I don't doubt Lucas's qualifications, but I'd like to better understand your House's expectations. It sounds as if they sent Lucas to fill a particular role and I'm concerned they may object if we shuffle him off to Sa Dragonera. I realize this is our covenant and we're free to manage ourselves as we see fit. I'm referring to the larger picture concerning our favored status with House Mercere.
"I have given my vote in this matter to Vocis, but I am unclear on something. If we do accelerate his acceptance into the covenant, how will that affect Mercere's support of him?"
Lucas and Horus wait patiently outside while their future is being decided in the meeting room beyond.
[tab][/tab]It might and it might not. They specifically sent him here to support the Mercere quarter. If we station him somewhere else, the Mercere might withdraw their funding from him and try to assign someone else to the station at the Mercere Quarter.
[tab][/tab]I don't think they will do that though. I am sure they want to expand influence in our council, and they surly understand this requires loyalty to our council. With Tiana in Barcelona, they are down to just Fedora, who is a paragon of duty and wisdom. Getting another Mercere on the council, then alienating him, that would be a foolish thing to do.
[tab][/tab]At the same time, it becomes our responsibility to make sure Lucas can do his job, the task he has been assigned. To let others know my mind, I am inclined to accept him as a member and to fast track him. Masters outnumber Journeymen, this is an imbalance that needs correction. I just want to figure out the best situation for everyone involved.
"Could we, in theory, wave the time but keep his requirement for services as a debt to the covenant somehow? I'm not trying to suggest anything about the wisdom of this course of action, just trying to clarify my understanding of the options."
That sounds a bit like paying ourselves with our own coin. Still, it inspired me to think of this idea. Fedora, you originally used your allotted lab space as a nursury then converted it into an office. But it is still equipped as a lab. I suggest you build a new office and convert the lab into a specialized Mercere functions type lab. Figure out what that means for yourself, but something Lucas and other magi doing contract work for you can work in. Lucas makes use of it for Mercere/Redcap projects, taking advantage of the strong aura and a lab outfitted and paid for by the Mecere. So what if he chooses to keep his bedroom and sanctum on one of our other properties. Once accepted he is a free member, we cannot tell him where to live. Just like Fleur here. She can insist on a space here at the keep and the covenant is obligated to supply it. She had agreed to reside at Sa Dragonera for some time first, but it is only her personal honor that holds her to that.
Solomon shakes his head at this, "No, that should not be acceptable. The entire reason that we allowed Fleur, Pere and Roberto to become journeymen of the Covenant immediately rather than wait the 7 seasons our charter requires was because they were accepting the austere conditions of Sa Dragonera. To simply allow them to shortly thereafter move here just presents a way for new applicants to bypass the rules we have in place. At a minimum, we should require them to spend 7 seasons at Sa Dragonera before relocating to the main covenant after a vote of the masters, just as they would have to wait 7 seasons to become journeymen otherwise. That was a stipulation to the membership as journeymen, and should not be overlooked."
Vocis: I agree with Solomon. Our new journeymen agreed to the Sa Dragonera requirement with the understanding they would based there for a significant amount of time. Aside from that, I would argue that they need to be based there to protect our interests and vis sources. Allowing them to live here with only a nominal presence in the Balearics would mean we're leaving a very strong vis source that we agreed to protect hundreds of miles from its theoretical protectors. I think we are obligated to maintain a presence there, not just respond via portal when word somehow reaches us that trouble is brewing. Our partners in Barcelona would be justified in considering that outright negligence.
[tab][/tab]You guys are jumping to conclusions and missing my point. And it seems you already jumped to a conclusion that misinforms you. A member is already a member, voted in and fully entitled. They were made members with the agreement that they serve at Sa Dragonera, but nothing in our resolutions or charter enforces this. Having said that, those that do break the agreement will surly get treated with disdain and dishonor.
[tab][/tab]But that is not what I am talking about. What I mean is the opposite, there is nothing within our resolutions that forces a member to stay here if they want to live over there. And the reason he would want to live over there is to uphold his honor in agreement.
Meanwhile, outside the council chambers:
"Are you a member of the royalty in any nation?" Lucas is leaned back in his chair, trying to relax.
"No. That's six." Horus is perched on the back of a chair a few feet away from Lucas.
"Are you a famous philosopher?" Lucas's tone is light, as if he doesn't really have his heart in the game.
"Nope. Seven down; fourteen to go."
"Are you famous for something you wrote?"
"Finally, he scores a hit. Yes, I am." Lucas leans forward in his chair, his attention finally grabbed.
"Were you born before the birth of Christ?"
"Yes, I was. Twelve more. But you'll never get this one." The falcon looks confident - but then falcon's always look confident.
"Were you ....."
The questions continue as the debate rages on inside.
Sorry, this is the only thread I've got. I have to make my own fun.
