Escape from the City of Brass

I am impressed with Selim's results, and his willingness to emply his sexuality. I would be bogus to do anything but give you a pass. They stand down and let you pass. Their leader gives Selim a lustful glance.
One thing I should mention is how very unconservative the culture of this city is. Not at all Islamic. There may be a few liberal moslems, but mst are heathen and walk about in scandalous attire. Some wear onlly jewels, and not strategically placed ones. They eat pork, worship idols, drink and smoke, women need no escort, and in genera things are quite libertine. The lower classes, Jann and human servants/slaves are a bit more conservative. But the 'Afrit ruling class acts as if they have no rules other than civic edicts (which are treated loosely)

"Good job. Its probably not a good idea to fight if we don't have too. So want to get back on track? We'll get there eventually. Just do the trick for mazes. We'll get to the entrance eventually."

It is just a simple walk along the wall then around the corner to the front gate.
And there is another snag.
There are a half dozen guards. One of them speaks with you, and acknowledges the Queen of Blood and Sand as well as the Queen of Fire and Ice are both here. There is an invitation for Cecilio and chambers prepared for her. ut there isn't room for everyone else. They can let a few in, her associates and entourage. But the entire crew of thirty or so...
Unfortunately we cannot accommodate that many visitors at once at this time. The palace is quite full due to the upcoming party to celebrate the birthdays of the twin queens. The Malik has spared no expense. They are cousins to his departed wife.
There is a a hostel across the street down the way. Tell them you are visiting the Malik and throw a little infused gold their way. I am sure they will clear out plenty of space for your servants.

As much as I want to go straight in to see the Queen we should probably get the other people set up first. I don't think giving them some vis and saying 'have fun' will end well. Cecilio muses.

"Would you like Selim and me to negotiate some space for some of the grogs?" Lucas asks Solomon. "It looks like we won't be able to bring them all in. And if we do negotiate, what's the limit of vis we can spend? That seems to be all that they accept as money here."

Solomon nods, "Yes, why don't you two do that. As for how much to negotiate, I'll leave that to you two, as I have no idea what is even reasonable here."

"Come along, Selim," Lucas says with a gesture. "Let's see what kind of a deal we can make."

Before he goes, Lucas will figure out how much of what vis they have so he and Selim are not making deals with vis we don't have.

Cecilio will follow with Purity. The latter silently approving that Cecilio isn't the one negotiating.

Divide into two groups, those that seek accommodations at a hostel, and those that are going into the palace

Cecilio will go to the palace obviously. Plus Purity.

I'm guessing that most of the grogs will go to the hostel, while all of the magi will go to the palace. But ultimately it's Solomon's call.

And Bernat goes wherever he's told.

"Okay, I want all magi in the palace, and I recommend you each bring a shield grog with you just in case. The rest will stay at the hostel Selim and Lucas work out the deal with. Does anyone have any questions or concerns?"

"None, sir," Lucas replies. Then, with Selim, he goes about negotiating a decent price for room at the hostel for the bulk of the grogs. He brings Petrus, his shield grog, with him when he comes back to the entrance of the palace.

For a mere pawn, you are able to rent out the whole building for the rest of the day (by which I mean the Season).
So, AFAIK, a small handful of magi are speaking to the palace guards about gaining entry and etceteras. Solomon, Lucas, Roberto, and Cecilio.
Is this correct?

That's how I see it. Though we're going to be awfully slow without Solomon to guide us in the next two weeks.

This is a slow savory story.
Officials attend to you and see that you are given grand accomodations. A four room suite with doors than can close and windows that can shutter. You notice again that most everywhere in the city there are buildings that have doorways without doors and windows that do not close. There are some that do, but most do not.
It is big suite. Each bedroom is large enough to fit a dozenif cots were set up, and another dozen in the center room.
But that would be crowded and unseemly. Though it is possible for each of you to take, say, two or thee guest "attendants" in with you (or send for them that is). So each of you gets to pick a few guys. Roberto picks Carlos and Bernat.
The Jann are the commoners amongst the tribes of the Jinn, and the most human. They fill the role of laborers and servants. But not slaves. There are slaves, and they are mundane humans (though Warped by strong magic environment).
Two servants take you to your suite and remain to attend you. One male and one female. Jan and Jace.
The furnishings are beyond the description of luxurious and exquisite. Vibria would collapse in a catatonic fit of ecstasy if she were here. Furniture of gold and ivory, marbel and pearl. Diamonds and rubies decorating even the simplest of accoutraments such as the fireplace poker. Which aslo starts fires that need no fuel. And puts them out.
Each room has a built in bath pool of boiling water and gold flakes.
The beds are lined with exotic furs and feathers from griffons and zebras and pards and heffalumps.
For those that like things cooler rather than hotter, there are fans you can wave that lowers the temprature of things.
Two other servants follow you in carrying food and wine. Dragon eggs and phoenix wings.

Cecilio only brings in Purity with her. Commenting about the shiny decorations, while Purity mutters about how it would probably be a good idea to filch a few things. But ultimately nothing comes of it. Cecilio will however take the fireplace poker if no one is looking, then slip it into the scroll, and then ask if anyone wants to use the nice baths. So who votes for cleaning up in the bath before meeting?

Me! Me! Me! says Purity.

OOC: I'm pretty sure boiling water is less than +5 damage for heat, but I'm not sure if Ignem wards can get overwhelmed by exposure. Point is Cecilio will make sure to test the water before killing herself, but I think she'll be fine.

You can use the magic fan to adjust the water temp. Boiling water does minimal damage unless you soak in it, and I will not require a roll for those that have a heat ward.
Roberto and Carlos drop down to their skivies, adjust the temp, and bathe. The cat avoids the water.
Cecilio takes notice. Carlos has that Venus's Blessing thing. Also, you take note of the scars. Old battle wounds, nothing serious or recent. But lots of little scratches and a few large marks.

A servant comes and informs you that the banquet will be served all day (the entire season), and you can join any time you like.

Bernat is still a bit freaked by everything so blatantly magical here; but he does consent to bathe his feet to get the dust of the road off them.