Chapter 4b Twilight and Gloaming

Carmen makes a quick aerial reconnisance of the area then returns.

Carmen makes a quick aerial reconnisance of the area then returns.

She doesn't see anything particularly interesting. It's notable that there are no villages in this valley--the path must lead on to other villages in the valleys beyond.


I land and confer with my sodales about how we should best approach. I am not asking for a marching order like this is AD&D :laughing:, rather, I want to get a consensus on some sort of tactical approach. Waiting on feedback from other players for that. In the meantime, I gather Astrid and Edward together to ask them for whatever intelligence they may have from their previous trip here, and to get their advice.

Honestly, there's not a lot other than what Edward said's creepy in there. Mind you, neither of them went past the "antechamber", only Viola.


I will wait for the other players to catch up. I suggest casting defensive/protective spells before we enter. Especially some sort of ward against faeries.

Marie casts "Vision of Heats Light" and spontaneous spell that allows her to see better in darkness (MuCo4). She also offers the grogs a MuCo5 spell to enhance their vision.
Marie pretends the cavern doesn't disturb her at all - and smiles just a tad too broadly.
She leaves casting fairie detection spells and the like to people who know what they are doing.

(OOC: I didn't roll any dice. Marko can if he thinks it necessary)

(OCC, it is Scott's call for this little adventure)

Carmen has only two ward spells, against Weapons (Terram) and against Thunder & Lightning (Auram), each granting a +15 soak as applied. She puts them up just in case, and walks alongside Marie into the cave.

Anyone else want to do something to prepare?

And I'll roll dice as necessary, yes.


Decimus cast Eyes of the Cat, Howl of the steel blade, Shriek of the impending shaft and The wizards sidestep on himself.

(OCC Decimus of Mercere makes a better prepared Flambeau than Carmen :laughing:)

Are there any other magi along? Any companions? How many grogs do we have?


Marie suggests we leave one person outside to call for help if we fail to come back.

I also forgot to mention that she's got a watching ward to send her to the Andorra infirmary if she suffers more damage than one heavy wound.

She doen't bother with a Wizard's sidestep. Any decent fairie can see through illusions anyway.

We have Edward and Astrid and three warrior grogs. I am ready to enter the outer cave. Who is with me?

[color=red]I´ll stay or follow depending on where you think that I might best serve. I does not know anything about the fae, so perhaps there are those that are better suited to go into the cave. I let my soldaes who are more accustomed to the region decide for me in the matter as I trust your wisdom. Decimus await any answer and looks around to inspect the region.

Yeah, Decimus would be a good choice for the one to hang back. Marie has Faerie Lore and Carmen has Arans Mountain Lore. We will leave one warrior outside with him and either Edward or Astrid (the one less knowledgable). They should be stationed at the mouth of the cave. Still, we are just entering the outer chamber first and seeing what there is to see. Further tactical decisions come after that.

(OOC: Max, I had been thinking of a grog. If your Magus stays outside, I suggest you take over some or all of the grogs, unless you need a real break for some weeks. Thoughts?)

Marie is eager to enter the cave. Fairie curses interest her immensely!

Turning to Decimus she grins and says: [color=red]It's a shame you don't have a twin brother. Then we could leave one of you outside and take the other one with us.

(OOC: Max, I had been thinking of a grog. If your Magus stays outside, I suggest you take over some or all of the grogs, unless you need a real break for some weeks. Thoughts?)

Marie is eager to enter the cave. Fairie curses interest her immensely!

Turning to Decimus she grins and says: [color=red]It's a shame you don't have a twin brother. Then we could leave one of you outside and take the other one with us.

OOC: As a player I wish that Decimus joins the other magi into the caves (more excitement) but he defer to those of better wisdom.

[color=red]I’ll join you if you wish but perhaps as Carmen says I better stay. I am not a warrior, only a messenger. Marie what you you think? You are the one most knowledgeable about the fae. Do I make myself most useful as your fellow inside or outside, are we to expect trouble?

Marie hesitates for a moment:

[color=red]"Well, methinks, the fae come in different forms and shapes. If our magic is stronger, you could benefit from the experience. If our magic is weaker, you can benefit from the experience too. There may be a price to pay though."

Bitterness seeps into her voice and she glances at her arms as she says this.
Fairies are not about magic. They are about clear thinking and experience in the world. More often than not dealing with fairies means bartering with them. Wisdom is the key to fairieland, not magic. Innocence may help too.

To no one in particular she adds: "[color=red]Many fairies strongly dislike iron. I'll leave my knife outside". She levitates her knife onto a rocky outcrop. [color=red]"Guess, I'll forget it when we leave."

[color=green]Carmen:[color=red]We spend too much time second guessing ourselves. According to what we know, the outer chamber of the cave is safe. Let us all go in there and then decide what our next step should be. And with that, Carmen proceeds to walk to the cave, hoping others will follow but proceeding even if the do not.