Chapter 2c - Winter 1228 - In Search of a Singer

[Theo's is Bargain 2, plus either Int +1 or Com +0. 1d10=3, so 6 or 5, which isn't horrid, but I'd say no wonderful bargain to be found.]

Unless it's robbery they'll take the boat the next day, and return to the Doge's Head for their last night.

Theo and the lads will look again, but they are doing it as a matter of duty, as you say it's slim.
Per 1, Awareness 5 + 1d10=10, and then 1d10=4. No botch, but low.

"At the very least we'll know our path if we come through again."

The sailors explain what a risk it is to them to take his boat out for that long, what with the freeze coming and all - why, they could be stranded out on the ice, or have their boats damaged! You eventually persuade someone to take you back for 20 pence.

You fail to find anywhere else that's operating as a taven, or any other singers, and return to the inn in early evening.

Are you doing anything particular this evening? Antonio is expected to be there again.

I apologize. I've been totally swamped at work trying to clear my desk off enough so that I can take my vacation. I haven't had a chance to read through this thread or post for Theo. If it's still going when I return, I should be able to catch up.

Theo and the brothers won't be aiming for any particular information from their last overnight stay. Keeping to themselves and watching each others backs. Sure in a tavern, but still cautious.

"Can we..?"
"No. "
"But their is none but.."
"Shut it. And stretch that drink. "

The Italien singer, Antonio is back again, and soon you find yourselves merrily tapping your toes to words you can't understand. He's good. He's occurs to Theodoric[sup]1[/sup] that, actually, technically he's decent at most. But there's something in the music that gets into your heart and makes you feel it.

[sup]1[/sup] Aided by his Clear Thinker virtue

Theo frowns slightly, then nudges Bogdan. "This one, I think, will be of more interest to the masters than just our mission. We need to speak more with him tonight."

Musing a bit, he continues, "it might be an easier sell for young Ilgaz to come along and take Greek lessons, but I say we should try for this 'Antonio' first."

Godzimir cannot help his questioning look "Pardon Theo, but I don't follow. Are you saying we offer one or them the job and they stay long enough at the covenant to learn the language they need? That could be years couldn't it?" Making it clear that he is speaking with honest respect to Theodoric, he continues "the Maga was clear on her need. Wouldn't we be better returning home and letting her decide given the lack of performers with the skills she dictated? "

"I'm nervous about disappointing her, but equally so about turning up with potentially useless bard, who might also be expensive."

Bodgan is staying quiet.

Theo smiles patiently. "Normally, that would be the more prudent course of action. However, with the ice coming in, our time - and therefore choices - are limited. We can either deliver one of the singers now, even without all the requisite skills, or return empty-handed, and make the Lady wait for the weather."

He glances toward Bogdan, adding "I've been dealing with the Masters' and their like for many years. They don't like to be told "no" or "we weren't able to" - and they certainly don't like to have to wait."

Theo looks back at Antonio, taking in the mesmerized crowd. "Yes, there's definitely something more to this fellow than meets the eye - or the ear!" A small smile plays briefly around the corners of his mouth.

Turning back, Theo nods. "We need to find out his price, and if it's not too steep, convince him to come along when we return home tomorrow."

[OOC: For the reference, the freeze will make it impossible to sail to/from Tana, but will make once it's set in properly is likely to make it easier to travel across the delta on foot. The really nasty bit is when it's freezing, but hasn't quite frozen yet.]

So, what are people doing?

Godzimir shows an open hand gesture to Theo indicating that he understands the point made, and then motions toward Antonio, "Ok. By all means. You're the man with the purse strings. Do you want us to walk up with you, or negotiate privately?"

Bodgan says "One of us at least should watch the room. This bard took the job from another, and we really have no idea why, or what price he wants."

"So we either offer him far more than he'll make in all winter, or something special that he can't get here at all." says Godzimir. "Do you think he's want to meet some fae, or view the strange things we sometimes see?".

Theo smiles slightly. "From our previous conversation, I think this Antonio could be enticed by the lure of something new, strange, or exciting. He doesn't have the air of one who is running away. I'll offer our bird a few tidbits at his next break, and see if he bites."

Looking around at the seemingly happy crowd, he frowns slightly, and nods to Bogdan. "Watch the room for any trouble." To Godzimir, he adds, "make sure the innkeeper doesn't overhear my conversation with the singer. He may not take kindly to our plans." Theo then settles back with his mug, watching and listening to the singer.

