Requirement
Weak Spontaneous Magic
Personality Traits:
Loyal (House Tremere) +3
Reserved +2
Stoic +3
Skilled Duelist +3
Loyal Tremere +3
Animal Handling (Equines)/3/30xp
Area Lore: The Balkans (Magical Sites)/2/15xp
Artes Liberales (Rituals)/1/5xp
Athletics (Marching)/3/30xp
Awareness (Alertness)/2/15xp
Bargain (Magi)/4/50xp
Brawl (Dodging)/3/30xp
Carouse (Not Getting Drunk)/2/15xp
Charm (Magi)/4/50xp
Code of Hermes (Defense)/2/15xp
Concentration (Spells)/4/55xp
Dead Language: Latin (Hermetic Use)/4/50xp
Etiquette (Magi)/3/30xp
Finesse (Rego)/6 + 2/123xp
Folk Ken (Magi)/4/50xp
Guile (Magi)/4/50xp
Intrigue (Magi)/4/50xp
Leadership (Magi)/5/75xp
Living Language: Magyar (Storytelling)/5/Native
Magic Lore (Creatures)/1/5xp
Magic Theory (Rego)/8/201xp
Order of Hermes Lore (Certamen)/2/15xp
Parma Magica (Covering Groups)/8 + 2/215xp
Penetration (Vim)/6 + 2/105xp
Philosiphae (Rituals)/1/5xp
Profession: Scribe (Copying)/1/5xp
Profession: Soldier (Tactics)/2/15xp
Ride (Battle)/2/15xp
Single Weapon/Heater Shield/7/140xp
Survival (Mountains)/2/15xp
Swimming (Not Drowning)/2/15xp
Teaching (Magi)/1/5xp
Creo: 10 (61)
Intellego: 20 (214)
Muto: 10 (55)
Perdo: 10 (71)
Rego: 20 (215)
Animál: 10 (61)
Aquam: 10 (61)
Auram: 10 (61)
Corpus: 10 (55)
Herbam: 10 (55)
Ignem: 10 (61)
Imáginem: 10 (61)
Mentem: 20 (215)
Terram: 10 (55)
Vim: 20 (212)
Sigil: Precision
Certamen Style: Provocator
Gold: 3
Silver: 1
Bronze: 2
InAq25 Sense the Tide’s Boundary, MoH pg 75, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuAq(Co)20 Lungs of the Fish, ArM5 pg 122, Mastery 1 - Fast
InAu 25 Eyes of the Bat, ArM5 pg 125, Mastery 1 - Fast
InAu15 True Sight of the Air, ArM5 pg 125, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuCo25 Avalanche of Flesh and Steel MoH pg 49, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReCo10 Blink Step, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReCo15 Endurance of the Berserkers, ArM5, pg 134, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReCo25 Flight of the Magus, Mastery 1 - Fast
CrHe20 The Carpenter’s Aid, Mastery 1 - Withstand Casting
InHe15 Shriek of the Impending Shafts, ArM5 pg 136, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuHe15 Aegis of Unbreakable Wood HoH:S pg 36, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeHe10, Incantation of the Quiet Crossbowman (Voice), Net Wizard's Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
InIm15 The Overheard Conversation, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuIm10 Aura of Beguiling Appearance, HoH:S pg 96, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuIm10 Aura of Childlike Innocence, HoH:S pg 96, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuIm10 Aura of Ennobled Presence, ArM5 pg 145, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuIm3 The Kraken’s Song (Concentration), MoH pg 76, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReIm10 Wizard’s Sidestep, ArM5 pg 147, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeMe20, Dissolving the Wall of Shields, HoH:S pg 70, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReMe35 Enslave the Mortal Mind, ArM5 pg 152, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReMe10 The Call to Slumber, ArM5 pg 151, Mastery 1 - Fast
CrTe20 The Stonemason’s Aid, Mastery 1 - Withstand Casting
CrTe20 The Smith’s Aid, Mastery 1 - Withstand Casting
CrTe20 Wall of Protecting Stone (Concentration), ArM5 pg 153, Mastery 1 - Fast
InTe15 Howl of the Steel Weapon, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuTe10 A Window of Singular Direction, HoH:TL pg 141, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuTe15 A Window of Singular Direction (Stone), HoH:TL pg 141, Mastery 1 - Fast
MuTe25 Hardness of Adamantite HoH:S pg 36, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeTe30 Hauberk of Sublime Lightness HoH:S pg 37, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeTe10 Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years, ArM5 pg 155, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReTe10 Invisible Sling of Vilano, HoH:S pg 38, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReTe15 The Instant Ring Fort, MoH pg 50, Mastery 1 - Fast
InVi20 Piercing the Faerie Veil, ArM5 pg 158, Mastery 1 - Fast
InVi20 Piercing the Magical Boundary (as above, for Magic Realm), Mastery 1 - Fast
InVi40 Sight of the Active Magic, ArM5, pg 159, Mastery 1 - Penetration
PeVi5 Bane of the Fae, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Bane of the Fae, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 3 (35xp) - Adaptive, Multi, Penetration
PeVi5 Demon’s Eternal Oblivion, ArM5 pg 160, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Demon’s Eternal Oblivion, ArM5 pg 160, Mastery 3 (35xp) - Adaptive, Multi, Penetration
PeVi30 Lancea Magica, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 3 (35xp) - Resistance, Penetration, Unraveling
PeVi25 Masking the Odor of Magic, ArM5 pg 160, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi5 Sap the Might of the Mythical Beast, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Sap the Might of the Mythical Beast, Net Wizard’s Grimoire, Mastery 3 (35xp) - Adaptive, Multi, Penetration
PeVi30 The Heathen Witch Reborn, HoH:S pg 129, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Animal, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Auram, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Aquaml, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Herbam, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi40 Unraveling the Fabric of Ignem, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi40 Unraveling the Fabric of Imaginem, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Mentem, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Terram, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Vim, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Fast
ReVi50 Aegis of the Hearth, ArM5 pg 161, Mastery 1 - Withstand Casting
ReVi40 Maintaining the Demanding Spell (Sun, Spells -5 level or lower), Mastery 1 - Fast
ReVi40 Opening the Intangible Tunnel, Arm5 pg 162, Mastery 1 - Penetration
ReVi40 The Wizard’s Communion, ArM5 Pg 161, Mastery 1 - Withstand Casting
Invented Spells:
ReCo25 Flight of the Magus
The caster flies very swiftly through the air (or through water) in any direction they choose
Touch, Concentration, Ind
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Force)
CrHe20 The Carpenter’s Aid
Creates 3,000 cubed feet worth of seasoned, worked wood, suitable for building.
(Base 2, +3 Sight, +3 Size)
CrTe20 The Smith’s Aid
Creates 100 cubed feet worth of iron bars, suitable for crafting.
(Base 5 +1 Touch, +2 Size)
CrTe20 The Stonemason’s Aid
Creates 3,000 cubed feet worth of cut stone blocks, suitable for building.
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +3 Size)
1 Pawn Vim
Longsword (Excellent Quality +3)
+3 Attack and Defense
Chainmail (Item of Quality)
+7 Soak
Shield (Item of Quality)
+5 Defense