Answering Questions the best I can...
Q. What does the scene look like right now?
A. The Effreet and the loneswordsman are dueling down below. The swordsman is quick, the efreet never lands a blow, but he really stands little chance against it. Though he bears the coat of arms of Don Vasquez, this doesn't seem like the legendary wizard Rodrigo of Mercere at all. He looks more like a martial Redcap.
Q. How many of our guards are there?
A. The seven elite are here gathered before the magi. The entirety of the Andorran guard is maybe fifty men. All Veterans (You must be a veteran Warrior first, then you can the Custos Virtue when you swear the Vow of Loyalty). They are all on alert, armed and ready. They are manning the battlements along the East side of the castle, mainly concentrating at the front gatehouse.
Q. How are they trained (how're they with magical danger, if we give them magical buffs will they be able to deal, etc)?
A. Dealing with the paranormal is part of their training. Though we recruit only veteran warriors, they are treated as green until their first supernatural encounter. With the magical wilderness, firedrakes, ogres and so forth, they have plenty of experience.
Q. Realistically, what chance do I think they stand against the efreet?
A. Depends on what you expect of them. Full on assault will probably get them killed. Alexandro reccomends diversionary tactics, get the things attention so we can rescue and recover that lone swordsman and get him into the aegis.
Q. Are they well warded enough that they could be a distraction, even a threat, if protected by our Parmae?
A. Depends on what he wants to rain down on them. His big powers prolly have a high might cost, and a good parma + Ignem could block it. His more sutle powers have less of a cost, thus etter penetration. At least you would figure.
Q. What do I/we know - assuming critical information is shared - about the efreet’s powers, possible Might range, etc?
A. Basically what I have leaked so far. Might 50+ you guess. Maybe higher or lower, not sure. Genies have a wide range of powers. He obviously has a lot of Ignem power. In the past he has been known to transform to smoke, change size from tint to massive, turn into a black dog and a red lion, he can conjure beasts, he used to conjure lesser efreet when he was Malik but he lost his command, and who knows what else he knows.
Q. Is the 10-15 MR we can give the guards from sharing Parma enough to protect them, or is just too powerful?
A. It is better than nothing. At the very least, it will allow you to lead them more effectively because they will no longer be irritated by your Gift (though they are aware of it, the Gift is hard to get used to).
Q. Finally, what are we sacrificing by taking time to strategize - that is, is he already raining fire on the village or is he boasting and smashing himself against our Aegis?
A. He is still fighting the swordsman, who seems to be jumping and teleporting all around the thing escaping death and tring to cut its achilles tendon.