Chapter 1: The guesthouse

Once she has left the building Iolar pauses for a second , and leaps into the air as an Eagle , rpaidly soaring above the covenant to circle on the last thermals of the day and look out over her new domain and talk with the clouds and winds . Surely there will be interesting secrets known to the winds .
It seemed the new covenant would be interesting, A particulary Dour and Gloomy Tremere, a Doom laden faerie, A wet Fish, a married Flambeau!!!!, and Jolly Flambeau . Unless they all dissapeared before morning it should be fun.
There was no way she was spending the first night as a member of a covenant under its roof , it may go the way of Moles Magna after forty years still nobody knew what happened. She had only been a member for a few days before she vanished.
It would be nice to find out what happened to her parents and her sister, but going and poking around in the ruins didn't sound like a good idea.

Where was a good place to perch overnight, ah yes a ruined windmill always good place to rest.

Havlard bid good night to the others as they leave. While they sleep it is time to explore. He stayed away from the sanctums and living quarters and explored the rest of the Covenant. The public lab had not been used in quite some time but it seemed to be ok. The Library was small compared to Cad Gadu but interesting none the less. The moon gave plenty of light as he wandered the grounds and the town. He will go to his room at roughly 4AM.

OOC: If there is anything interesting he might see in his wanderings just send me a PM

Dragor looks out his window at the moon. Two more days until it is full. Then, time for the hunt. It is a new land to him, much tamer, more civilized. Master David will know what is best, whether I should be locked up for the night or if I should roam free and explore.

David, too, swears the oath, and before getting up from the table, bows his head again and murmurs, [color=red]Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech haolam boreh n'fashot rabot v'chesronan al kol ma shebarata l'hachayot bahem nefesh kol chai, baruch chat haolamim. He accepts the token and walks out, back past the statues of gods and the weather-stained mosaics, until he is on the hill outside the tower. There he sits, watching the almost-full moon, thinking about politics, war, and what he is going to do with Dragor in two days.

With an unconscious smile upon his lips, Wirth goes to the barracks, happy to have a place for him an his wife to call home.
Despite all, things are looking good, with plenty of challenges ahead. No doubt these'll prove no match for a pair of flambeau, especially with maguses such as this david ben thingy to their side :smiling_imp:
But well, these are for later. Tonight... :smiley:

After being reunited with Clara, the pair make a tour of the covenant's ground, arm under arm, speaking of their respective evening, confiding their impressions upon their new home and companions, quietly enjoying each other company, as so often before.
Of course, Clara is wary of these magi, and think Wirth should be carefull with them (especially with this David guy and the disturbingly-looking Okeanos), even if she knows about the gift's effect. This can't explain everything, can't it?

Next, they go to their quarters. Hum... Visibly innocupied for a long time... We'll have to work on it.
If there's any dust, Wirth ritually sponts a PeTe "clean my room" [color=blue](Base 3, +1 touch, +2 room, lvl 10, casting total 17 + die) to destroy it. Let us at least have a clean room :smiley:
And then, time to go to bed in our new home :smiley: (Fading to black)

Okeanos takes the oath reading it carefully with his bargaining eye, looking for any loop holes that may hinder him or that he might exploit later...
Then .." [color=red]I too, shall swear this oath and then be on my way to explore this site for a proper sanctum and to evaluate other things that may be needed to bring this place to its proper glory and functioning node of power ..." swearing the oath he turns and heads out to explore a little looking for a room nearby close to a water source, as he looks flickering his vision between mundane and second sight (fey aligned - regio specialty) for things that may look a little off, or creations of the former masters wandering about unseen.

[color=blue]Just read the covenant's description :blush:

Both wirth and clara agree on something: There's gonna be a lot of work to make this place a suitable home.
Probably first thing to do will be to clean up the place, make it more planified, more efficient, less vulnerable to fire also. Wirth is eager to destroy unnescessary structures :smiling_imp:

Hum... Also noticed that, due to clara's presence, wirth will have to live outside the level 6 aura if she is to avoid warping.

Not a great problem, he can maintain a laboratory in the Towers and then have a house outside the main aura . Of course only one of those can be a sanctum.
In practice we should try and keep most useful characters out of the aura unless they are attuned to the magic realm

About the only noticable thing I am aware of is that second sight will reveal that Iolar is clothed only in illusions .

When selecting Laboratories Iolar prefers a laboratory/Sanctum high in the tower with a window if possible as it makes flights most convenient

About midday on the second day at the covenant one of the Grogs knock's on the door of Wirth and Clara's chambers.
[color=red]"Excuse me good sir. There is a visitor for you at the covenant gate. They gave us a letter for you"

The letter has the seal of Wirth's master upon it

[color=red]Thank you

Upon seeing the seal
[color=red]The old man? Never thought he'd miss me already ^^

Sitting on a chair[color=red]
Now, what has he got to say?

As all of the magi has swore the oath and the first meeting of the magi are concluded Aelianus withdraw to his sanctum. Diodorus accompanies him as he goes. Once seated at the desk Diodoeus jumps up onto the table and looks at his friend.[color=red] What do you think of the new ones? Diodorus asks. [color=red]Well, I must say that I enjoy the having some company but we will see what happens… Aelianus sighs and gives Diodorus a look. Both of them knows what Aelianus thinks and it doesn’t need to spoken. [color=red]No we retire for the night, Aelianus rises up from his chair. Lets se if we can lump as much work as possible on the newcomers. The friends walks towards the bed to sleep. Aelianus tries to get some space in the bed as Diodorus is quick to fall asleep and sleeps in the usual feline manner (in the middle of the bed).

The letter is clearly written in a hurry

My esteemed Sodali's in the Theban tribunal have sent me a youg swordswomen who they feel may be of more use to us here in the west. I thought you may have more use for her and have sent her along with a guide who speaks the language. She has been told to obey you. Good luck with your new covenant

[color=red]Like I am unable to take care of myself... :unamused:
Well, let's see this girl.

And out I go to meet Kilica.

[color=green]Roberto of Flambeau
When we all see this girl, I lean over and whisper (in broken French, my slang english will represent my poorer ability with that language)
[color=red]Dude, she's a chick. Chicks ain't s'posed to carry swords. I mean, what kind of husband is she expecting to attract looking like that? Hahaha! I bet she weilds the sword in bed, know what I mean? Hahaha! (bawdy talk is his specilization in the French language).

Then I watch her give a demonstration of her skill and learn a little of her Zoroastrian background.

(in Latin)[color=red]Interesting...

[color=red]I don't care, as long as she's efficient and don't bother me or clara.
But maybe you'd like to check her bed by yourself? :wink:

I give one of those French laughs that you hear in a comedian's bad impersonation of a French inuendo laugh.


When Wirth appears Kilica looks at him and then Kneels offerring him her Sword and in accented Latin
[color=red]I have sworn my sword to the service of your house against the evils that oppose it. Except my sword and service

a little uneasy
[color=red]Hum... Well... Thank you
I take the offered sword, looks at it, and then give it back
[color=red]You don't have to kneel before me. But I accept your allegiance
slight pause, waiting for the woman to stand up
[color=red]My name is wirth. What's yours?