Here's where we'll discuss the Charter rules, Ladyphoenix and I will be posting variants of our table top Charters to spark some ideas and discussions. Please post OOC your ideas so we can make up our Charter in a timely fashion.
Here's a pretty basic Charter that my groups have used variants of for different campaigns:
- To be a member of the Covenant, a member must be in good standing with the Order of Hermes.
- Successful vote must have at least a simple majority vote.
- A measure must be seconded to be put to a vote.
- No magi may nominate himself to be the Seneschal, but must second the nomination to have it put to a vote.
- No magi may serve for more than 2 years as Seneschal. A normal term is 1 year.
- The Seneschal has an extra vote that he may break ties with.
- Every year, every magus except the Seneschal most perform a single season of service to the Covenant, duties to be decided by the Seneschal.
- Seneschal is acting Praeco in Covenant meetings.
- The Seneschal shall be in charge of Covenant meetings.
- A Custo (Companion) cannot be ordered to perform a duty by anyone but his custodian (Magus).
- The Seneschal cannot leave the Covenant grounds other than to go to the nearby village for supplies.
- Certamen cannot be used to break any rules of this Charter.
- Any of the Covenant’s books may only be used for one season.
- The Seneschal gets the last pick of the books.
- A book can only be kept for more than one season if no other magus desires it.
- A magus can only dispute the choice of a book the first three days of a season.
- After collecting Vis found during an expedition, one of every three full pawns goes to the Covenant.
- All Vis resources on Covenant grounds will go to the Covenant until Spring when the which shall be divided between the magi..
- Vis shall be divided by lottery, with the remainder being toward the Covenant. The Covenant receives 2 equal shares; the first picks of Vis shall be an amount and type to cast the Aegis the next winter.
- If a Magus should break the rules and spirit of the Charter, an immediate vote shall be called to determine what punishment, if any, the magus will receive, with the understanding that if the Magus does not accept the judgment, he shall be found in bad standing.
We will have to have something about the faire bit this is my tabletop group's charter. I think something about permanent vis sources should probably be added as well.
A name, yes, deifinitely. As for the year it would be the 1362nd year of Ares.
I'll take some time to come up with a good description. In the meanwhile let's hear of some names, I'm thinking names indicative of a Faire would be good.
Maybe something like: celebritas occultes (Secret Celebration)
Covenant Charter
This is the Charter of the Covenant of Celebritas Occultes, founded in the 1362nd year of the Age of Aries in the moors northwest of Glouston in the Stonehenge Tribunal.
This Charter signifies an agreement on the part of all signing Magi to uphold, serve, and protect the interests and goals of the Covenant. By signing this Covenant charter, a Magus agrees to obey all the stipulations of the Covenant charter, and to honor and assist his or her fellow Covenant members to the best of his or her abilities.
This Covenant is forthwith dedicated to the pursuit and exchange of knowledge, the advancement of the Hermetic Arts and excelling in the execution of magic, and to the fostering of unity amongst the magi of the Order of Hermes. This dedication is not made in name only, but represents our highest aspirations, and shall be the guiding principle of our lives together. May the Order of Hermes be preserved and may our efforts add to its continued growth and strength.
Each member of this Covenant shall be a member in good standing of the Order of Hermes. In the event that a magus is renounced from the Order, they shall be cast out from this Covenant also, without any delay.
A magus who wishes membership of the Covenant must be sponsored by one of the current members, who shall present them to a full Council of the Covenant. If no more than one magus votes against the prospective member, they shall be welcomed into our
fold and immediately granted membership of the Covenant, with all attendant privileges and duties. If it wishes, the Council may ask for service or payment (whether in vis, gold, Seasons of service (not to exceed two) or any other substance the Council finds valuable) as a precursor to permission to join the Covenant; such matters are to be decided by a majority vote of the council.
Any member may relinquish their membership in the Covenant at any time simply by informing the Council. If the Council decides that they owe no outstanding debts or services to the Covenant, then they shall be relieved of their Oath and membership, and all attendant privileges and duties thereof. Additionally, if they have been a member for a period of seven years or more, they shall be entitled to an equal portion of half the Covenant's stock of vis.
Any member who does not attend a meeting of the Council for a period of seven years may be deemed by the Council to have voluntarily relinquished their membership. In this case, they may be relived of their Oath and membership, and all attendant privileges and duties thereof by a majority vote of the Council. No payment of vis shall be made to those whose membership has lapsed in this manner.
