Frightening Munckinism

Sorry, then the goal would be 6 years, selecting an apprentice in the Tribunal 7 years before Grand Tribunal. Most Tribunals then hold another Tribunal the year before the Grand Tribunal, which would mean gauntleting an apprentice in 6 years. Is that munchkin enough? And it effectively fits within the Theban tribunal.

First of all sorry uf you feel im resurecting an old post but i will summon the unwriten law of 100 days.

Is that i've been thinking and laughing the whole afternoon.

Cabronus Malparidus ex Munchkinita

9 points of your choice.
Personal vis source: corpus (own spits/tears)

Weak parens
Crippled no legs
Mute no thonge
No hands

At least
CrCo total 35
choose the rest

Restore missing limb
And 55 levels your choice

Need i explain the operative?

Did you imagine him with a mitical companion also crippled ?

That optimistic flaw may be worse than you realize - I vaguely something about flaws representing physical disabilities being part of one's essential nature, and thus not easily reversible.

Some, like the eye restorage are irreversible, but no hands no legs (depending on source) may be reversible. Not the same a curse than an axe. But both have a sollution XD

Optimistic flaw is the joke within.

Now make it a flambeau creo speciallist or what you want. New meaning for a FlawlessWarrior XD

Her means that a flaw is more than a mere physical handicap. if you can solve it with magic, it is not a flaw. Or you can remove the flaw, but you get a new one. Extreme warping, hands that do their own bidding, overconfident, frankenstein-like or clumsy all come to mind.

There are no free meals here. if you can go and solve some of your flaws through demanding stories go ahead and do that. But playing the system like that is not munchkinism, it is simply wrong. This is why it is assumed that if you are lame it is part of tyour essential nature, so magic cannot heal your lame leg.



No hands - clumsy
Crippled - lame
Mute - aflicted thonge

Ad overconfident if you want or extreme warping

Still 5 minors in exchange of 3 majors sounds munchkin to me

I know what you mean and don't deny Xavi. But it's what this threat is about ... Smile! its munchkinism

No book here, but if I recall correctly what I posted above is in the core book: a flaw that does not act like one is not a flaw but a feature. So, you do not count it as a flaw. Unless it is a challenge to solve and it generates quite a few interesting stories it does not count.

I am not angry, is just that your proposal is negated by the rules IIRC. It is a common idea most of us have had, but it has been stomped by the line editor already. :slight_smile: It was OK when the spells to grow legs et al were permanent (so you could get them dispelled: I have done that :mrgreen: ) but now it is quite an abuse and the rules do not allow it.

We also bristle at the character have a characteristic at -4 and making a ritual to raise it to +3 or higher...

Well at least in this case there is a clear cost. Vis, time to come up with the spell(s) needed, possibly risk or warping as part of the casting...

That cost is exactly the same as the spells necessary to recreate limbs.

I was Searching up and down the forum the magical lab companion (+60 to lab total). Sadly i found nothing. Any idea/help/ligth about?

Thank you in advance.

Here: Failed Apprentice Concept

It us unclear if this is doable by the rules, however, as you can read in that same link.


I have to agree. Generally speaking you cannot apply the same bonus repeatedly. For example, would you allow someone to cast Gift of the Bear's Fortitude repeatedly for two minutes to get +60 soak (and -20 touch)? Or Aura of Ennobled Presence to get +60 to applicable influence rolls? Even if it's not written explicitly, it certainly seems to be implicitly true.

This character could give +3 to lots of different magi. If half a dozen of them work together, that could be equivalent to supplying +15. Of course, at that point you might as well take Affinity w/ Magic Theory, Puissant Magic Theory, and Int +5 for the same number of Virtue points. You could supply roughly the same bonus without being unconscious all the time, without requiring a high leadership score from the lead magus, and without requiring many Gifted persons to be working together in the same season.