Arnau looks at the pair outside the council chamber. That one looks like a bright, young good chap. He seems to know his letters as well.
And he is even entertaining that mage. Savy.
Arnau needs to ask them more about the relationship they have, mages and familiars. He is about to go into Initation to be able to link himself with a beast and have him as a lifelong companion and is somewhat anxious about it. He has been told that this changes you. Forever. He is sure about that, but does not know how despite all the intel he has been gathering on it. And despite his recklessness this worries him. He tends to act first and think later. Hell, this is how he got his first 2 kids and wife! (and much snickers from his men) but this is supposed to be a really strong bond, apparently even stronger than the companionship and love for one's wife and children. And this somewhat panics him.
Being a companion he has no place in the council, and in fact should be in Mallorca according to what his contract says, but he likes to hang around and know what is happening. And he needed to get some clues from the library anyway. This new magus seems young, so he will have been bond for only a few years at most, so he should be able to answer some questions that the more experienced familiars and mages have been unable to answer due to their settlement being longer lived. Familar relationships seem to be like love: passionate and tumultuous at the start and then settle down progressively into a common understanding. He needs more information on that.
Yo! He interrupts the pair approaching them with a grin. He walks with his characteristic limp, and his hair is wilder than it used to be, but he appears like the warrior he is to all effects. And he still wears orange clothing that even a faerie would consider to be too ostentatious. Welcome to Andorra. I am sure you are already fed up with people telling you this, though. I am Arnau, captain of the Flame Brothers, some nice fighting chaps you might have seen around. We are sure to take blows for you in the future. He laughs. He clearly does not worry too much about it, or does not show it. When you are done with the council maybe you would be willing to share a cup of real wine with me? I would like to know both of you a little bit more and maybe help you a little bit to find your way around the covenant.
"I don't tire of hearing it at all," Lucas says, rising and offering Arnau his hand. "In fact, I hope to hear it more formally in a little while." He nods toward the council chamber. "I'm Lucas of House Mercere." Then he gestures toward the falcon and adds, "and this is Horus."
"A pleasure," the hawk says, and nods his head in a bow.
"And I'll be happy to share a cup of wine with you. In fact, I brought a chest with me filled with a number of choice bottles from Burgundy and Champagne, so I can even provide the wine, if you like. I've heard a little bit about your unit in the few days I've been here. And if half of what's said about you is true ... well then, that would make the other half lies." He smirks. "In all seriousness, though, the Flame Brothers have a fine reputation and I'd love to hear more about them and their commander. And any help getting to know the covenant would be appreciated. I've only managed a day of exploring and I've come to the conclusion that it'll take a lot longer than that to get familiar with this place."
"But I'm not sure if I'll even get that," he adds. "I volunteered to relocated to Mallorca for the time being if I'm accepted into the covenant. So I may well be spending most of my time there. And I understand there's no central covenant there."
Ha! That would be true! Half lies! He laughs I never tasted Champagne wine so far, even if I am acquainted with Burgundy and sing my appraisal for the produce of that region. Strong and tough wine, with personality. Nothing alike that xerez water that some drink around here.
Yes, Andorra is a massive covenant. It has more secrets and things to discover than most covenants I have seen so far, and a longer history if what they claim is true. A true fenix covenant. I am sure you will like it if they accept you. I heard that Redcaps have a special place in the covenant, so you might get a slightly easy entry here. Just one advise: do not piss off Carmen. That woman is dead serious and tough!
It is true that Mallorca has no central location. However it spins around the vis source in Sa Dragonera. A contingent of my men looks directly over the vis source, even if we cannot gather it ourselves. I also have my quarters there, so we might see each other around Mallorca. I know a few good hunting spots for large and small game around the island if you are interested. He looks at Horus when he says that. If you need support to install yourself in Mallorca the Brothers can provide you with security if you want. We do that for some other mages and they seem to be happy with it.
Back in council, Roberto pipes up
That is total BS. You are just twisting words around to make things look pretty. You never presented any of these options to me, and this "agreement" you speak of was put to me as a mandatory condition. If what you mean to say is that we will follow accepted tradition yet find a way to phrase it all pretty, just say that to us.
"I know just the bottle to bring," Lucas says, when Arnau reveals that he's never tasted any Champagne wine. "Not quite as full-bodied as some of the Burgundian wines I've brought. But it doesn't suffer for the loss, I assure you."
At the warning about Carmen he nods. "I'll keep that in mind. I have yet to get a feel for the masters - or the other journeymen, for that matter. My superiors gave me a general précis of the covenant and its members, but definitely not down to that kind of detail. As for House Mercere making things easier, it may well be. They can appoint me to the Mercere Lodge without asking for permission. But that's not what I want. I've heard good things about this covenant. And I want to help build it into something great rather than just watch it all from the side. The way I figure it, being a Mercere magus here will have its pluses and minuses. Time will tell how the balance comes out."
