Chapter 8: At the covenant

So anyway,

Reginald carefully manuvers the ship through the rocks and gets you up close to the spire...

[color=red]Try calling from here :smiley:

Alessio nods and again stands up.

My name is Alessio Calitori, and I seek an audience with the Sea Dog!

He then grips the side of the boat tightly, as the realistion that a beast is about to jump onto this little boat...

(OOC: Again, so sorry, have been very distracted :frowning: )

No worries :slight_smile:

That's it? No offering of vis or bloody sacrifice? Geeze...

A sleek and beautiful greayhound leaps up out of the sea, landing squarly on all fours upon the bow of the ship. Shaking itself dry, you see that it is an imaculately groomed and pristine specimin.

It stands looking at you, seeming to smile...

Alessio takes a moment to regain his balance, then bows gracefully...

Thank You for granting us an audience.

Alessio waits a few moments to see if the Sea Dog can speak...

The dog looks at you with on eye half closed, then speaks

[color=red]Man of Land, I greet you and welcome you to the Temple

Thank you.

I am in need of help. I have come seeking guidance from the Nehalenia.

I am on a quest to prevent innocents suffering at the hands of an undead thing and its master,the Sea Hag.

[color=red]Take my paw mortal, and follow me.

Alessio will nod and take the paw.....

For some reason, you are unable to take the dog's paw. The hound looks confused, but everytime it is like two magnets of the same polarity, pusigh the hand or paw away. An intelligent magus, you realize that your Parma Magica is interfering with something he is trying to do...

Alessio will look somewhat frustrated at his own foolishness, then concentrate to lower his parma...

You grasp the dogs paw and he leaps off of the deck and plunges into the sea, taking you with him. You remain totally dry, and you find that you are able to breath and move freely, and your perceptions are uninhibited by water.

[color=red]I shall take you to meet my mistress, Princess Nhoba of the Sunken Sea!

Perhaps you wonder at the meaning. For how can a sea be sunk under the sea? But as you approach the bottom, you realize that he is taking you through a regio. You notice the collapsed ruins of an old roman building on the sea floor. But as you move towards it, it sort of stays in place. That is, it grows no bigger and you don't get closer. Instead, as you approach the building begins to take a more clarified and restored shape. You can now see it is an old Roman temple of some sort. Once it comes into its full magnificence, entering the "top" layer of the regio, you then get closer and finally arrive. As you look up, the sea seems endless, appearing many times further than your short journey would lead you to think. It is indeed a sunken sea.

A starfish walks past you and waves hello to the Sea Dog. You see a mermaid swim past in the distance. There are two guards out in front of the temple. They are octopi. Each octopus stands on four legs, carries a shield, spear, and sword in hands, and the eighth hand is free to salute the Sea Dog.

Truely impressive. Please, lead on.

Alessio is geniuely impressed.

Lite and pretty, the princess sits on a seashell throne. She smiles in delight when she sees, you, so rarely does she recieve visitors.

[color=red]Man of Land! Greetings and welcome to my kingdom :smiley:

Alessio makes a deep bow

Thank you for allowing myself into your kingdom m'Lady. It is a beautiful and majestic kingdom.

[color=red]Why thank you :slight_smile: What do I owe the pleasure of your visit to?

I have been asked by the common folk near these waters to investigate the Sea Hag and her undead 'fiance' with the hopes of stopping the creatures attacks on a nearby town. But I am only newly arrived, and know little of these creatures. So I have come before you in the search of wisdom in this matter.

[color=red]The Sea Hag, tsk...
She is obsessed with tormenting the lover that jilted her. Pete's undead state, it is not by his will or desire, and it is the seahag that cursed him to continue on this way. That is why abjuration or physical destruction cannot keep him still for long. You must seek out the hag and find what will satisfy her, and if she cannot be satisfied she must be destroyed.

Thank You.

Where does she dwell?

She begins to recite a long eloquent poem that described the Scarred Rock Island and how to get there. But suddenly you are interrupted. It is Reginald. Somehow (perhaps using his "magic ring"), he managed to dive down into the Sunken Sea and find the temple. He can breath, but unlike you he is not dry nor can he speal underwater. He seems to frantically be pointing up, like there is some trouble on the surface. Nhoba the undersea queen touches him, granting him the power to speak underwater.

[color=red]Trouble! The sun is setting, and there is another ship approaching us. It looks none to friendly. The sailors are animated dead pirates...

Note that with the setting sun, your Parma is due to expire soon.

Alessio listens to Reginald, then calmly turns back to Nhoba and bows slightly

My sincerest apologies for my companions interruption and lack of manners. m'lady. May I introduce Reginald, the sailor. Despite his lack of manners, the news he brings is urgent. I travelled here with him and two others, who are currently waiting at the surface. It seems our meeting may be rudely cut short m'lady, their lives may be in danger and besides..

Alessio smiles

...a pirate ship full of undead pirates can not be good.

Alessio seems to pause a moment and consider things.

M'lady, I know that I have already asked for your knowledge of the Sea Hag, but if I may be so bold, may I ask what you know of these pirates, which will soon be bearing down upon my travelling companions?