Character & Covenant Development

scratches head

But the guidelines say the MuVi spell has to penetrate the other spell's penetration, not the caster's parma.

Gawdz, I hope not!

It says nothing about having to suppress Parma, which can leave the mage open to all sorts of unpleasantness. It says that if they cooperate, it all works out - that's enough for me, I don't ask "How?"

Another way to limit the math is to define the level of effect that can be affected as "Casting Total/2", or "CT +5/2" or something, sim to how the diff effects have diff limits under MuVi guidelines.

If the effect duration is limited to Concentration, then more significant changes are not a problem. "Minor" changes, maybe, could be included - again, this term would need to be defined somehow.

If the overall flexibility is limited, sigils could be included. It's a scary power, but it's a valid one, if that's where SF wants to go with this, as opposed to other directions. As pointed out earlier, such a changed sigil would still have echoes of her specific magic if magically examined. (That is, it would be superficially changed, but any InVi of approp level would tell the diff, and what had happened.)

I'd also suggest considering making it a long-term Fatigue, as that limits it over a day - but that should be balance with the final definition.

Still working out my Magi. Need to revisit my Virtues/Flaws. Also need to work out his post gauntlet advancement. But I wanted to throw him out there for feed back. Anyone see any glaring errors?

Also, Falls: is the blackmail angle OK? I can change "J" and "C" to other letters of the alphabet.

Characteristics: Int +2 (Willy), Per +2 (Astute), Pre +1 (All Smiles), Com +4 (Soothing, melodic tone),
Str 0, Sta +1 (Long WInded), Dex 0, Qik -1 (Deliberate step)

Virtues and Flaws:
The Gift/0, Improved Characteristics (×2)/2, Hermetic Magus/0, Self-Confident (Confidence: +1)/0 from house, Mythic Blood/3, Inspirational (Bonus: +3 to targets' Personality Traits)/1, Minor Magical Focus (Voices)/0 from Mythic Blood, Great Communication/1

Weak Parens/-1, Blackmail/-1, Optimistic: Major/-3, Feral Scent (Penalty: -1 on social interactions)/-1, Carefree/0 from Mythic Blood, Deleterious Circumstances/-1

Reputations: Unclean 2

Abilities: Irish 5, Parma Magica 1, Magic Theory 3, Latin 4, Awareness 2, Brawl 3 (Kicking), Calligraphy 2 [Category: Writing Materials], Charm 1 (Setting your mind at ease), Guile 1 (Playing innocent), Leadership 1, Bargain 1, Italian 3, Artes Liberales 2 (Rhetoric),
Finesse 1 (Precision), Penetration 2 (Imaginem)

Arts: Cr 2, In 4, Mu 2, Pe 4, Re 2, An 0, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 1, He 1, Ig 0, Im 10, Me 7, Te 0, Vi 1

Spells Known:
The Ear for Distant Voices (InIm 20) +19
Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15) +12
Perceive Motives (InMe 10) +12
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15) +12
Words of the Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10) +12
Silence of the Smothered Sound (PeIm 20) +15

Size: 0
Age: 23 (23), Height: 5'6'', Weight: 150 lbs, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 2 (5)

No one knows or cares much about Apple's past. His Parens showed up at his home covenant in Italy one day with the smiling, happy boy in tow. The boy spoke Gaelic,
so the coven folk assumed he was Irish. His Master informed them the boy was of a founder's bloodline, but his Master was a well known liar, so everyone just went
back to what they were doing.

As the boy grew and learned, his gifts became more obvious. The boy was able to talk his way into and out of anything. One of the magi commented that he could "talk the
serpent into taking a bite out of the apple." Apple became his nickname.

Apple was a precocious scamp. A year or two shy of his ganutlet, he talked several of the companions and grogs at the Covenant into ambushing and murdering his Master. The
other Tytalus at the Covenantrecognized him immediately as a magi and finished the boy's education off.

