Chapter Three - Spring Council

Cursing under her breath, Marie casts Wizard's Sidestep on herself (no botch dice I assume).
Then the others see he run through the wall next to the door towards the sounds.

(OOC: I assume the spell succeeds. Does she see anything? If yes what and from where)


Carmen: [color=red]I like her, but she has no martial experience. Let us gather outside and see to the matter as a unified force

He rises calmly from his seat. "That would be tactically unwise. If we are under attack so blatantly in the middle of the day implies either the enemy commander is either foolish or supremely confident. If the latter we should assume they are prepared to encounter magi. Going out as a group would give them the opportunity to slay us in one fell swoop. It would be more efficient to send mistress Perez up on the ramparts where she would have a commanding view of the field to fully utilize her expertise in auram. If mistress Noris has no combat experience, she should act in reserve and escort the servants and other civilians to safety first."

He turns to the grog that alerted the magi of the attack. "Assemble the remaining custos under the command of the turb sergeants. They in turn shall report to master Xalbador." He focuses on Decimus next. "The other magi who reside outside the castle must be advised. Master Decimus, if it is possible and the risk not too great, send any redcaps to communicate the urgency of the situation."

He makes his way towards a window to observe what is transpiring outside, silently invoking Wizard's sidestep.

We can see nothing from our angel. The presence of Commander Xalador is needed in the yard outside.

Carmen rolls her eyes at Octavius :unamused: [color=red]Stay in here and cower like an old woman if you want. The Aegis will keep whatever it is at bay I am sure. All of you who are proud warriors ready for battle! Join Commander Xalbador and myself in the yard along with the soldiers! Be calm and act decisive, just like in the drills! (Carmen secretly wonders if her father has become lax on drill exercises with these magi.)

The Andorran Guard has manned the battlements; guards on the towers are keeping watch on the threat that looms outside. Our castle is built on a plateau, and the road leading up to it from the village is alongside a cliff. In the space between the village and the cliff is a horseman being menaced by a giant effreet (size +5).

It is Khyron!
The deposed Malik of the Arc of Fire!
Enraged and bold enough to attack us this close!

Our Aegis is proof against him, but the village is in danger. And the horseman’s shield bears the coat of arms of the Vasquez family. Don Rodrigo? Could it be?

The gigantic Efreet imoliates the horseman with a blast of flame!

Or so it seems. The rider is suddenly behind the fiend somehow, stubbornly swinging his sword at it.

This happens/happened before anyone can react. Captain Alexandro has already assembled the Seven Champion Elite, prepared for deployment upon the orders of the Commander. They are Warded against Heat and Flames by their shields, their swords are razor sharp, and they have magic shoes :laughing: (boots similar to the ones Lejla has, with Wizards Leap only).

[color=green]Captain Alexandro: [color=red]Commander Xalbador! We stand ready for your orders!

Even though you have the least martial ability and combat experience, Carmen admires the fact that you were first out the door. The best thing you can do right now is help the magi gather their nerve and stop hiding in the council chamer :laughing:

The Elite Guard are also waiting for Magi to cover them with Parma Magica :wink:.

And the Efreet's most hated enemies are Antonio and Rodrigo.

And, well, the rest of us. He really hates the magi of Andorra.

Good, good. And now, a bunch of questions.

What does the scene look like right now? How many of our guards are there? How are they trained (how're they with magical danger, if we give them magical buffs will they be able to deal, etc)? Realistically, what chance do I think they stand against the efreet? Are they well warded enough that they could be a distraction, even a threat, if protected by our Parmae? What do I/we know - assuming critical information is shared - about the efreet’s powers, possible Might range, etc? Is the 10-15 MR we can give the guards from sharing Parma enough to protect them, or is just too powerful? Finally, what are we sacrificing by taking time to strategize - that is, is he already raining fire on the village or is he boasting and smashing himself against our Aegis? Time is money.

As if to say "why me", Inigo rolls his eyes heavenward for a moment, then gets to work. [color=red]Well, this is unexpected :slight_smile:. Everyone who is to participate – you know who you are – cover the guards with your Parmae, and I mean now. Those of you who aren’t, make yourselves useful or get out of my way. This is not up for discussion, people. Just do it. And save your strength. We will protect the guards and the village. No one dies on my watch if I can help it. Inigo immediately extends his Parma to cover the Captain and as many guards as he can (effective Parma score 3). He stands ready to invoke his long round of spells, but holds off for now since we're safe inside the Aegis.

[color=red]You’re all smart and independent. I trust you to do as you see fit, and not to undermine my command. I can bring frost and cold to bear on it, which is likely to be effective, and Dimir Taar and Carmen are well trained for war. Decimus, this is an ideal time to earn your membership. Now, briefly tell me of your plans, then go forth.