I prefer the idea I posted in that thread: have him grant The Gift to your grogs. Train them in magic theory (and Leadership for your magus!!) and THEN you will reap lots of power from Gifted lab assistants :slight_smile:


Here's the grossest potential familiar I can think of:

Magic Might 7 or so
Int +5, Com +5

Affinity w/ Magic Theory
Apt Student
Book Learner
Great Intelligence x2
Great Communication x2
Puissant Teaching

Lesser Power: Grant Puissance in Leadership
Lesser Power: Grant Puissance in Magic Theory
Minor Virtue: Inventive Genius
Minor Virtue: Good Teacher
Minor Virtue: Puissant Magic Theory

Here's how it works:

  1. You get a hold of some low Magic Might beings, perhaps this familiar's own children (let's go with 5 of them). As long as you get some and are sure about their loyalty, you're golden. The familiar teaches them the Qualities Gifted, Good Teacher, Inventive Genius, and Puissant Magic Theory. (In an appropriate lab and with an appropriate specialty, this guy could teach one being at a Quality of 25+Teaching.
  2. You teach your familiar and the rest Artes Liberales to 1 yourself.
  3. Your familiar teaches them Latin.
  4. You study Magic Theory as high as you can from the books available.
  5. You teach your familiar up to your level in Magic Theory.
  6. Your familiar studies the same books to go even higher.
  7. Your familiar teaches you and the other beings Magic Theory. At this point it would be totally reasonable to have everyone at least to Magic Theory 8 or so. Then the others study in the same way.
  8. All these guys author books on Magic Theory, and the study process continues. Let's say we hit Magic Theory 15. Sure, it would take many years, but that's OK.

So, if your magus has a Leadership score of 1 or 2 (depending on how your rule things with familiars) with an appropriate specialty, that's enough to lead your familiar and the five others. Let's assume Int -3 for each of these other beings, which can be balanced with Grant Puissance in Magic Theory. With appropriate specialties they each give +21, for a total of +105, assuming Inventive Genius applies. Your familiar adds +26, for +131 now. Your familiar also gives you +3, for a final bonus of +134 essentially provided by your familiar.

Sure, this will take a while. However, it doesn't take much effort from you beyond acquiring the other magical animals. Of course, you might be able to do this by letting your familiar breed. As long as you take a few seasons to teach your familiar, the rest of the time you could really be studying. With your own Magic Theory at 15 and 5 in each Art, you shouldn't have a lab total below 165 or so. Plus some of them could have worked on your lab and we're not looking at your specialty, so your lab total is probably much higher in some areas. 165 is really your minimum lab total for new things. As a bonus, you'll have lots of books, copies of which you could sell.

I could have made this more efficient, but this should be enough to make the cheese more obvious than on a pizza.


I was just typing that up, but in a way that clearly fits the rules. The problem I have with granting The Gift, is that it's a "Special Virtue," neither a "Major Virtue" nor a "Minor Virtue." As such, granting it gets into a sticky situation. But Magical beings can teach each other Qualities, which does open up Gifted.


Oh! My dog! - OH! MY DOG!
LOL!!!!! im shoked, brutal lab total.

Compared to that, the idea of make all the magi of the covenent spend a season writing a tractatus so virtually you whould have 3 4 tractatus to read and then trade them for a decent one makes me feel jerky.

How would that be bad?
That's called 'covenant services' and is a common enough concept.

Giving everyone Book Learner and then having everyone write books as covenant service isn't munchkinism.

Giving everyone Book Learner and Good Teacher so all their book qualities are at +3 and every book they read they get +3xp from so you double up the bonuses, create a library other covenants are jealous of and want to trade for (and of course even vain tractatus of moderate quality are worth it when you have book learner), that would be moderate munchkinism. Of course, with all the magi having Good Teacher you effectively give all apprentices they train Skilled Parens for free, before you develop any really powerful teachers (who write books on Teaching as an ability, and have Palatial labs with a Gallery for the max +3 teaching bonus allowed in Covenants).
Then finding every way to get resonant materials in the bookbindings, building huge collections of realia, corresponding with magi so as to build up a huge collection of poor tractatus (but still possibly worthwhile with your Book Learner bonus), and using the lecture notes rules from Art & Academe to have a scribe take down your lectures on magic theory to the apprentices....THAT'S MUNCHKINISM!

As beta SG, I nearly wept last night when I discovered another apprentice had Apt Student - that'll be another apprentice who can out-cast magi decades out of gauntlet.

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Hmm...does he belong to a Bonisagus, or is there a Bonisagaus at the covenant? 'cause I think someone's going to lose an apprentice.
Or maybe he loses the ability to be so attentive to lectures as he matures...for some reason the virtue transforms into something else.