I was wondering if the Powers that be at Atlas-Games could include Information on all 13 of the Founders in any of the Up-Coming Ars Magica books to be released??
As it would be really nice if we also had their Stats and Art’s Levels, and any uniquie Spells that any of them where known to have used or Created?
As i am guessing that they all didn't share all of their own secrets on magic, so any of their own individual secret powers that they didn’t share with each other when the Order of Hermes was created.
As this would allow GM’s to start a game right at the beginning of the creation of the Order of Hermes, and allow PC’s to interact with the original Founders of the Order!
Plus it would be a whole new starting platform from where most people get to experience the time period where we all play in!
If any GM’s out there have written up their own creation of the original Founders I would love to see how you have pictured them to be in your own games?