Distance for a circle target...

Thanks. I had searched for Circle+Depth, but Circle+Height is more fruitful.
These two threads actually address the issue:
"How high is a circle...?"
A Few Questions

Apparently previous edition explicitly made it a sphere, but for 5th edition I can't see a clear majority, minority, or definitive arguments, so I'll go with the Rule of Fun:

Ergo, if you want your spell to affect earth to a given depth or in an ellipsoïd, that's what it does :wink:

I was talking about the "base individual" maximum amount that a spell can affect without extra +Size magnitudes, there, not the number of discrete elements

You might be thinking about my previous post, where I talked about well-defined individuals.
That was wrong. The wording is not applicable to Circles in general beyond targeting the ground.
A better term would be "bounded amount of matter", and several of the shapes mentioned in this post can provide such a boundary.