Ars fanzine - launch 24 September

Got it. Thanks a lot, Alex! I'm proceeding to read it immediately. :slight_smile:

Downloaded my first issue!

Looks great, Alex! Thanks!

(Now if I can just find time to read it.....)

I'm very excited to see what you've written about the Knight's Templar.


Hi all,

I've been informed of some issues to do with Apple Mac computers, and reading the pdf. I'm working on this at the moment.

  • Alex -

Looks fine on my Apple Mac. I had to use the command line zip to get it out of the archive, though, and that will only work for people on OS X.

I am on a mac as well. For OSX users:

CONTROL+CLICK on the zip file, and use the "open with" function.
Select "Stuffit Expander."

2 files will be unzipped.
Double click on the .pdf to open. Delete the random HTML file.

Hope this helps!


Got my issue too :smiley:

Also recieved. Really impressed. Thanks.