In the event that a member commits crimes against the Covenant or the Order of Hermes, they may be cast out and relieved of their Oath and membership, and all attendant privileges and duties thereof. Such a decision shall require a two-thirds majority of the Council. No payment of vis shall be made to those cast out in this manner.
The members of the Covenant are granted the following privileges for as long as they shall remain members.
- Membership of the Council, including the right to call, attend and vote at meetings.
- The privacy of their Sancta,
- At least Five seasons every two years of time in which to pursue their own projects,
- protection from attack,
- The food required for good health.
The following privileges are subject solely to the restriction that resources may be denied by the Council (or its Officers) should they be in short supply.
- Full use of the library. Each magus is entitled to keep a book or work for no more than two season before they must allow others to make use of it. Disputes over library resources may be resolved by Certamen, by the Regent, or by a majority vote of the Council should other means prove unsatisfactory. A book or work must be returned to the library by the start of the council meeting for the season that it is to be returned to the library.
- Any mundane supplies or services required for their studies,
- A working laboratory
The members of the Covenant are to respect the following duties:
- The council may require each member to perform up to two season per two years of such work as they may direct for the good of the Covenant. In the event of an emergency, a third season of service may be required of a covenant member by vote of the council with no more than a single dissent.
At least half the seasons in service to the covenant performed must be for assistance to the faire.
Each magus must surrender to the Covenant one half of all vis, money or other resources acquired on expeditions. In the case of uneven amounts, the more favorable portion shall be retained by the Magus. Permanent vis sources discovered while a member of the covenant and not physically part of the magus's body or that of his familiar or apprentice shall belong to the covenant.
Any magical item the Magus wishes to sell that is not resulting from Commission must first be offered for sale to the Council to be purchased for the benefit of the Covenant as a whole, then to the Regent, then to the other members in order of age, from eldest to youngest. Only if no member of the covenant wishes to purchase it shall it be offered for sale outside the covenant.
Within the confines of Autumnis Vasium, the Members should do what they can to obey the rules of common courtesy to all others. This shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- The rules of sanctums shall not be applied to the other Magi of Autumnis Vasium, although normal rules of courtesy are to be observed.
- The rules of courtesy for members to have safety in fellow covenant member's sancta shall be defined as follows: Permission granted to enter sancta before entering, Departure when asked to leave and specific permission must be granted before touching item within the lab with exception of the doorway out,the walls, floor and ceiling. No harm may be offered to the owner of the lab.
- Welcomed Visitors within the Covenant shall not be hurt as long they offer no harm to the covenant and follow the rules that the council shall set for visitors including restrictions in access to any part of covenant.
- Items shall not be taken from other Members of the Covenant, except in extraordinary circumstances. These circumstances shall be reviewed at the next Council Meeting, and the item shall be returned as soon as it is no longer needed.
- If a Magus finds an object or pet belonging to another member of the Covenant, she should return it as soon as possible.
- Magi shall try to control their possessions, pets, children and guests.
The Council shall consist of all living members of the Covenant. It shall meet at least four times a year, at sunset on the first day of each season, and at other times as required. Any member of the Covenant may call for a meeting of the Council for any reason, at any time, and at any place within the boundry of the Covenant, by notifying those members present within the Covenant. Upon completion of the meeting at the start of the winter season, the aegis shall be cast.
The Council shall have an absolute, undelagatable authority over:
- matters of vis, including the trading, collection and distribution thereof,
- the trading of magical books, and the granting of rights to copy
- the appointment of Officers to manage Covenant resources
- the election of the Regent
- matters of membership, including the acceptance of new members and the casting out of those who have committed crimes against the Covenant or the Order,
- the power of justice, high or low, over members of the Order of Hermes
- the disposition of any magical items owned by the Covenant,
- allocations of seasons of service
- the granting of resources or privileges to visiting Magi
The Council shall also have authority over the following matters, which it may decide to delegate to Officers or reserve to itself, as it sees fit:
- allocation of mundane resources,
- the maintenance or usage of the library (but not the trading of magical books or spells),
- the governance of those mundanes living on Covenant lands or otherwise subject to the Covenant, including the powers of low justice.
- any other matter which the Council decides is of interest.
A meeting of the Council has no right to make decisions unless there is the necessary quorum, which shall consist of one more than half the living members of the Covenant. Without such quorum, no decisions can be made.
