Ars Magica Text Conversion "SRD" Project

Hi folks,

New here, but I've hooked up with the folks at Project Redcap to start a unified effort to convert the Creative Commons content to text format.

You can find the project page here: Ars Magica Open Content Conversion Tracker - Project: Redcap.


This is a MASSIVE project. Thanks so much for your contributions, which I see are already multiplying.


I'm most of the way through making spreadsheet of every virtue published in the books (it's filled out, I just have to do all the formatting and figure out some minor issues, as I mentioned in this thread). Unfortunately, I haven't preserved page numbers for all of these, but I could use the published index for most of them and then hunt down the stragglers that aren't in there - I wouldn't bother if this is just for me, but if you need it then I'd be willing.

Is this something that would be useful to you?

I will also say that in some cases the descriptions for the virtues are very long, because in some books the ability is described in the virtue and in others its listed elsewhere in the book.