Player: Adauli
Birth Name: David ben Simon
Mage Name: David, Follower of Bonisagus
Place of Birth: Augsburg
Ex Misc. Paren: Hildegard, Root Cutter
Bonisagus Paren: Occultes, Follower of Bonisgus (Durenmar)
House: Bonisagus
INT +2 PER -1 STR -2 STA +2 PRE +2 COM +1 DEX +0 QIK +1 SIZE -1
Virtues & Flaws:
0 Major Supernatural Mystic Herbalism [HoH:S 125]
0 Minor Hermetic Root-Cutter [HoH:S 126]
1 Minor Hermetic Affinity with Muto [ArM5 40]
1 Minor Hermetic Affinity with Creo [ArM5 40]
1 Minor Hermetic Puissant Corpus [ArM5 48]
1 Minor Hermetic Puissant Vim [ArM5 48]
1 Minor Hermetic Imbued with the Spirit of Corpus [RoP:M 44]
1 Minor Hermetic Performance Magic Music [TMRE 29]
1 Minor General Book Learner [ArM5 40]
1 Minor General Cautious with Concentration [ArM5 40]
1 Minor General Good Teacher [ArM5 43]
1 Minor General Puissant Magic Theory [ArM5 48]
0 Minor Hermetic Planetary Magic Initation 1244 [TMRE 30]
0 Minor Vulgar Alchemy Initation 1245 [TMRE 32]
0 Minor Supernatural Unaging Initation 1255 [ArM5 50]
0 Minor Hermetic Hermetic Alchemy Initation 1258 [TMRE 40]
0 Major Hermetic Deficient Technique Perdo
3 Major Hermetic Necesary Condition [ArM5 56] Play a Music Instument
1 Minor Personality Soft-Hearted will replaced in later story with Temperate [ArM5 59]
1 Minor Personality Continence [ArM5 52]
1 Minor General Small Frame [ArM5 59]
1 Minor Story Fostered Apprentice [HoH:TL 26]
3 Major General Low Self-Esteem [ArM5 55]
Detailed Exp. Spending & Aging Rolls
75 High German - Yiddish 5 (-2 to Hebrew)
15 Brawl - dodge 2
15 Awareness - alertness 2
15 Folk Ken - townsfolk 2
15 Judaic Lore - music 2
15 Music - flute 2
75 Latin - Academic Usage 5
05 Artes Librares - Music 1
50 Philosophia - Alchemy 4
50 Arabic - Alchemy 4
105 Magic Theory - Corpus 6+2
15 Area Lore Transylvanian Tribunal - geography 1
30 Parma Magica - Mentem 3
30 Concentration - spell concentration 3
05 Code of Hermes - mundane relations 1
30 Profession Apotecary - finding ingredients 3
30 Mystic Herbalism - Creating Potions 3
50 Profession Teamster - 6 Horses 4
30 Area Lore Rhine Tribunal - Covenants 3
30 Survival - Forest 3
75 Green Cockerel Lore - Initiating others 5
Sigil: Smell of fresh herbs
200/300 Cr 24 | 001 An 01 | 055 Ig 10
015 In 05 | 001 Aq 01 | 001 Im 01
200/300 Mu 24 | 001 Au 01 | 015 Me 05
000 Pe 00 | 136 Co 16+3 | 001 Te 01
015 Re 05 | 001 He 01 | 023 Vi 06+3
CrCo 30 Gentle Caress of Aesclepius [HoH:S 100]
CrCo 25 Restoration of the Defiled Body [ArM5 129]
InCo 10 Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh [ArM5 130]
MuCo 15 Disguise of the New Visage [ArM5 131]
MuCo 15 Prenatural Growth and Shrinking [ArM5 131]
MuVi 25 Wizard Communion [ArM5 160] (Sun duration)
Lab (started 1230)
Size -3
Refinement 3 (year 1232, 1238, 1245)
Status Year 1245: +0 upkeep,+2 Safety,+1 Health,+1 Ig, +1 Exp., +1 General
0 Mobile +1 Experimentation (large wagon)
0 Superior Tools +1 Upkeep +1 Safety +1 items (lost year 1232)
0 Highly Organized +1 General Qualtiy (gained year 1232)
0 Magical Heating - Superior Heating +1 Health, +1 Aesthetics, +1 Ig (gained year 1245)
1 Well Insulated +1 Safety +1 Aesthetics (gained year 1232)
1 Extensive Stores +2 Safety (gained year 1245)
0 Unstable +1 Upkeep -1 Safety
1 Diminutive
1 Lesser Focus -1 General Quality +1 Creo (lost Year 1238)
1 Undecorated -1 Upkeep - 1 Aesthetics
Magical Heating:
adjustable undefloor heating (lab 47) small stone (2x4) +7 from a hearth
(Base 3 +1 Touch +1 Part + 1 Conc +1 Flexible)=15 +1 (2 use/day) +3 (constant trigger) +5 Keep concentration +3 (+6 Penetration) =26
The item heat the floor and so it works similiar to the HEAT OF THE SEARING FORGE spell but with lesser heat.
Born as a child of a jewish doctor living in Augsburg.
His childhood was for sure not very pleasant because his gift showed very early.
By his 8. Birthday he started to get educated in Latin in preperation to become a doctor like his father.
A month bevore his ninth birthday he was send with a coach to the place where he will learn to be a doctor.
But instead of geting delivered to the school where he expect to learn this he was delivered to Hildegard who took him as her apprentice.
A vew years bevore his gauntlet at a Tribunal a man named Occultes declare to David and his parent that David is now his apprentice by the right of Bonisagus.
Trough the time as apprentice to Occultes his paren performed a expermient on him after this he was able to fatigue him self instead of spending vis on the healing rituals he know.