Each member of the Covenant shall have one vote in the Council, and unless otherwise stated, all matters of Council shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie on any matter other than the election of the Regent, the Regent shall have
a casting vote; if they are not present, then this power devolves to the eldest member present.
No mundane shall attend Council meetings unless invited to do so by the Council. Mundanes invited to attend do not count for quorum, may not vote, and may not address the Council save at its invitation.
The Regent is empowered to make any day-to-day decisions necessary for the running of the Covenant and not specifically reserved to the Council. Additionally, they shall be granted authority over those Officers appointed by the Council. Any decisions made
shall carry the same weight as if they were made by the Council, and can only be reversed by that body.
The Regent shall be elected during the meeting of the summer solstice from among the members of the Council. Such election shall be by a vote of the Council, in which there is no casting vote. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be recast until a decision has been reached. If no decision is reached after three such recastings, the current Regent shall continue to hold office for another year. In the event that the Council cannot meet, or the meeting is inquorate, the current Regent shall continue to hold office until such time as a meeting of the Council relieves him.
If the Council is unhappy with the Regent's performance of her duties, they may dismiss him. Such a decision shall require a two-thirds majority of the Council.
If at any time there is no Regent, the Council shall meet at its earliest convenience to elect one. Such election shall be in the manner specified above, and the elected Regent shall serve until the next summer solstice.
The Regent shall serve as chairman of the Council, and shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie in any vote of the Council, except on matters of election. Should the Regent not be present, these powers devolve to the eldest Magus present.
As the Regent is expected to spend a great deal of time dealing with the affairs of the Covenant, they may refuse the normal season of service that may otherwise be directed by the Council.
All Vis extracted from sources claimed by the Covenant belongs to the Covenant, and shall be kept in the Covenant stores to be used for the good of all. Vis from other sources or acquired by other means shall remain the property of the individual magus, subject to the requirements in the duties above.
Twice a year, at the Council meetings of the summer and winter solstices, the Council shall present a tally of the amount of vis collected since the last accounting and the amount present in the Covenant stores. It shall also declare the amount available for general distribution, which is not to exceed half that in the Covenant stores and evenly distributed among the members. Vis distribution shall be done in pawn by pawn selection with order of selection being determined by lots. Disputes may be resolved by Certamen, by the Regent, or by a majority vote of the Council should other means prove unsatisfactory. The Council has the right to reserve vis if there is a shortage or special need, and to deal with each type of vis seperately or the whole collectively if it so desires.
The above notwithstanding, the Council may distribute vis as it sees fit for projects for the good of the covenant. However, the Council should be mindful to keep a stockpile of Vis for emergencies, and to ensure that there is always enough to provide for such rituals as may be necessary to protect the Covenant.
Certamen is generally allowed at the covenant save within the library or council chamber, but at least one uninvolved Full Member must be informed that a Certamen takes place. Certamen challenges in the council chamber shall adjourn from the chamber to be resolved. If related to council business, the business will be delayed until conclusion of the challenge.
Additionally, every Certamen at the Covenant must be witnessed by at least one uninvolved Full Member of Autumnis Vasium.
Certamen on Covenant grounds takes the traditional format, with the challenger choosing the technique and the challenged choosing the form of the contest. Each contentant is allowed a single veto of choice by the other party.
As tasked by the Tribunal, the covenant shall hold a mage faire every year to encourage trade and exchange of knowledge and arts as was the Purpose of the order as founded by Bonisagus. The covenant shall be responsible for providing the grounds for the fair and protecting those at the fair from mundane threats and interference.
Before the Tribunal meeting, there shall be held a Council meeting regarding the Tribunal itself. At this meeting it shall be decided what and how our Covenant shall vote about regarding known issues to be discussed. A magus shall be decided upon to attend this Tribunal and shall bring the voting Sigils of the other members of the Council. If a Magus does not wish to surrender their Sigil or has a differing opinion about how his vote shall be used, he shall then attend the Tribunal as well. One cannot refuse to give one's voting Sigil and also refuse to attend the Tribunal. It shall be noted that any Magi of the Covenant may attend the Tribunal if they wish, assuming they have no Covenant obligations to fulfill, and may do what they wish with their Sigil.
Vis may be allocated for use at Tribunals as per the usual vote of Council necessary for allocation of arcane resources.
