Chapter 8: At the covenant

yes, your guesthouse is inside the walls of the covenant, the covenant sits on a hill on the north side of town overlooking the village.
At least that's how I imagine it. Max is the boss, he may correct my misinformation.
But the important part is that you are indeed within the Aegis at the moment.

[color=green]Reginald: (to Bob, in Flemish)[color=red] Why are you talking that way? What's wrong with you?
[color=green]Bob Backtalker the Grog: (to Reginald, in Flemish)[color=red] That Dragor, he just put the whammy eye on me and fed me a script. Told me what to say, but not how to say it, so I decided to be a jerk about it. He's all mad because his whammy didn't work on the stranger, which is why he wants you to check him out.
[color=green]Reginald:[color=red] Well knock off the clown act then! Talk normal, but pretend you stutter...
[color=green]Bob:[color=red] Stutter?
[color=green]Reginald:[color=red] Just do it!
[color=green]Bob:[color=red] You know everyone knows who you are
[color=green]Reginald:[color=red] Well, he doesn't, that's why this inspection routine will work.
[color=green]Bob:[color=red] Everyone but the magi know your other identity also you know, Harold.
[color=green]Reginald:[color=red] Shows what you know :laughing:! That guy's just my patsy. Now let's get him over to Betty's so I can check him out closer.

[color=green]Bob: (to Alessio, in Latin)[color=red] My my Latin is bad-bad. I'm sorry. Whatever. Look, let's have a drink at Betty's, Reginald "the sailor" needs a favor, I'm sure it it will look good on your application.
[color=green]Reginald: (to Bob, in Flemish)[color=red] Why are you such a jerk?
[color=green]Bob Backtalker: (to Reginald, in Flemish)[color=red] Because I am the senior grog and I can get away with it. And neither you nor Dragor are in charge around here, Alice.
[color=green]Reginald:[color=red] Wrong again. Are you just making wild guesses now? Just forget about it. You're not even supposed to know that I am still around. Just keep it to yourself.

Watching the conversation between the two, just by reading their body language and tone fo voice, Alessio is slightly amused....

Smiling he says Nice to meet you Bob. So Betty's? But let me ask one quesiton, what does a village tarven have to do with Sea Hags and undead monsters? Just a question?

(OOC: I only have Flemish 1, but with Communication +5, thats +6 to get a vague idea of what they are saying?)

the Covenant proper is in a regio. You would be in the Aura 4 part. It is strength 6 inside the regio

You can tell that they are bantering back and forth, there is a laugh, Bob doesn't seem to take anything seriously. You have a vague idea.

[color=green]Bob: (in Latin) [color=red]It isn't a village tavern. It is someone's home. People just hang out there all the time drinking. Most of these "sailors" are drunkards. The worst of them all is Bettie's husband Johan, but the rest of the sailors spend a lot of time over there as well, drinking or sleeping.

[color=green]Reginald: [color=red]Maps. Johan has an extensive collection of charts and maps. He is off sailing right now, but Betty will let us use them. I keep them in the basement.

Hm, no tavern, a shame, but such disappointments are not unusual to me these days...

As for the maps, can I assume then that you yourself Reginald have not been to this village before. If thats true, how did you come to hear of these happenings?

Also, you said that this Ugly Pete was thought to have been dealt with once before. Prehaps you could tell me about that?

But I'm sure all that can wait until you introduce me to the fine lady that bears the burden of the towns drunks.....I mean sailors...

Alessio seems to be in good humour

[color=green]Bob: [color=red]Oh, it is much better than a tavern! Free drinks and you can pass out on the floor. You just got to be in the know in order to be let in.
[color=green]Reginald: [color=red]I have lived in this town for several years now. I am one of the original members of the independant merchant marine association. As for Ugly Pete, he was our original leader many years ago. A foul man he was, so ugly that his mother put out her own eyes rather than look at him, so oderous that the lepers make him stand downwind, so uncouth that even the nastiest of whores refused to let him in their beds. The only woman that would have him was that old Seahag, and she is so ugly that Pete jilted her at the alter. He incurred her wrath. She created a storm that capsized our ship and caused him to drown, but death did not still his bloated corpse. The magi tangled with him before, and it was thought he was defeated. But the Hag has further use for him I suppose, and it appears that he is more difficult to destroy that they thought.

Certainly an interesting story. Did the magi before try and seek out the Seahag at all to try and settle these problems?

(OOC: I assume the group is heading towards betty's atm)

[color=green]Reginald: [color=red]You would think they would have, and investigated that sunken temple too. But no, instead the do things like building empty townhouses and an excess of fishing boats. They aren't very focused, these guys. One of the former members had been experimenting with Pete's corpse, letting it roam free as it willed. It wasn't until Pete killed Walter Eyke (local financier) that they took notice and did anything.

But you can make a difference, be that agent of change that will help this renewed spring covenant grow into summe. Demonstrate prudence and priority, set a good example.

You walk up to a large old farmhouse, been in Betty's family for generations, well constructed but slightly weathered with age. Reginald knocks a special certain rhythm upon the door, some large tough guy opens up, looks you all over, and invites you in. You walk into a huge living room, furniture mainly consisting of benches and barrel, and in the middle of the room Betty sits at a table having a Drinking Contest with some one eyed rapscallion, and is handing him his liver on a plate :slight_smile:

Alessio wont interrupt their little competition, but will continue to quietly chat to Reginald

So, we started with a Seahag, added an undead former companion and now we have a sunken temple too, this all seems a little far stretched I hope you realise...