At the next break, Theo will approach Antonio, smiling broadly.

Antonio puts down his beer, and smiles back at you.

"Ah, Theo! You have another song request?"

Apparently he remember's last night's tip.

Theo pulls up a chair, and leans in to speak more quietly. "Actually more of a ... proposition. You strike me as a young man in search of things outside of the norm - why else would you have come all the way out here, eh?" He looks around the room, and shrugs, "Still, while there are some folks here that you wouldn't see in the City, or even Trebizond, it's not much more than a dingy barroom in a rough trading camp." Theo catches the singer's gaze, and smiles conspiratorially "There's a whole lot more ... wonder ... out here than you could ever guess. If you were to see some of the things I've seen..." He shakes his head, smiling slightly.

[OOC: Hmm. Theodoric has no Charm ability. Oh well, it can still be used, it just gets 3 extra botch dice.]

Antonio looks mildly interested, but wary.

"Well, I certainly wasn't planning to stay here forever. For now, though, it's a stable warm place to stay the winter. I'll probably move on in the spring. What did you have in mind, exactly?"

Theodoric isn't sure he fully emphasised with searching for things out of the norm being the only reason he might have upped and moved to Tana, although he's not contradicting him on it either.

Theodoric shrugs, smiling still, and says "I guess you could call it 'stable' - strumming the same tunes to the same folk, day after day, seeing the same scenery outside the window, gathering bits of coin here and there, no chance of anything even mildly interesting happening. But I don't see that as great inspiration to a tunesmith of your talent. " He then leans in and lowers his voice, "but if you take my masters' offer, not only will your purse be richer, you will be singing of the experience until the end of your days."

Sitting back, Theodoric smiles and raises his mug.

The man smiles and takes a sip of his drink himself.

"Hmmm. Just how much richer are we talking here? You'll have seen that people have a considerable appreciation for my art here. Might even not take too well to people coming in and trying to lure me elsewhere...and might resent me for leaving afterwards. I'd be taking a considerable risk, leaving a comfortable berth to go who-knows-where with a trio of strangers in the middle of winter, and with no guarantee of being able to return to it...I'd need money up front at the very least..."

[OOC: Make a bargain roll along with any offer.]

Theodoric considers briefly, then says "I do understand your reluctance. From where you're sitting, the risk seems greater than any reward the likes of us" gesturing to his companions "would be able to offer. But think on this - our masters have the means to send three men out to hire a song-smith in the middle of winter, and expect them to return with one." He idly fingers his coin purse, "so, what would it take to leave this," he smirks slightly, "opulence behind? I can't imagine that you're making, say, 20 pence weekly, are you?"

Bargain roll (1d10=7)

(near as I can figure, Theo should have around 70-80 pence left, yes?)

[Don't forget to add your stats - Theodoric has Comm/ Pres of 0, and Bargain 2, for a total of 9. Typical incomes (as per pg 71 of Covenants) are two pence per day for a skilled workman, or five pence per day for a master craftsman, so you're over on the former but under on the latter.

Antonio's roll is Bargain Roll (1d10=8, 1d10=8) + Comm 4 + Bargain (work as singer) 3 +1 = 16]

Antonio flutters his hand to his heart. "Ah! I am hurt! And here I thought you a man with an ear for music! Why, I could almost make that in a day!"

Theodoric is pretty sure he's exaggerating on that last one, especially out here, but he's clearly holding out for more.

[Happy to either keep playing out the negotiation or skip to the end result - your choice. That figure seems roughly right (after subtracting for the boat trip back) - haven't gone back and checked in detail.]

We can skip the gory details of the negotiation - after all, there's probably going to be modifications to that agreement once we hit the covenant. :slight_smile:

The negotiation goes to and fro a bit, until you reach agreement at a figure of thirty-six pence a week, with the first fortnight paid in advance, which pretty much cleans Theodoric out. Waiting for him at the harbour next morning, you have a moment's doubt that he's actually going to turn up, but then he strolls up to the boat with about a minute to spare.

The journey back to the covenant is swift and uneventful. although Theodoric notices Antonio start slightly, then look slightly puzzled as they enter the central clearing.

Are you taking Antonio straight to Viola? Talking to her without him? Something else?