This Charter shall only be amended by the full Council of the Covenant. If no more than one member votes against an amendment, it shall be passed and take effect immediately.
The group I play with is very loose when it comes to the charter. Everyone seems more interested in the magic and being magi instead of dealing with legalities and politics, so I don't have too much to go by. There is a vis grant, which is what the other players are mainly concerned with, and the rest is rather vague.
The Laws of Autumnis Vasium seem well laid out. I'm not a legal person, so writing like that doesn't come easy for me. I'm confused about section V.
Am I reading that right and it says that Magi of the covenant give up thier right to sancta privacy? And the last item talks about items. Is that Covenant items, or any item?
Bjorn would also argue for a Vis Grant, so he would have more vis for items, and he would argue about the point for selling items to Covenant members first. That would not help to get him be known throughout the Tribunal. I'm also not keen on the idea of everyone's vote being pooled together for Tribunal purposes. I'd have to think on that one some more.
Okay, I suspect eventually our covenant will have some modification to charter to clarify the laws of curtesy (at the moment that is judges by the council) but yes. As long as proper rules of curtesy are observed, Mages of the covenant are forbidden to kill other mages of the covenant for entering Sancta.
Rules of Curtesy are understood as follows:
- ask permission before entering.
- do not touch, read or disturb posessions without permission
- Leave if asked to leave.
Sure the code will protect you from being killed if you kill someone in your sancta but you will be kicked out of the covenant and seen as oath breaker by the other covenant members.
This is to encourage cooperative efforts, to allow for private discussions, and in the case of this online one, protect a person studying the walls.
It works in a covenant that membes have at times pulled poisoned daggers and tossed chairs at each other.
The part about items, Yes, if you have an item just laying around and another covenant member can use it, lend it to them until you need it. If you sell it, give your fellow covenant mates first chance for sales. THey might not want after all, but let them have first chance to negociate a deal to get it.
It probably needs to be clarified to not interfere with commission work (Autumnis Vasium has Criamon, Bonisagus, Tytalus, Flambeau and soon a Bjornaer. Not much item making yet). It is not meant to include commission work.
As for Vis, That is put to the council to decide how much of the covenant vis sources are available to distribute in any year and then it can be distributed to the members. There is no right though that any mage gets a certain amount of Vis in a year in case of lean years, in case of planned covenant projects (vis is reserved for a project and given to mages on as needed for that project), assigned for trading for books or other vis at tribunal.
Basically I wrote it and then put it to 4 of the 5 other players to review, comment and say what they thought which lead to revisions and clarifications.
Aside from the Charter ideas I posted here are a few considerations, and the arguments that Rhodri might put up for them.
If inviting a magus into your Sancta, you must have it winessed by another magus in the covenant. If someone comes in without invite and fireworks results, the owner of the sancta should be given benefit and priority due to the long standing rules of the Order regarding the ability to defend the sancta.
Regarding vis going to the covenant itself, Rhodri would rather a minimum went to the covenant. Enough to cover the Aegis, and when shares are divided among the wizards at the appointed time, the Covenant doesn't get a share, but gets whatever is left that cannot be divided evenly. While it is stockpiled before divided, the leader of the Covenant can allocate it to fit covenant needs, but that power would be up for review if used too much.
Regarding seasons of service to the covenant, a fee of vis can be used instead. This can represent either a fine for refusing to do the service, or paying for the privilege of avoiding service. The amount of vis to be determined by a vote (3-5 pawns, a bit more perhaps than a beginning magus could pull from the Aura).
So we should look at these and maybe cherry pick what we want. or modify what we like and don't like. A little from column A, a bit from column B maybe.
Acacius would suggest that every one should contribute and not get away with a vis payment for refusing a season of service to the covenant. He would agree to the rules of curtsey and thinks that the covenant should hold a share of vis in addition to what is needed for the aegis. These vis could be used in projects that being done by those that make a season of service.
Yep, that is one of the ideas. We have a huge vis stocks, we want to keep large vis stocks if we can for the covenant so that if we as a covenant need something, we have the vis for it. If it is all distributed to individual magi, projects for covenant as a whole are not around. IF in the rare case the covenant is hit with vis fine from tribunal, we need something to pay it. If there is major attack or something and we need vis, the covanant has a supply. Covenant having a supply means we can bargain for new books for the library, commission magic items for our good from specialists and so on.
