Below is the condensed version of a discussion we kicked around in our local AM group awhile back. There's definitely a tie-in to the "Census of Mythic Europe" thread I started several days ago.
I'm posting it here for general discussion and debate.
Let's say we break a magus' life into stages, each of 25 years beyond Apprenticeship Gauntlet:
Young: 0-25 years {Mundane ages roughly 25-50}
Established: 26-50 years {Mundane ages roughly 51-75}
Senior: 51-75 years {Mundane ages roughly 76-100}
Ancient: 76-100 years {Mundane ages roughly 101-125}
Legendary: 101+ years {Mundane age 126+}
Attrition is very high in the "Young" years. This is your personal "Spring". No more Parens protecting you. You're out on your own in the cruel world, trying to get established. Many of you get together with other Young magi to form Spring covenants (which don't have a very good survival rate). Perhaps 35% of newly gauntleted magi do not survive 25 years.
However, if you do, you're "Established". This is your personal "Summer". Yes, there are challenges, but you're a seasoned magus. Perhaps 15% of Established magi do not survive their next 25 years.
However, if you do, you're "Senior". This is your personal "Autumn". You are very powerful, BUT... You are more susceptible to political machinations, both from mundanes and your Hermetic peers. You might also be pushing yourself toward your Hermetic Legacy in some form. Warping and Twilight accumulate. Perhaps 25% of Senior magi do not survive this phase.
However, if you do, you're "Ancient". This is your personal "Winter". You are probably one of the 3 oldest and most powerful magi in your tribunal. Your legacy and reputation are established. Final Twilight and mundane physical sickness are serious risks. Perhaps 90% of Ancient magi do not survive this phase.
However, if you do, you're "Legendary". You have spent literally 100+ years as a Magus. You are one of the 10 oldest and most powerful magi in the whole Order of Hermes. Unless you've been doing horrible things (diabloism, vampirism, other dark arts), Final Twilight or mundane death are imminent. This is your personal "Deep Winter"; there will be no Spring rejuvenation for you...
So, going on these assumptions...
If you look at a group of 100 newly-Gauntleted magi,
- 65 will live to age 50
- 55 will live to age 75
- 41 will live to age 100
- 4 will live to age 125
Does this look right to you?
(Assume no extraordinary events, like Schism Wars and such...)
What do you think about my Attrition ratio assumptions of 35% / 15% / 25% / 90% ?
Where there is death, there must be birth in order to avoid extinction. The hermetic equivalent is training apprentices.
My assumptions:
- 10% of magi in their "Young/Spring" phase train an apprentice.
- 105% of magi in "Established/Summer" phase train an apprentice
(Assuming some will train more than one, offsetting those few who train none). - 75 % of "Senior/Autumn" magi train an apprentice
(Probably not their first) - 25% of "Ancient/Winter' magi train an apprentice
(Perhaps their last, living legacy).
OPINIONS PLEASE: What do you think about these numbers as assumptions?
I've come up with a spreadsheet to model growth & attrition of the Order of Hermes, based on the assumptions listed above.
The primary goal of this exercise to get a sense of the distribution between the "seasons" of magi. This has been very interesting for me.
Tweaking these numbers up or down results in an overall attrition rate of somewhere between 30-35%. This means one third of ALL magi will die/twilight/whatever within a 25 year time frame.
I think this sounds entirely reasonable. It equates to an ANNUAL attrition rate of only 1.6%. Lets assume the average tribunal, like has right around 100 magi. This means 1 or 2 will die per year, assuming no catastrophic events.
But don't worry!
The Order of Hermes is OK.
Even though 30-35 of those 100 magi will die, about 40 apprentices should graduate in that same 25 year time span. There's a net gain of 5-10.
This was my main goal. What does the population of magi look like?
Once you let the normal attrition pattern settle in, here's the answer:
Young "Spring" Magi: 40%
Established "Summer" Magi: 28%
Senior "Autumn" Magi: 21%
Ancient "Winter" Magi: 10%
Rounding this off a tiny bit gives us a nice, easy-to-remember
40 / 30 / 20 / 10
So, in an average Tribunal of 100 magi, we'd expect ...
40 to be Young {Mundane ages roughly 25-50}
30 to be Established {Mundane ages roughly 51-75}
20 to be Senior {Mundane ages roughly 76-100}
10 to be Ancient {Mundane ages roughly 101-125}
and a small few to be Legendary {Mundane age 126+}
At each 7-year gathering, we'd expect the Praeco to announce the passing of around 10 magi. Probably 4-5 of those 10 would be young; not powerful or crafty enough to survive the trials of life in Mythic Europe.
We'd also expect 14-15 new magi to swear the Oath of Hermes.
I don't know about you, but this helps me conceptualize the whole Order of Hermes a lot better.
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