Aaaand last one
Best ChatGPT could do for free this month
Faeries are the champions of "fake it till you make it" philosophy.
Faeries are entities which only pretend they belong. They make pretenses at using skills they know nothing about and have an impact on their environment through that pretense. If they die they simply become another character and return to intervene again. they are always interested in pursuing a story rather than building anything lasting or meaningful.
In short, faeries are roleplayers.
Next time someone asks you to play Ars Magica…
"Silence Historian, an Ars Magica SG is Talking"
LMAO, seriously, I died on that one.
I was recently shown a short video in which a man was rapping while wearing a wizard's costume, and Melpomene kissed me on the forehead. Please find everything attached
The music and the album cover was generated by a LLM. The lyrics were generated by a human brain, such as it is. The track is slightly vulgar. It also represents a gangsta Tytalus' perception of Tremere magi, not mine. I find house Tremere cool. I realldy do. I make this statement under no coercion.
EDIT: link fixed
I just... love it.
(And the fact that I'm Tytalus doesn't influence my opinion on this at all... really. )
Not sure where else to put this.
Somewhere, a young Verditius is now a very pleased new member of the confraternity of Roland.
It saddens me to read that.
I'm thinking The Kiss of Death, for some reason.
I am hoping that is a typo when somebody was sleepy, but "somnatic components"?