Apple walked out of his Master's covenant with several books and letters as mementos. They had been claimed by other magi at the tower, but if you know the right thing
to say to a chambermaid or two, they are willing to hid anything in their skirts, and it's amazing what they can manage to fit in there. His Master's correspondence was
usually written in cipher, most of them easily cracked. But there were several letters that proved tougher. After a few years, Apple managed to crack the code. The letters
were...illuminating. It seems there's a covenant called the White Lady. And in this covenant lives someone referred to as "P", and "P" has been involved in some kind of
feud between a "J" and a "C". In fact "P" had been feeding information on "C" to "J" and on "J" to "C". And best yet, "J" and "C" were apparently very generous towards
thier benefactor. Apple didn't have to ask around too much. The Redcaps know so many things, and mostly they just want someone to talk to. And Apple is good at talking.
He wrote a letter to Jacopo (note the first initial) and received a letter back. Wonderful. The Alps sounded like fun.

Warjoski –

This is great. I have some questions, but I like that you're proposing some risky stuff from the start.

This part is great! You guys are co-authors in our story, I’m totally down with it. I wonder though… could we raise the stakes? What if you’re involved, yourself, concretely with this information feeding blackmail business? So that, in exploiting the blackmail, you have a personal stake, a risk where you have to walk the line. Perhaps something your Master got you into?

Wow, this is big. Why did he do this? You can say “because he’s a Tytalus,” and that’s OK, but I want more, the personal why of it. What kind of person was his master? Did Apple enjoy doing it? Not care? Is he tormented about it? Why were the covenfolk even OK with it? Was the master “evil”? I often think Tytalus deliberately choose to make hard choices, but then have to deal with the inner conflict that results. No matter how grueling your training or ends-justifying your worldview, I feel like there has to be a human element in this act and I want to know what it is.

I’m OK with it – but will he be able to play nicely with others? This isn’t a requirement, but if he can’t you and everyone else need to be OK with where that leads. Ultimately, what’s your goal for this guy, as a player? Work against other PCs? Flirt with the edge? Or more of a coming of age, story of redemption, precocious kid uses his cleverness but ultimately becomes a man, smart but also humbled by life's hard knocks kind of deal? A darker, more direct conflict can work, absolutely, but everyone will have to be behind it, and if even one person is reticent we need to not go there. If we choose to go that route, the saga will be very different, for you especially.

I suppose I’m showing my own bias. My stories tend to have at least a shred of an objective standard of “good” and “evil”, which makes it hard for me to understand really hardcore Tytalus magi. I guess I also don’t understand him yet. But then, maybe I’ve never understood the human element in the Tytalus mindset as well as I wish I did.

Depending on your answers, this could take us someplace potentially uncomfortable for your fellow players, me included, but I want to hear what you have to say on this. So, tell me more. What are goals, as a player? What do you want to explore here?


Somehow, "precocious" isn't the first word that jumps to mind... :laughing:

first draft of the background for Korvin ex Mercere

Born in Harco, Korvin's gift was discovered early much to the excitement of his parents and others in the house. He was raised on tales of the founder and the duty to the house. His talent with Muntantes magic plus a knack for Creo had many in the house talking about the bloodline of the founder was very string in him. Not long after puberty, he found that there were other expectations for someone with a strong gift in the House. Over the years he has sired 16 children ( that he knows of). Three of which have turned out to be gifted. This has only increased the amount of attention he gets.

After his Gauntlet, he spend 6 years at Harco refining his Arts. The seventh year, the year he would spend as a Redcap, was an eye opener for Korvin. He had been sheltered at Harco. always the golden boy. During his apprenticeship, he was not given many duties as a Redcap. Mostly he and his master would visit major Mercere houses and would do much of their traveling via portals. This time he was given a group of covenants in the Greater Alps Tribunal and was able to travel. Most of the time he was accompanying by a senior Redcap to teach him various routes and skills he would need to survive but it was a thrill to be able to talk to other folk and see how they lived. And more interestingly for him, he got to meet several of the children that he had fathered.