All of these sound good. A big battle will leave an even bigger crater, so we want those villagers OUT. Ideally, we want them out and then we want him away from the village to preserve their homes, but that’s secondary.

Decimus hesitates for a moment, then turns to Lejla. [color=red]Could you see if there is some chance that you can alert a few nearby magi. I have no clue to where they may be if there are any nearby. I will go to my laboratory and try to get some for of a message out using magic. Decimus then uses The wizards leap to get going fast. Before he travels to the laboratory he travels to the Mercere quarter to alert those Redcaps that he can see there. Then he travels to his sanctums chamber that is especially organised for ceremonial magic. He arranges the tools and begins to cast a spell.

Decimus looks out through the window and will make a cloud or a high tree top scream the words Warning!, Effret!, Village! That is a first magnitude spell so it won’t take more than a minute to cast.

After his alerting is done Decimus returns to the vicinity of the covenants council chamber.

Octavius, don’t be put off by the attitude Carmen gave you. She is just a brat and a pushy broad (see her Reputations), and she is also feels that you were mean to Marie. ([color=pink]Like, Marie is my BFF, and it was like totally so rude for you to disrespect her like that.). Don’t worry. Soon you will be proven right. And that wolves comment, that was sharp.

I can clearly see that this is going to be a comedy of errors. You actually have the higher Leadership score, but even then not by much. Only a score of two, at your age. Tsk tsk. Well, it still beats Inigo.

Also, keep in mind that the realities of PbP don’t allow for a lot of over-precaution. I as DM know it is safe out on the field, so I wanna kind of rush you out there so we can move to the next scene. I can tell we are going to take a week or two on this scenario alone.

AND part of it is perhaps a bad choice of words. By Field, I mean Bailey, on the field of the inner bailey where martial exercise and assemblies take place.

ALSO, I have never provided you guys with a map of this place. I said before, it sort of looks like the Keep on the Borderlands. The Council Chamber is in the main keep of the castle, on the far north end. The front gates are on the south end, the road slopes down south by southeast alongside the cliff for over a quarter mile until it gets down to the level of the village, and from there it is a straight shot east for about three-quarters of a mile to the edge of the village.

So then, if you can envision that, the Efreet is battling the lone swordsman about a half mile from the edge of the village. You can see it all clearly from your vantage point. It is a ten minute walk, 5 if you run, even faster if you use more advanced means of transportation. And I bet you all spent at least five minutes logging on to read all of this :wink:

Answering Questions the best I can...

Q. What does the scene look like right now?
A. The Effreet and the loneswordsman are dueling down below. The swordsman is quick, the efreet never lands a blow, but he really stands little chance against it. Though he bears the coat of arms of Don Vasquez, this doesn't seem like the legendary wizard Rodrigo of Mercere at all. He looks more like a martial Redcap.

Q. How many of our guards are there?
A. The seven elite are here gathered before the magi. The entirety of the Andorran guard is maybe fifty men. All Veterans (You must be a veteran Warrior first, then you can the Custos Virtue when you swear the Vow of Loyalty). They are all on alert, armed and ready. They are manning the battlements along the East side of the castle, mainly concentrating at the front gatehouse.

Q. How are they trained (how're they with magical danger, if we give them magical buffs will they be able to deal, etc)?
A. Dealing with the paranormal is part of their training. Though we recruit only veteran warriors, they are treated as green until their first supernatural encounter. With the magical wilderness, firedrakes, ogres and so forth, they have plenty of experience.

Q. Realistically, what chance do I think they stand against the efreet?
A. Depends on what you expect of them. Full on assault will probably get them killed. Alexandro reccomends diversionary tactics, get the things attention so we can rescue and recover that lone swordsman and get him into the aegis.

Q. Are they well warded enough that they could be a distraction, even a threat, if protected by our Parmae?
A. Depends on what he wants to rain down on them. His big powers prolly have a high might cost, and a good parma + Ignem could block it. His more sutle powers have less of a cost, thus etter penetration. At least you would figure.

Q. What do I/we know - assuming critical information is shared - about the efreet’s powers, possible Might range, etc?
A. Basically what I have leaked so far. Might 50+ you guess. Maybe higher or lower, not sure. Genies have a wide range of powers. He obviously has a lot of Ignem power. In the past he has been known to transform to smoke, change size from tint to massive, turn into a black dog and a red lion, he can conjure beasts, he used to conjure lesser efreet when he was Malik but he lost his command, and who knows what else he knows.

Q. Is the 10-15 MR we can give the guards from sharing Parma enough to protect them, or is just too powerful?
A. It is better than nothing. At the very least, it will allow you to lead them more effectively because they will no longer be irritated by your Gift (though they are aware of it, the Gift is hard to get used to).

Q. Finally, what are we sacrificing by taking time to strategize - that is, is he already raining fire on the village or is he boasting and smashing himself against our Aegis?
A. He is still fighting the swordsman, who seems to be jumping and teleporting all around the thing escaping death and tring to cut its achilles tendon.

