Draco of the House of Bjornaer

It will vary by tribunal, and I need to work out a chart for that...

chart developed: http://amfightorflight.wikidot.com/longevity-ritual-cost-by-tribunal

so- attributes of the combined heartbeast; size +4 is a given.
I think adding keen vision, fast flyer and pursuit predator are appropriate to the combined heartbeast.

Ok. What are your thoughts on my idea about the four elemental natures? Too much?

Any adjustments to characteristics of crocodile? Though probably moot if it's just considering Eagle, since Eagle stats are lower but for Qik.

Where are you getting stats for an eagle?
A crocodile has Dex:1 and quick:1, I expect an eagle will be higher in at least one of these, and I know it will have a perception above 0...

elementally at his stage a crocodile is phlegmatic while an eagle is sanguine. At this initiation he should gain Intuition- I'm not certain what the question is beyond this.

We will also add the natural weapons of claws from the eagle- I had assumed they would already be there for a crocodile but they were not...

I was going off eagle=falcon.

Basically I had the idea that Dragons have elements of all four natures, and as he develops into a dragon, he will develop an interest in elemental magic.

That was why I picked three animals - one that expressed something Draconic about each of the three other natures.

That could happen as he adds elements of other beasts of other natures. at this point he is phlegmatic with sanguine as a secondary nature. Of course with this schema it is arguable that having all four natures is indistinguishable from having none...

I was planning that it would feed into research on Hedge Elementalism, maybe eventually including a version of that into a House Bjornaer cult. (another reason for him to be in the Levant besides looking for ancestor sites).

falcon has quickness:6, I'm going to say an eagle (and the current version of the heartbeast) has quickness 5- falcon has per: 3 which becomes Per:4 for the dragon/eagle.

which could be a difference between this character and the standard bjornaer schema of elements

They're basically the same, that's what made me think of it - Phlegmatic/Sanguine/Melancholic/Choleric are used in Hedge Elementalism, too, mapped to Water/Air/Earth/Fire.

which they do- but the entire concept of those natures is that they describe how balanced or imbalanced a person is- to have all 4 is to be balanced and thus to have none of them- a person cannot generally have opposing traits (for example sanguine and choleric) at the same time. This is applied differently but still can be seen in the hedge magic version, where each element makes you susceptible to related diseases but protects you from opposing ones.

My thinking (and this is quite a while down the road, well after the game starts) is that the cult will teach Bjornaer how to do more with their temperament/element - giving them the ability to use elementalist arts that match their heartbeast temperaments.

It seems like that cult would need a balanced founder - to be able to understand all four natures and teach others. Also, in terms of personality traits, at least, Phlegmatic +3/Sanguine +3/Melancholic +3/Choleric +3 is not the same as having them all at zero, or having none. And the changeable nature (see below) is something that I'd expect to inform Draco's personality, too.

From HMRE 21:

The effects of these Traits on the character’s personality never cancel each other out, even if they are associated with elements that are opposed to each other. Characters with balanced Traits will still behave erratically — perhaps favoring one Trait some of the time and other times acting under the influence of another, or maybe harming themselves or lashing out at others they perceive as imbalanced.

we will see as we get there- this certainly has oms interesting possibilities for differing mysteries interacting.

Updated for Inner Heartbeast. FYI I figured the +1 Per for Keen Eyesight was already included in the +4 for Eagle.

no, these are cumulative.


Okay, the next question is what else will you be looking to add as traits to the chimera, and what else do you want this character to be doing with their time. Anything wolf based will need to be added piecemeal, not as a single initiation.