When he returned to Haco, Korvin decided to move to a new covenant. There was much discussion within the House about where he should go. Korvin vetoed suggestions to put him in Primus Covenants or others were on major trade routes. He choose the Greater Alps Tribunal and the senior Redcap, a woman named Alcyone, said she would set him up at the White Lady. So a deal was done with Jacopo ex Tytalus and a satellite Redhat house was set up at the Covenant with a portal in place to Harco.


I wasn't sure how much I could push the blackmail angle and didn't know how much that would impinge on the things you have planned. The reason I'm choosing to play Apple vs. another concept I had is because he seems so crazy and so doomed. If he ends up going down in flames, I want them to be spectacular ones. My original idea was to see if he could find out who "P" was, learn all he could about the conflict, and then consider taking over the business.

On the other hand...

Yes. This is a game for everyone's enjoyment, not just mine. I don't mind inter party conflict. I do mind ruining everyone's game because of it.

The Optimistic and Carefree flaws seem to fit him. He seems to actually like people. The Communication emphasis isn't just a "this is how I manipulate people" thing. He actually enjoys conversation.

It's just that he has a homicidal side to his nature.

At this point, the concept of Apple is he plays for big stakes or doesn't play at all. If he's in a "game" with someone, and it goes up to the point of murder to win, out will come the knives. His apprenticeship was a game, and he won. I'm not in love with the idea of him using Grogs to have done the deed. I just needed a mechanism for the write up and that seemed to fit.

He doesn't play "games" with people he thinks don't understand the rules, which would be most mundanes and most Magi.

Like I said, the draft is still very raw. But I wanted to post him to get the feedback. If you think Apple would be too disruptive, I'm just as happy playing someone else. Anyone got an opinion?

There are a couple words for this type of person - "sociopath" is one.

(And the "game" he played was not typically Tytalus, imo, nor one in keeping with their traditions - see below.)

That's scary, but it could make for a good story. The key is to talk everything out in OOC before it happens - if a player doesn't want their character assassinated by a knife in shower, then it would be rude to go there, regardless of how "In Character" it would be.

Otoh, if a player starts to mess with him, OOC they know the path they're treading, the story they are telling may well end in violent death, for someone.

The problem I foresee is that any IC "objection" to any actions of the character could possibly trigger a reprisal, and that means that, for purely OOC reasons, the character will get a "free pass" to be as out of control as he wants, without a word of complaint from the other Players. And I say "Players", not "characters", because it is only OOC considerations that stop them.

So - what you're asking us all to do is to agree to be part of this story element. That can be asking a lot.

I could go there - I'll just have to build a character that is much more up for any potential conflict, and less of a theorist. It mandates that the game is one of Civ, and not Sim City.

But this also risks being the type of Tytalus that everyone hates - not the character, the type, a purely OOC judgement. Imo, Tytalus are about learning thru challenges, not challenging (and ambushing) to dominate. "Stabbed you, taught you a lesson!" Yeah, and the lesson is... never allow a sociopath in your covenant (something his Parens failed to grasp). Assure us that's not him, and I'm good with it.

(Does this count for any spell with Range:Voice?)

Here is Jonathan again, a bit cleaned up. Please comment. I will have spell descriptions and Background tomorrow.