How much vis to hold back every year should be by the council to determine. We could say some amount is distributed each year at minimum but I would want to say that at minimum: 1/4 of current stocks are kept with ideal beign half to 3/4 stock kept. Remember, the one I proposed has a council meeting at start of each season so that if you want to do a project and need vis, you can ask for release from stocks for the season.
I too do not like people getting out of season of service, on other hand, Siobhan has requirement of a season of service per year to tribuanl as quasitor.
The main reason Rhodri wouldn't want the higher vis tithe to the covenant (me, I'm fine with it, I want to go a different way with Rhodri's preferences) is that he'd like to keep the Covenant from having a great deal of power over the magi. Tolls/taxes/tithes tend to increase over time, rather than decrease, and the more power it has it can impinge upon the magi's freedom. He does of course understand that this isn't a normal Covenant because it has a special purpose. He'd rather that the magi volunteer time and vis as needed, rather than have it compelled (more than a season's worth), which is why he's in favor of a vis fee to the covenant to pay for a season of service.
That's how Rhodri votes, but it's likely he'll be outvoted, which is fine.
How many shares of vis would go to the covenant when the vis was split?
Keep in mind that since the Charter requires strong vote to change, tithes are unlikely to get higher. I would suggest that by default 1/2 vis gathered in any season go to covenant stores.
Remember, council can at any time vote to release communal stores in dividend to the member mages. Just wait to first day of any season and suggest to council: I vote that 30 pawns of our stores be distributed and council votes and if passed, it is distributed.
Rhodri votes for a third at most go to the Covenant, he'd rather that it gets 2 shares when the vis is divided, after the Aegis is taken into account, plus any vis that cannot be divided evenly.
He's coming around, he agrees that the Covenant will likely need vis stockpiled considering its special purpose, how much vis is needed though still needn't be so high.
When on a non vis gathering expedition, how much vis is kept by the magus? Rhodri votes that for every three full pawns of vis, one goes to the Covenant.
Regarding distribution of books, what do we like?
While we do have provisions in either charter example to provide service to the Covenant, considering the needs of the Fair, would it be wise to say that extra service might need to be required?
Ladyphoenix, would you mind keeping track of all points that we definitely agree on?
First off,
I went to my sample charter above nad rewrote and reworked some parts including rules of courtesy, vis claims and distribution. I added clarification to vis found on quests/adventures.
The vis distribution rules are as follows:
The council will determine during summer and winter council meetings, the current amount of vis that it has in stocks. THen up to half that amount can be generally distributed to the mages (it determines how much in specific) in equal shares.
There is no limit on vis distributed for covenant wide/benefiting projects save admonishment that covenant should try to maintain a supply for emergencies. (This means they can authorize two rooks to take to tribunal for trade (to get other arts or for books) no matter what is in the stocks.
Sounds good. Do we have anything else to figure out?
I'm home sick today, so between bouts of fatigue and weariness, I'll re-read the charter and decide.
A section about the faire.
Debate on the actual amount of vis from expeditions that covenant gets
Confirmation about vis distribution if member leaves while in good graces.
Sorry for the delay, I'm fighting off a Spirit of Disease with a high Might score (I've yet to determine if it's Infernal or not, it says it isn't, but you know how hard it is to determine the truth with these things). I'll try to update this soon.
REgarding extra service:
My charter assumed 1 season a year but knowing that a single project might take 4-5 seasons in a row, requires for 2 seasons in 8 rather than 1 in 4 however, it does have the provision for pulling in an extra seaon at council vote that every other year, we could require an extra season (for the faire) (so that we could have 5 normal seasons for the covenant (we have 5 mages) and then 2 mages each year pulled in for an extra season for faire in rotaton). However mages being mages, 5 seasons in every two year period are guaranteed for lab/study.
We still have some features to discuss, specifically provisions in the Charter for the Faire, and a few other things. However Rhodri is willing to vote to accept the Charter that LadyPhoenix presented.
Regarding the Faire, it would seem to make sense that the first time it is run everyone would likely need to be working it, plus possibly the Season before and/or after it. When the Faire is held once we'll likely have a decent idea of what's required for future Faires. Rhodri values his own work and freedom, plus serving willingly to the covenant. However, the covenant's existence (plus the huge amount of vis that built it) is dependent on the faire, so he (and others) must be willing to put their own lab activities aside for the success of the faire. With 2 seasons every 8 seasons, that works well as a model, but more work might be needed. Some will work the season before, all will work the season of the faire, and some will work the season after. Just this first year. If we see more or less is needed the charter could be ammended. Rhodri suggests that the Faire's work be mandatory aside from any other services owed at least until they've had what could be deemed a 'succesful' faire. It's hard to say exactly, because the faire is of paramont importance, and we haven't had it yet. Once the Covenant is built the Faire needs to be focused on.
