Design and discussion of Flam

Oh ... had I been that specific :shushing_face:

I mean it's just a date change and before we had the character rules we all thought the limit was, like the previous tribunals, Gauntlet+7 years.

@silveroak Hugh's lab ready for review too. Notably there is an enchanted effect on it now.

first and most obvious- you cannot have both precious ingredients and priceless ingredients.

ok. I wasn't sure, because the downside (upkeep) stacks as well as the upside. Easy to fix, is that all?

also an elementary lab cannot be refined
an elementary lab is one where you have spent one season instead of two setting up, a refined lab is one where after completely setting it up you spent an extra season making it better.

It takes two seasons to get rid of Elementary, though; that in combination with the text about limited purpose labs made me think it was separate from the lab setup issue. I am using the flaw to try and represent that the lab was much more refined, but when Hugh takes it over and spends a season adapting it he loses all but one point of refinement due to his low MT, and it becomes Elementary in that process (adding a flaw to compensate for some of the lost refinement).

The other conflict is that elementary only allows for one type of lab activity, while missing equipment eliminates one type of lab activity- mathematically the lab you describe is capable of -1 types of lab activity.

I would suggest in the future asking questions instead of making assumptions
regarding refinement I was thinking basic, but the issue with available activities remains

Sorry about that.

I had missed the point about activities, I have taken the flaw off and accompanying virtues.

Is the enchanted effect ok for a Vim spec? I was thinking of adding a second one to detect/display effects of negative magnitude, If the below applies (since the InVi to detect negative magnitudes will get above 50 if they're Vision/full details):

Enchanted device effects may have a level over 50, as long as there is no other reason for the spell to be a ritual, such as long duration, large target, or major effect.

FYI I am not planning to push the Form specs beyond where they're at right now, just wanting to add a second Vim one to compensate because I dropped a Vim feature.

I wanted to do an enchanted effect to show the ebb and flow of liquid vis, but I don't see a guideline, is that beyond current Hermetic capabilites?

under house rules I have detailed that the effects of magic items on lab totals are based on the effects produced, not simple levels. Which means before I can say what the bonus is to a magic item it needs to have a description of what it does.
"The ebb and flow of liquid vis" is a very 3rd edition description of effect, I'm not even sure what that would mean in 5th edition which seems to have abandoned the chi-flow explanation of magic.

There is discussion of fluid vis in the 5th ed ROP:M. Though there are no hermetic guidelines associated with it. (I meant fluid, not liquid.)

Item is below (was on lab page before but made some changes).

Room of Visible Magics: The laboratory detects all manner of active, passive, and residual effects within it, and displays the effects visually, so that the images appear in the laboratory as they would appear if the observer had cast the spell.

CrIm 1 – Image affecting vision, +1 mag intricacy, +2 mags changing image; +1 Conc/+2 Room/+0 Per
+6 levels - 2 uses/day, maintains concentration

Linked to A) and B)

A) InVi 10 – Detect any active or inactive magic and any trace of positive magnitude
+3 magnitudes for detail including effects and sigil
+0 Personal/ +1 Conc/ +4 Vision
+6 levels - 2 uses/day, maintains concentration

B) InVi 35 – Detect any active or inactive magic and any trace of negative magnitude -1 to -5
+3 magnitudes for detail including effects and sigil
+0 Personal/ +1 Conc/ +4 Vision
+6 levels - 2 uses/day, maintains concentration

Item Level: 15+50+70+18 = 153 (62 BP) +? Vim Specialization

  1. the above needs to be in the lab description, and 2) there needs to be 2 +3 effects for linking the spells.
    effect wise I'm going to give this General Quality +3, Vim +3, and warping:2, with a personality trait of distracting.
    also refinement only adds 1, not 2, to the safety score, but it dos decrease occupied size by 1


I'm getting a final size of 0 on this lab, not one- I assume what you are writing as "base" is the refinement level, which would have size -1, or perhaps you intend for this to have an occupied size of 0 and did not record that...

I meant base as the base size of the lab (which is 0). So Occupied Size is 0, Refinement 1

Sorry, did a bunch of edits as I was working through the Occupied Size math.

looking through items for economic impact- cod and codfish are in fact the same fish- do you want two dedicated to cod or do you want to pick a third type of fish?

Sorry, I meant coalfish (and cod), but maybe saithe is the word I should have used. They are arbitrarily chosen, though. If I knew what fish sell well in the 1200s, I would have gone for three distinct upmarket kinds.

worth noting that one of these traps can exceed your annual income for fishing in an hour...

Brings up a question - where do we draw the line at magically created wealth? Does any income that exists because of magic count? Or only direct creation of valuables with magic? Applies to above but also something I've wondered about generally.

Presumably there is a limit of what fish are present, right?