Jonathan of Flambeau: John Brian of Yorkshire after 8 years
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +0, Com +1, Pre +2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +0, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 39, appears 36 (apprenticed age 16, gauntlet age 31, current age 38)
Longevity: CrCo30r since age 35 (given to me by mentor)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (?? – 4 from Longevity,
Confidence: 2 (5)
Virtues: +0 Gifted Hermetic Magus, +F Warrior (School of Ramius), +3 Gentle Gift, +1 Fast Caster, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Self Confident, +1 Puissant Parma Magica, +1 Puissant Single Weapon, +1 Skilled Parens, +1 Venus’ Blessing
Flaws: -3 Compassionate, -3 Short Ranged Magic, -1 Difficult Spontaneous Magic, -1 Dutybound, -1 Mentor, -1 Weakness (ladies)
Personality Traits: Compassionate +3, Loyal +3, Brave +2, Dutiful +2
Soak: +
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)
Artes Liberales 1 (literacy), Athletics 3 (climbing), Awareness 2 (alert), Brawl 4 (grappling), Carouse 2 (socialize), Charm 2 (flirt wit da girlies), Code of Hermes 1 (Alpine customs), Concentration 2 (spells), Etiquette 2 (magi), Finesse 2 (speed), Folk Ken 2 (men folk), Guile 2 (fast talk), Intrigue 2 (alliances), Latin 4 (Hermetic), Leadership 2 (combat), Magic Theory 4 (12xps) (spells), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (Flambeau), Parma Magica 2+2 (Mentem), Penetration 1 (Creo), Profession-Scribe 1 (copy), Stealth 1 (sneak), Single Weapon 5+2 (longsword), Strategy 1 (magical tactics), Survival 2 (mountains), York Area Lore 2 (hometown), This Area Lore 1 (covenant)
Arts: Cr 6, In 4, Mu 8, Pe 3, Re 6, An 4, Aq 2, Au 5, Co 8, He 4, Ig 5, Im 2, Me 2, Te 5, Vi 3
Spells Known:
MuAn15 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk: CT +14
CrAu5 Air’s Ghostly Form: CT +13
CrAu20 Fist of Jupiter: CT +14, Mastered 1 (Vacillated Casting)
ReAu15 Endurance against Thunder & Lightning: CT +13
MuCo25 Gift of Bear’s Fortitude: CT +18
ReCo15 Endurance of Berserkers: CT +18, Mastered 2 (Imperturbable, Fast Cast)
ReCo15 Wizard’s Leap: CT +18, Mastered 2 (Fast-Cast, Stalwart)
InHe15 Shriek of the Impending Shafts: CT +10
CrIg10 Lamp Without Flame: CT +13
CrIg15 Blade of Virulent Flame: CT +14, Mastered 1 (Fast Cast)
CrIg20 Wrath of Reculed: CT +14, Mastered 1 (Precise)
ReIg15 Endurance against Heat & Flames: CT +13
ReIg15 Endurance against Cold & Frost: CT +13
MuIm5 Taste of the Spices & Herbs: CT +12
InTe15 Howl of the Steel Weapons: CT +11
ReTe5 Unseen Arm: CT +13
ReTe10 Invisible Sling of Vilano: CT +14, Mastered 1 (Fast Cast)
ReTe15 Endurance against Steel and Stone: CT +13
Twilight Scars & Effects: none yet
Magic Sigil: cleanliness
Symbolic Sigil:
Encumbrance: 0
Development: 7 years
5 Years Bulk Experience – 150xps (30 x 5)
2 Years Seasonal Development – 8 Seasons
1 – Spend season engaged in some arduous tasks
2 – Copy Lab Texts as my reward (120 Levels; Scribe 1 specialized in Copying)
3 – Invent Spell from Lab Text: MuCo25 Gift of Bear’s Fortitude (Lab Total 25, 2xps Exposure in Magic Theory)
4 – Invent Spell from Lab Text: CrCo20 Purification of the Festering Wound (Lab Total 23, 2xps Exposure in Magic Theory)
5 – Invent Spell from Lab Text: CrIg20 Wrath of Reculed (Lab Total 20, 2xps Exposure in Magic Theory)
6 – Invent Spell from Lab Text: ReAu15 Endurance against Thunder & Lightning (Lab Total 20, 2xps Exposure in Magic Theory)
7 – Invent two Spells from Lab Text: ReTe15 Endurance against Steel and Stone & ReTe5 Unseen Arm (Lab Total 20, 2xps Magic Theory)
8 – Invent Spell from Lab Text: CrAu20 Fist of Jupiter (Lab Total 20, 2xps Magic Theory)
One last year Bulk Experience – 30xps