Rhodri feels that vis found on expedition (non-covenant harvested vis) belongs to the Magus primarily, but a donation of 1 pawn for every full 3 is fair. If 2 is found, nothing is donated, if 3-5 is found, 1 is donated, etc.
Regarding vis distribution should a magus leave, considerations for how the magus left is important, and how we will enforce it. A magus that is leaving has less reason to be civil, so we either need to be fair and consistent, or be willing to guard our resources against a possibly beligerent magus on his way out with potentially nothing to lose. Rhodri feels that should a magus leave on good terms we do an immediate sharing of the vis as is normally done at the appropriate time. Rhodri doesn't feel the magus deserves more than that, nor future shares since he no longer belongs to the covenant. Basically they get one last allotment of vis. If the magus is found to be in bad standing and expelled from the covenant, the contents of their sanctum is all they're entitled to, and we guard our vis. Rhodri is not much for confrontations, but right is right, if we have to kick someone out, they should leave immediately.
What about different levels of covenant membership, like full member and probationary members (for lack of better term)?
Any member may relinquish their membership in the Covenant at any time simply by informing the Council. If the Council decides that they owe no outstanding debts or services to the Covenant, then they shall be relieved of their Oath and membership, and all attendant privileges and duties thereof. Additionally, if they have been a member for a period of seven years or more, they shall be entitled to an equal portion of half the Covenant's stock of vis.
I’m like Rhodri's idea better, with only giving the leaving magus a regular vis share or two. This covenant should have quite the vis stocks, and this as written could possibly equal out to a bit more.
- Full use of the library. Each magus is entitled to keep a book or work for no more than two season before they must allow others to make use of it. Disputes over library resources may be resolved by Certamen, by the Regent, or by a majority vote of the Council should other means prove unsatisfactory. A book or work must be returned to the library by the start of the council meeting for the season that it is to be returned to the library.
I prefer that a magus may only keep an item for a single season at a time before someone else gets a turn at the item.
- Each magus must surrender to the Covenant one half of all vis, money or other resources acquired on expeditions. In the case of uneven amounts, the more favorable portion shall be retained by the Magus. Permanent vis sources discovered while a member of the covenant and not physically part of the magus's body or that of his familiar or apprentice shall belong to the covenant.
If the magi don’t get vis automatically each year from the covenant as a grant, then I would prefer only 1/3 going to the covenant.
- Any magical item the Magus wishes to sell must first be offered for sale to the Council to be purchased for the benefit of the Covenant as a whole, then to the Regent, then to the other members in order of age, from eldest to youngest. Only if no member of the covenant wishes to purchase it shall it be offered for sale outside the covenant.
I can live with this.
- If a covenant member has an item and is not using it, and there is a clear need for another member to use it, the owning Magus should lend out the item, until such a time as the owning Magus needs it either for sale or personal use. The item should be returned the moment the borrowing Magus no longer does. This does not apply to items that have only a single use before becoming non-functional.
Bjorn will argue against this one vehemently. He feels this goes against the Code, by taking away someone's magical resources.
Each member of the Covenant shall have one vote in the Council, and unless otherwise stated, all matters of Council shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast. In the event of a tie on any matter other than the election of the Regent, the Regent shall have a casting vote; if they are not present, then this power devolves to the eldest member present.
Eldest as in most years in age or in being a member of the covenant?
Shall we add to this the point about the Regent cannot go farther than the village so he will always be close by?
How is vis distributed once the council decides to give some out? Lottery? Or does the council decide that when they decide to let some vis out?
The Magi of Autumnis Vasium shall not attack or offend the grogs or Magi of other Covenants, unless their life is in danger or the matter is part of an official Wizard's War or March. By vote of Council, this rule can be abridged.
What about Verditius vendettas?
I’m still unsure about the whole pooling of sigils for group Tribunal voting…
I like the idea of a mandatory season being given to the covenant from each member until the council deems the faire a sucess, and then this can be ammended.