Chapter 2: Travel to Kolberg

[color=red]Don't worry about that, I'll send a guide to fetch you, along with a couple of men to accompany you.
If you could just prepare yourselves well, so we can get everything going when we meet next, that would be very helpful.

Yannick quickly discusses when he should send the guide, then wishes the priest a nice day.

Are you doing anything else i Kolberg or returning to Ad Fons?

I take it that all the buying stuff, and looking for craftsmen take a couple of days. Yannick will allow the covenfolk a day of rest as well.
This should leave him enough time to try to get to know who-is-who in Kolberg, ask what they are like, and maybe hear some gossip.

Knowing that Ad Fons is not yet fully set up, Yannick will delay contact with the mayor of Kolberg and the nobility to another time. He'll have a tailor do him some decent clothing for the occasion.

So we'll just buy a few presents for Aldrick and his kin and tell them some news from Kolberg on the way back.

What's left?
Alberich did want to arrange a meeting of a craftsmen and the magi, right?

A few things needs to pass then you can post in the covenant forum of chapter two. I state in the text when the magi returns.

Siegfried returns with Alberich to meet with Yannick.
[color=red]Delighted to meet you sir, I here that you are one of the scholars from the new village in the woods. I am something of a wondering scholar myself and having just returned to Germany after a stay in sicily I find myself at a loose end. I thought that I may be able to make a home at your manor. I am a scholar , warrior and Swordsmith and would like a chance to settle down in an interesting place

[color=red]Pleased to meet you too, Yannick replies,[color=red] as we could surely use all three of you, the scholar, the warrior and the swordsmith.

It is said that the feather is stronger than the sword, I'll be interested in hearing your point of view :slight_smile:

But tell me a little of yourselves. How come you are following these three paths? Are you a warrior-poet?

[color=red]I have been around for a while I started off as a simple knight but my families talents showed strong in me so I took up swordsmithing to make use of them , the blades I can make are most superior I can tap into the powers of the metal.
I fell into scholarship while at the court in sicily , it started with military engineering and moved on as I found other topics interesting. Alas I have little talant as a poet what art I have is with my hands. It has always seemed to me that the power of the feather and the sword lay with who wields them , in the hands of a king a feather can bring down the mightiest swordsman but in the hands of a man in a dark alley I would rather have a sword

Any success on this?

Those willing to join the covenant are persons who need to leave town for one reason or another. It is somewhat up to you. How desperate are you in getting craftsmen? If you take anyone who can stand up and work in a desired craft then yes there can be recruits. Other than rather shady characters there are slim pickings. So it’s your choice. Perhaps pressgang is an option?

[color=red]Be welcome, Siegfried! I'm looking forward to see some of your work.
Siege engineering? So you could probably better the defenses of our home, could you? But let's talk about that when we're back there.
Fixer: Yannick won't question any decision Alberich makes regarding the craftsmen. After all, Alberich was doing the talking there.
Considering our current situation, i doubt "pressgang"would be a viable option, though...

[color=red]I am better at building siege engines than castles but I have some experience of the more modern castles of the holy lands and Sicily so I may be able to help. But that is more for discussion when I have seen it as you say

No journeymen interested by new opportunities, then? Like, just outside apprenticeship and without their own craft? Hum... I'll check, I won't take anyone, but if there are some guys that have a minor problem (like, having had an affair with the wrong lady, or having displeased to the wrong people...), I'll bring them. We're not in a hurry, afak, so I can be somewhat choosy

Seems like we're done in Kolberg then.
Off we go?

Fine for me

When Yannic, Siegfrid and Alberic are packing up to leave Kolberg they are approached by a man. He is dresses in plain grey clothes and wears a crucifix around his neck. He starts to speak in a firm voice. [color=red]My name is Hans and I am travelling to an newly established settlement in the forest that I heard that you come from. Ad Fons is the name if I remember correctly. May I be allowed to join you?

Alberich: [color=red]Excuse me if I first enquire about your identity and business, mr?

The strange man hesitates,[color=red] Please forgive me I forgot to introduce my self. As I told you my name is Hans and I hail from Bohemia originally. My trade is that of a silver smith and I hear that magi of the Order of Hermes are employers that pay well for my service. I travel around to see the world and learn new things about our Lords creation.

[color=red]Looks like we will have all sorts of smiths in Ad Fons soon enough then :slight_smile:
So far there's a blacksmith, a weaponsmith, you, and a someone making horseshoes IIRC...
We'll need to get you four together to do some planning, so we don't get all the equipement four times when we only need it once.

But as you can see, we will be leaving soon. Are you ready to leave?

[color=red]By the way, be welcome! :smiley: A silversmith will be greatly appreciated by the masters, I believe. But what prompted you to travel to Ad Fons specifically?

[color=red]It is deep in the Pomeranian forest. And I heard that the spring shall be an interesting sight. Perhaps even spectacular. Hans replies. [color=red]I am sorry if I am a bit straightforward but is it possible that we leave right away? You see that the word has gotten out that I am a silver smith and that attracts all sorts of shady characters.