Characteristics: Size +0, Refinement +0, General Quality +0, Upkeep +0, Safety +0, Warping +0, Health +0, Aesthetics +0
Magic Items:

Copied Lab Texts (120 Levels)
CrAu20 Fist of Jupiter
ReAu15 Endurance against Thunder & Lightning
CrCo20 Purification of the Festering Wound
MuCo25 Gift of Bear’s Fortitude
CrIg20 Wrath of Reculed
ReTe5 Unseen Arm
ReTe15 Endurance against Steel and Stone

Description of Spells
ReIg15 Endurance against Heat & Flames:
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
A low level ward that grants a +5 bonus to Soak against heat & fire related damage. There are similar Endurance spells granting similar Soak bonuses to other Forms. They are all the same level, and Jonathan knows variations that grant him a Soak bonus against Cold & Frost (ReTe), Thunder & Lightning (ReAu), and Steel & Stone (ReTe).
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)


I would want to avoid that actually. I don't think that would be fun for everyone.

Again, wouldn't want to ask that of the Troupe. Not fun for anyone.

Uh, not sure on that one. Doesn't HoH state that's one way for the Apprentice to be gauntleted immediately? Don't have my copy here. Check me on that please.

No. Just on spells that actually have to do with voices, not anything with a voice range.

I'm looking at ways to reign him in some more. If I can't, I'll pass on him. I don't think my character should have to effect how anyone else designs their character or enjoys the game.

(I'm not sure on the knife-in-the-Paren's-kidneys thing - if it's there, I missed it.

Any "ambush" seems a cheap and easy solution, not a "challenge", which is my mental yardstick for House Tytalus. But maybe I'm confused on that point.

And I can't imagine many apprentices killing a Tytalus Parens without an ambush.) :wink:

If the Parens really was asking for it, fine. Killing "when pushed to it" is different than killing "off handedly", as a solution to any and all pressure.

As described, he's a sociopath - not feeling there are any social rules against killing that apply to him (here, in "a Hermetic society"). But to tweak him slightly, just describe him as not overly emotional or empathic, cold but not murderous - not feeling remorse at necessary killing but recognizing that it's not a desirable solution.

He could even regret that he "had to" kill his Parens - wouldn't change what he did, but he's sorry that the Parens drove him to only see that option.


This is correct. A Tytalus apprentice who murders his master is elevated to the status of magus immediately. That's part of their Tradition.

By the way, if you want to play the homocidal villan type, go right ahead. I will be the one that puts a stop to you if need be, so keep that in mind :wink:
Looks to be fun!

Depends on how you set up the ambush.

And if he did talk the mundanes into doing the deed, what if he talked the Shield Grog into doing it? Now that would be low.[/i]

(cross edit - I added this to the above...)

If the Parens really was asking for it, fine. Killing "when pushed to it" is different than killing "off handedly", as a solution to any and all pressure.

As described, he's a sociopath - not feeling there are any social rules against killing that apply to him (here, in "a Hermetic society"). But to tweak him slightly, just describe him as not overly emotional or empathic, cold but not murderous - not feeling remorse at necessary killing but recognizing that it's not a desirable solution.

He could even regret that he "had to" kill his Parens - wouldn't change what he did, but he's sorry that the Parens drove him to only see that option.


(I'm surprised at that ruling - it's exactly what House Tytalus is not, when I run them - the advantage that an ambush gives challenges the victim, not the ambusher, and teaches neither one anything, which is also the point of seeking challenges in House Tyt. That sort of "I'm an asshole, and you can't stop me!" chaotic-stupid attitude is what gives Tytalus a bad name, imo.