"I'd appreciate having a few good men to guard my quarters," Lucas says when Arnau reveals that the Flame Brothers handle security in Mallorca. "I'll be moving my family in, and I want to make sure the children are safe. My wife is a Redcap and may be away for weeks at a time, or longer. And if I have to come here on covenant business, I'll feel much better knowing that there's someone who knows what they're doing watching my children. And I'd love to go hunting some time. Horus has been bugging me for months..."
"to go hunting, but I never seem to find the time. Maybe this will push me to finally go."
Alas, it will be several hundred years before the first sparkling wine from Champagne. But they have many fine regular wines.
Also, having the Flame Brothers for security fits in perfectly. Lucas is taking the Extra Staff boon twice to get extra guards.
I only thought of it after I made up my character, so I didn't put 5 points into Hunt(falconry). I suppose I really ought to learn ...
Vocis steps in, trying to head off the probable shouting match. More to the point, the covenant charter includes several methods of punishment for members, up to and including expulsion. My understanding was the same as Roberto's - he, Pere, and Fleur were given membership and, more importantly, immediate journeyman status on the condition of their being stationed at Sa Dragonera. If they chose to disregard that condition and live here instead, I would expect them to be brought up on some kind of charges based on the charter. Solomon, what would the council's options be in such an instance?
well played good sirs
(damn Fightmaster, you beat me to it )
Solomon sighs, stands up slowly and limps across the room, the sound of his staff tapping the floor echoing throughout the room, "Carmen, I would respectfully request that you not assume that you know what conclusions I may or may not be jumping to."
He stops at the other end of the room in front of a lectern, where the Resolutions of Charter of the Covenant sit, "Furthermore, your assumption that once the journeymen have become members that they may then do whatever they please is wrong. As Roberto and Vocis have stated, it was upon condition of residence at the Baelric Isles that Roberto, Fleur and Pere were granted the status of journeymen. This condition was levied in front of the Masters of the Covenant during a council meeting and voted upon, giving it the weight of a council decision.
The Oath that all of us have sworn states in part," he looks down and reads verbatim , "'I shall take my dutiful place in this council, and shall abide by the rulings and decisions made thereby.' Thus to do other than what was agreed upon would not only be a violation of the Resolutions of Charter, but also go against the sworn Oath of Covenant. At the very least, this would be a low crime.
In addition, you state that if one of the journeymen were to wish to relocate to the main covenant, we would be required to accomodate them. This is also not correct. Per the Resolutions of Charter, 'they shall be provided a sanctum with inviolate rights therein, and shall be provided the equipment and supplies needed for their laboratories and other mystical studies.' They have each been provided a sanctum. Nowhere within the Resolutions of Charter does it state a magus may choose their sanctum, only that we provide them one, as we have done."
Very well played good sirs
A point of Confidence each for Vocis and Solomon. I think that covers everyone with an award recently. Am I giving awards away too freely or is the amount just right or too short?
[tab][/tab]Carmen furrows her row and then smiles. Well, that resolves that. The issue had been nagging me, and it is well we have it clarified. That puts us back where we started though. How can we phrase the agreement so that it suits our intent yet also pleases the Mercere? As I said, I really don't think there is much to worry about. Still, it makes for good diplomacy to phrase things in an affable manner.
[color=blue]"That entirely depends upon what decision we reach here. If we grant him membership in the covenant, then he will be part of Andorra, studying and improving his knowledge of his Hermetic arts, using his knowledge and skills to help improve Andorra, while providing such services to his Mercere kin as our House sees fit.
"If not...he has expressed in interest in moving himself and his family to our Mercere Lodge, and I see no reason to deny him that. So, he will likely live in the Lodge, improve his knowledge of the Hermetic arts, cobble together a laboratory using whatever resources Mercere is able to grant him, and provide such services to our House as he is able.
"Obviously, both Andorra and Lucas will come out the better if we extend him membership here."
[color=blue]"Mercere has not asked him to join our Covenant, but they have not expressed any desire one way or the other as to his membership here. I do not believe that if we deny him membership will result in him being relocated to Constantinople, say."
Fédora opens her mouth to speak, but closes it again when Solomon protests Carmen's idea. The Redcap listens to the discussion with a look of dispassionate interest.
[strike][color=blue]"I do not believe," she finally says, [color=blue]"that he is interested in taking up residence at Sa Dragonera, or in dividing his time between there and here, nor do I believe that we should make that a condition of his membership. He has applied for membership in the Covenant of Andorra. If we wish to offer him membership at the..chapter house at Sa Dragonera, then we should do so. My strong preference, however, is that we consider Lucas for Andorra. And if you feel that he would better serve our needs at Sa Dragonera, let him know. But, regardless, he still has an option with the Mercere Lodge."[/strike]