Yes indeed, the whole covenant and village are on high alert. We are the only magi close by. But one of the visiting Redcaps is of the guardian/enforcer variety. He is a huge man with bulging muscles and a magical battle axe. He pledges his talents to Decimus, and will fight loyally by your command. The other two visiting Redcaps currently present are not so martial, and retreat to the basement. [color=red]Wasn't there a Herme's Portal arond here somewhere?

Not that I know of but sure if you find one let me know. Decimus looks at the man. [color=red]We can really need you help now. Follow me back to the council halls entrance. They are mounting a assault on the efreet now. There is someone fighting with it now. We move up to the other and we can work together with them.

Once back. [color=red]Shall we attack the effret? If we the guads assault it at keeps it occupied, perhaps injuring the brute. I make my self invisible and teleport forward and tries to harm the effret using my spells. I’ll begin with might draining spells. Decimus turns to the martial Redcap. Work together with the other armed men. Decimus extends his Parma over the Redcap. (Parma 4 with speciality in Ignem).

( :exclamation: got an idea)

Marie organizes a dozen of noncombatants into a chain of people who fill water barrels (about 150 litres per barrel) for her, using the covenants well. When the first water barrel is finished, screaming at the top of her lungs, she hurls it trying to drop it onto the monster.

[OOC: Ominous levitation of the water barrel (Lvl20, cf. HoH:S, p. 38; range: sight)
Re 20 + He 6 + Focus (telekinesis) 6 + Au 5 + Sta 2+1 loud = 40+ stress roll for a fatiguing spontaneous level 20 spell (even a near miss should cause some damage, a bathtub full of water causes quite a splash; a hit also adds falling damage). The spell description says - as fast as a bird flies - I take that to be 60mph for a pigeon - although there are birds that fly about 220mph (source: BBC). That means it takes about 25 seconds for a barrel to fly there and hit. She will fire a barrel every two minutes - because I don't think it gets filled faster and because I don't want her to become fatigued)

Casting roll: 0 then 4 for a total of 40.
Finesse (Precision) 5 + 1 for Specialty + 1 Perception = 7 + roll
Finesse roll: 1 then 1 then 1 then 2 (using the random number generator of my calculator) for a total of 16+7=23 aiming roll
Mark: feel free to reroll or to veto the spell]

[color=green]Carmen: [color=red]Octavius, Decimus, you guys have an excellent idea! One of you use PeVi versus Infernal, the other versus Magic, that way we have it covered either way. The two of you advance in under cover of invisibility with the Guards to cover you. When you strike, Dimir Taar and I will rush in and grab the swordsman. He'll carry him back while I blast the Efreet with Lightning. Inigo is the only one with the sorts of spells that can truly challenge this thing. Perhaps you should spearhead the main assault.

Considers Marie's idea....bemuses how cute it is
:slight_smile: [color=red]Go for it, every little bit helps!

[color=red]Soldaes I try to damage any magical might that that thing has. If they does not seem to have any effect I switch to spells that target infernal might. I am ready when you are. Decimus sees to that his toga is sitting tight on him. [color=red]I suggest that we get going as soon as possible to help that man who fights the Effret.

Decimus will use the wizards leap to get within range and then unleashes his Sap the Griffins might and or The daemons eternal oblivion. Sap the Griffin's Strength and The daemons eternal oblivion are both of level 5 but Decimus has a combined Perdo + Vim + Stamina + Cyclic magic (it is day right) + method caster (bold gestures and loud voice) + penetration + mastery of 33 + stress dice – 5 (for the level). Decimus uses his mastery to cast three of each spell. Hope it hurts. :slight_smile:

He turns to Decimus. "Master Decimus, please start targetting for Magical Might. I shall trail behind you as backup should our enemy turn its sights on you."

The soft spoken Octavius invokes the casting of Veil of Invisibility (Pe +4, Im +10, Sta +1, +3 Deception material bonus from Talisman =+18, target 20) before disappearing in a puff of illusory crow's feathers.

Decimus make sure that his protective spells are in order and use the wizards leap to get within range.

I'll get back to you all later today. But I was thinking about it, and a barrel of water smacking upside the head will be painful indeed. He can dry off easy, but since he is part flame, it will be analogous to being "scalded" momentarilly.

Clouds and storms are easy :wink: Carmen gets to it.

Okay, barrel smacks him upside the head, casing him to howl. The swordsman pulls out his mundane dagger and stabs him in the foot (having realized that his sword has no effect).

Then the clouds gather and the rain starts. The main gate opens, and Capain Alexandro leads the charge.

((OOC: Just cloud cover for the invisibility approach. It would be a dead giveaway if our silhouettes can be picked out in the rain :slight_smile: ))