But if it's canon, we're stuck with it. I just run mine with a higher bar.)

"Fun" in the sense of a good challenge and roller-coaster storyline. Blood begets blood, so this character is less likely to be challenged to Certamen as simply find notice of a covenant-wide Wizard's March at some point, depending how you do end up playing him. 8)

A bad name they richly deserve, IMHO :laughing:

In this case it is about overcoming the challenge of the oppressive master as asserting yourself. They apprenticeship of a Tyatlus magus ends when the pupil finally says "screw this, I have had enough!" and just leaves. In the case of patricide, the fact that you overcame the oppression pf the social order so young and threw off the chains of oppression is what impresses the House members. And they figure that if you were pushed to murder him, he probably deserved it.

But no one will train you any further, so the Weak Parens Flaw is suggested for any players who wish to make a patracidal character.

Here's what I'm thinking so far... very rough, nothing carved in sto- er, ice...

Ilmari the Finn, Jarl of Winter

Ex Misc:
 Free Major Non-H: Ways of the Land ("Winterland")
 Free Minor H: Cyclic: Winter half of year
 Compulsory Major H Flaw – -3 Restriction (not if Flame/warmth oriented, except Perdo. Includes Imagonem.)

+3 MAJOR Magical Focus- Cold, Snow & Ice
+1 Enduring Magic
+1 Improved Characteristics
+1 Minor Immunity- Cold
+1 Piercing Gaze
+1 Wilderness Sense

= +8 (can use 2 more, tbd)

-3 Restriction: spell effect (no flame or heat oriented spells, including Imagonem & Mentem, except Perdo Ignem)
-1 Cyclic (Summer half of year)
-1 Deleterious (-3 if in presence of flame bonfire or greater(
-1 Deleterious (-3 for a hot environment, a day or etc)
-1 Hedge Wizard
-1 Warped Magic – cold and frost

= -8 (sim)

Ilmari the Finn, magus Ex Miscellanea

Ilmari looks every bit the wild northerner come to the city, preferring to dress in the manner of a huntsman or forester in sturdy wool, leather and winter furs, and at times with a handaxe in his belt or a longspear in his hands when travelling. His pale, crystal blue eyes have the characteristic foreign shape of the land of the Finns, and his ears are suspiciously pointed one who claims no elvish blood, further reminding all that here is an outsider, to Europe, and to the Order. Generally unwelcome in the Order, he feels as much a foreigner as he looks, and speaks little, trusts less, shows very little emotion as a rule, and his greatest joy is found in a silent winter forest.

Ilmari was not yet twenty, the student of a powerful sorcerer from the frigid northlands, when his master rejected the Order’s invitation to join, and Finn saw him pay the price for that refusal. Ilmari, already wielding some small arcane power in his own right, was next given the same invitation, grudgingly entered the Order, and struggled to adapt his magic to the Hermetic model, with mixed success. His innate, untrained talents lay in the direction of his birth: snow, ice, and the cold of winter, but his personal interests had always embraced the snowy forests of the northland. The Hermetic model of magic has opened some new avenues of possibility, but has also shown him how to maximize those forces he was already familiar with, and in his later years he branches out into other uses of the Hermetic Forms.

One Bonisagus who observed his Gauntleting observed that he had achieved an impressive result with a minimal understanding of Magic Theory, and cautioned that the foreign magus could be trouble if he did not embrace the Hermetic Code. Several members of house Flambeau have their eye on Ilmari - some thinking of possible recruitment of this as-yet unproven force, some eager to march the hedgewizard the moment he steps out of line.

All that is good - but I'm still lacking where he's going. I want to maybe define some great thing he can do other than just "wander about the snows". While pwning the peaks is not a bad ability in the Alps, at the moment he is the icy version of Tim the Wizard. (insert polite applause) :confused:

(Crosspost - sorry for the double post)

Exactly! And exactly why I have always run mine as something more subtle.