And Reginald, how long have you served magi, as you do speak like one?

During the chat, Alessio will try to catch Reginald's eye and cast Gaze of Sleep (CT +22) but with 0 penetration (as i assume the Aegis does not cover the village as well? even within the aegis, the penalty shouldnt matter against a lvl 5 spell - no words or gestures are needed, as he has deft form mentem) - Alessio is testing to see whether Regnield has Parma Magica or other magic resistence...

[color=red]Pete was never a companion of the covenant. He was killed before we struck an alliance with the magi. For them, It starts and ends there. They obtained knowledge of the seahag, mainly the old sea tales we pass around about her, ut never followed up on it. The temple has yet to be found. They learned of that from that meremaid. Yeah, one of the earlier members, Okeanos, fell in love with a mermaid and went to live with her at the bottom of the sea. Not as far fetched as it all sounds, I assure you.

And I have never "served" magi. None of us has. That is what those grogs up in the covenant do. We are all free born, and when the appointed day comes we shall die free. In no way does a magus outrank a mundane man. Most magi are commoners and peasants themselves. They create their own artificial and insular culture so that they can create the illusion of social status for themselves.

The driking contest ends with Betty being victorious over one eyed Ulrich. She cheated of course, her friend Veronica would distract Ulrich while Betty poured some of her drink into his. But that's okay, because creative cheating is part of the rules of their version of the contest.
The gathered crowd then breaks out in song, a bawdy and lewd sea chanty they came up with themselves, "Ugly Pete the Pirate". Think of the song "Barnacle Bill", and replace (Branacle Bill the Sailor) with (Ugly Pete the Pirate).

Does he manage to cast the spell? And does anything happen?

oh yeah, spell...


[color=green]Reginald: [color=red]Knock that off. I have a magic ring. (holds up hand and displays his ring).

Alessio looks unimpressed with that line

I somehow doubt an enchanted ring gives you such protection, protection that allows you to feel when its been tested...but beyond that, if you are no servant or companion of the magi here, then where do you fit in at this covenant?

And you failed to answer my earlier question - have you actually been to this village before, or is this story something you picked up on your travels? I'm just curious as to the nedd to go looking up maps?

[color=red]Believe it or not. I really don't care.
And what I have been trying to tell you is you need to shake off the illusions of artificial society. To us, it is not a matter of where we fit into the covenant. Rather, we look at it as "how does the covenant's fit into our town?".
And as I told you, I am from here. I first came to the town fifteen years ago and lived here ever since. And I must say, you are rather presumptive and nosey for a visitor and a guest. Charts and maps are a necessary part of being a seaman, and I wanted a visual reference to show you what I am talking about. But still, if you feel so bold, let's see you head off in some random direction and find the place. Go on, you lead the way and I'll follow. Or, if you think you don't need my help, I'll just sit here and drink.

Alessio laughs aloud

Nor do I care much of your opinion of myself, but remeber it was you that sort me out and yes, I am a vistor and a guest, so anything you ask of me to do with this situation is a little beyond what I would consider polite for a vistor to interfere with. And I will plainly say that I do not trust you or this situation. I am met at the gate by a man who tries to befuddle my mind then disappears once he shows me to some quarters, no magi have come to greet me or send word of weclome, then a sailor comes to me with a tale of seahags, undead and sunken temples, who speaks as a magus would, has magic resistence he claims to be from a ring and believes he is so much better than any magus...

[color=red]I never said I am better than a magus. What I said is that magi are no better than commoners or mundanes. And I am trying to help you. If you do this thing, and you succeed, you will earn the respect and graditude of the magi of Novus Mane. You do want that, right? You want to be a member here, which means you must probably be unwanted by any other covenant in the tribunal.

Betty VanHalen comes over by you guys. She chats in Flemish a bit with Reggie, who points to you and mentions you only speak Latin. So she switches to Latin too :slight_smile:

[color=red]Greetings and fair tidings. She speaks with stiff yet proper pronounciation. Betty is a dropout from convent school. Kicked out actually. You see the brand on her cheek she recieved for stealing. There was that promiscuity incident to, but that's in the past.

Alessio bows slightly

Greetings good lady, congratulations on your win

He gestures to the man she beat in the drinking contest

A fine home you have here, and a finer spirit to open it to those beyond your family

He turns back to Reginald, smiling

You are an interesting fellow Reginald, strange, but interesting. Show me these maps of where this Seahag is thought to dwell, I have never met a Seahag before and that too would be interesting. And if there are yet more leagues to travel, I would appreciate the company. But you are wrong about one it not that no covenant in this tribunal wants me, but no covenant in any tribunal wants me

[color=red]Really? What causes you to be such a pariah, if you don't mind me asking?

Betty, I need to get one of my books from the basement. Could you entertain my guest while I go look for it?

[color=green]Betty VanHalen: [color=red]Sure. Want a beer?

Its a long story. Find the book then come back and I'll tell you the quick version over a beer if you like.

Alessio turns to Betty

Please, I could use a drink, its been a long day and i think its gonna get longer