Are you planning a post a day this November?

Yay! I loved that novel. Netflix series was good too.

That said, I'm doing an intellego social detective, ExMisc tradition that grew from my home saga.

I'm snowed under by work and massively behind on a project for a course I'm studying (which I'm struggling with, due to the work situation) - I am going to have to let you down and not do one this November. Maybe January as a new year's resolution?

Would I be able to use your posted animals in the Animals of Mythic Europe PDF? (Also, you might want to check it, in case you want to avoid making stats for animals in there, unless you have another vision for one of them.

You certainly may, though please let me know in advance as I may want to double-check/edit some things first before they're immortalized in your compendium.

I'll definitely take a look at the beasts you've already statted, but the truth is I had trouble coming up with animals to use - I am open to requests, however!

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Some suggestions for animals (mainly animals I've been meaning to stat, but haven't found the time yet)

Fish, Giant River Catfish
Fish, Ocean Sunfish
Giant Squid
Grass Snake
Sea Gull

As it happens, most of those are already on my tentative list so that's fortuitous.

Incidentally, could I have a link to your compilation?

You can find the link in that post