Burning down the covenant stables teaches the magi that wood and straw burn quickly, that they can't prevent every disaster, and that the Tytalus is an asshole and can't be trusted with a mag 3 CrIg base effect. (i.e., nothing new.) And teaches the Tytalus nothing, because this "challenge" wasn't one for him.

Finding a way to teach something without random, pointless destruction, and also challenging yourself, is a far tougher goal. Perhaps orchestrating some mundanes to break in and do the job, then put it out mundanely yourself, which does no damage and teaches the vulnerability of the covenant. And the Tyt learns something about mundanes and their challenges.

The formula too many Tyt characters use is "challenge = trouble". Merely "causing trouble" is dull, hardly a challenge, and rarely educational for the one causing it. A better formula would be "challenge = improvement", which is how the House is described in the Core rules.

Cool so far. Some quick comments...

  • Ways of the Winterland: Where does this work? Aywhere there is winter? I don't think it is meant to work this way. It should be tied to a geographic location, not a season. Otherwise, you can go all over the world with this, as long as it is winter. That,s the whole of the Earth a quater of the year. Would you accept a quarter of the earth for the whole of the year?

-Magical Focus- Cold, Snow & Ice: This should probably only be minor, but I need to check my rulebook when I get home.

-Immunity to Cold: This should be major, as it is both lethal and very prevelant throught ME.

-Deleterious Circumstances: This is repetative. You should just take it once and have the circumstance be a certain temperature

-Restriction: This is supposed to affect all of your magic, when and where and how you use it. If you want to bar yourself from a specific type of magic, you should use Incompatible Arts.

But I am not concerned. If the troupe okays it, I won't mind at all.

Exactly. But nowhere if it's not wintery. And nowhere ever that has no winterland - and by that we mean snow on the ground, not just a little falling from the sky. It ~is~ outside the listed "lands", but if "Town" works, I suggest this one should too.

Yes and no - not to a magus. Certainly not to this one. It's more for flavour - a couple spells would cover it nicely. (but this solves some conflicts w/ some spell solutions that are limited below.)

Being in the presence of a fire is not necessarily "hot". More often than not, it's decidedly not hot, in my experience - it's more often cold, and merely warm (on one side) if one is very near the fire.

No, not "when and where and how", but "under certain uncommon conditions". This is a clearly defined and (imo) appropriately limiting condition. Just say "no" to anything fire/heat related, except to extinguish it. For a mage, that's ample limitation.

And I hate to say it, but the description of this flaw uses the dread word: "target". :unamused: The "Target" of an Ignem spell can be fire or light - this restricts the fire half.

But despite that, I submit that, bottom line, this is equally restrictive, and no other Flaw would cover it. "Ignem" includes light and dark, and light and dark have nothing to do with fire and heat - that's where the problem lies.

No need - the yardstick is easy - "slightly more narrow than one TeFo combo". Between Aurum, Aquam and Ignem, and all the Techniques, plus the odd Imaginem and Mentem, I'd say it's broader than one TeFo combo.

It is always winter at the North Pole and never winter at the equator. Remember, we are not using modern definitions, only specific seasonal conditions. I personally feel it covers too much territory, and it is still linked to a season. The Virtue is "Ways of the (Land)", not "Ways of the (Season)".

Yes and yes. Magi and mundanes have the same cost for all their virtues & flaws. A few spells will cover me nicely when it comes to fire, but Immunity to Fire ist still a Major Virtue.

I think you are milking the same flaw twice using clever wording.

Delterious Circumstance - Creating Heat & Flames. I would submit that a proper "Restriction" is that you can never use your magic on Heat & Flames, creating, moving, or extinguishing.

But as I said, I am unconcerned :smiley:
I shall not comment any further, do as thou wilt. It is a cool concept. Reminds me of Xavi's character from Andorra (though he is more giant oriented, he still has a large number of cold related effects)