In a word, no, sorry.
What this does is create a one-use magical device, which by itself is fine (see Charged Items, p. 96-97). But that device wants to duplicate a Ritual (Chirurgeon's Healing Touch, p 129), and that is not kosher (p 96, col ii, mid par).
I'm not sure what to make of these two statements when taken together. If you mean that the drinker can consume the potion, and then, at a later time, it heals the first Light Wound taken - no. A spell or item cannot btr have a "dual trigger" - once to attach the effect to a target (the drinker), and then later for that effect to be activated once the wound is taken. This is akin to giving the drinker the ability to cast a spell when the trigger occurs - and while "taking a wound" would not be a popular trigger, others could be invented that would be more user-friendly. [i] Perhaps/i via a Breakthrough (and then only for "healing" spells?), but not given the basics of Hermetic theory (Tethering aside - see above). But the issue of an item duplicating a Ritual remains.
But back to the problem at hand...
The Player clearly wants a "Potion of Cure Light Wounds"*, and while that is not available, there are some close "second bests". Since these are "charged items", they take no vis, so take only time in the lab (again, see p 96-97 for full rules).
(* even tho' scrolls are cheaper - uh, nm, wrong game.)
My first suggestion might be a long-term (but not permanent) healing potion, something to keep the injured in the fight and/or give them time to get back to the Covenant...
Warrior's Reprieve
CrCo 35
Heals 1 Lt Wound until Moon Duration.
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
(Pretty high level for what it does, no argument there. But to be a portable item that costs no vis...)
The next suggestion would be to boost Recovery, which aids in day-to-day healing, gives an active combatant a huge boost in Fatigue rolls, and keeps an Incapacitating Wound from killing the character outright.
Warrior's Boost
CrCo 10
A short-duration boost to Recovery, +9, usually useful only when battle is imminent.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter)
(Adding longer duration makes this more useful, and tweaking the bonus up/down makes it more flexible in the Lab. Smaller bonuses with shorter duration could be "mass produced", which might make the labrat feel better about the end product.)
The last would be a potion of Endurance of the Berserkers, which keeps the drinker "feeling" 100% for the duration. Best used on grogs or when the consumer knows the risks.