So, this had completely slipped my mind until working I was working on Fiona's stuff for the next few years, but Fiona had gotten some pretty spiffy (to her, anyway) lab texts from Valnastium when she was there in Autumn of '21. They were never actually finalized, though, near as I can tell from what I cut&pasted from the pm's that we had. So I wanted to run this past you guys, see what you thought and if there was something blatantly wrong/missing before I put the lab texts in the library.
Greenhouse a la Valnastium
The Skilled Gardener's Touch: This Enchantment ensures that any seeds, cuttings, transplants, etc, will grow as if they were in their native soil and environment. This uses the Creo Herbam Level 1 guideline "Ensure that a plant grows well for the duration of the spell." R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room, for a final Spell Level of 4. Usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (+3), for a final Effect Level of 8 (1 pawn).
Fighting the Blight: This Enchantment keeps all the plants within healthy and vigorous. This uses the Creo Herbam Level 1 guideline "Prevent a plant from becoming sick." R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room, for a final Spell Level of 4. Usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (+3), for a final Effect Level of 8 (1 pawn).
The Wooden Greenhouse: This Enchantment simply makes the greenhouse transparent from the inside, by virtue of transmitting all species striking it from the outside to the inside, including the sun's warmth. Rego Imaginem Base 2, "Make an object appear (to one sense) to be up to one pace away from its actual position," with an Ignem requisite for the heat. R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room, +2 magnitudes for size, for a final Spell Level of 10. Usable twice a day (+1), with an Environmental Trigger (+3), for a final Effect Level of 14 (2 pawns).
The item itself would be Wood (2 base points) and Huge +1 (the size of a good-sized room, about 480 square feet), for a multiplier of x6), so it would take 12 pawns of vis to Open for enchantment.
I had thought about having it be made of Almond Wood, which adds +3 to the Lab Total for Creo Herbam, but I thought that would be too limiting for a lab text from Valnastium.
So, 12 pawns to open the wooden structure, 1 pawn for The Skilled Gardener's Touch, 1 pawn for Fighting the Blight, and two pawns for The Wooden Greenhouse, which leaves 8 pawns in the thing. Look good?