General Table Talk

Not quite. Per the mustering out rules, Vis Source provides 2 pawns Form vis (or 1 Technique) during character creation and double that during play.

That is a lot more reasonable... though I was looking forward to Felicia being able to develop very rapidly with that much vis. So he has 8 pawns/yr instead...

So, about Sabrina

She's most interested in Criminal Law, but both Private Law, property law... interest her equally. She's still young (she'll be 19, and in 2nd year), so she's mostly trying to learn things and stiffen up her resume.
And she doesn't care about the place, since she'd be coming from France anyway :smiley:

No, no, this ain't true, I want to swim in vis!!! Evil, evil fightmaster! :wink:

Hey, Vocis has a Vis Source in his lab. You think I want to turn down those 36 pawns per year? :mrgreen:

I don't think we have a standard protocol. For myself, since Vocis brought in several grogs and specialists, I just gave them the same 20 xp per year they received during character development. This is what's recommended in Grogs, scaled up to Andorra's standard xp benchmarks. We also haven't had any full-time teachers and most of my grogs are illiterate, so 20 xp seems reasonable for 2 seasons of xp and 2 seasons of training or practice. And it's easy. :wink:

So he is. I completely missed him. Too many new characters floating around. :slight_smile:

I do have a question though - how does he serve as a lab assistant? Per Marko's recent Big Red Hammer[sup]TM[/sup] ruling, lab assistants must be Gifted, Familiars, or Failed Apprentices. I love the concept and character otherwise, though.

I apologize. I phrased things inelegantly. I realize that, not being gifted or a familiar, Andre can't serve as a 'Lab Assistant[sub]TM[/sub],' adding anything to a lab total. I merely meant that he was Lucas's mundane lab assistant. He keeps the lab clean and orderly, fetches things for Lucas, holds things steady, makes sure that Lucas eats, etc. He doesn't add to any lab totals, but he makes working in the lab a more pleasant experience in general. (In addition to making Lucas's non-lab hours more pleasant as well.) Basically, he's Lucas's Jeeves.

It fits the free lab virtue of "Servant" or "Person(s)".

In fact, I intended for him to fit the free lab virtue of Servant. :slight_smile:

Quick note - I'm away tomorrow and Tuesday and may well not have WiFi.

I'm also away from 19th August until the 31st, but I probably will have WiFi so may be able to post sporadically as time and family allow over that period.

Yes, let us discuss this in the other thread. This one is for table talk and conversations.

On that note, my $#l+ is all up in the air all of a sudden. Put out, locked out, and homeless. I'll get it sorted out, don't worry :slight_smile:

On the brighter side...

I am alive and well, and living in the city of Chicago...

(and the Chicago Public Library)
Tracking down leads, no worries :slight_smile:

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope things start looking better soon.

:slight_smile: you're a cheery soul! Your troubles do sound like they've sucked - hope you get stuff sorted quickly.

Back, addled and ill, but back.

And here I was, hoping things were better :frowning:
Wow, marko, that's some sh*t.

Good luck, and best wishes to you.

Marko, now that Isolde is about to become part of a story, are you expecting me to be her? I'm just about OK to do so, but I thought I should check since, by the Flaw, she's an NPC.

Guys, this totally needs to be a thing!

But seeing as we are all players, how is an NPC even possible?
Unlike most of the rest of you, I am uncomfortable with cross-gender characters. That is sorta why I have limited Carmen to hardly ever playing her, except when necessary. Problem is, when I try to play a realistic female, the feminists cry "sexist". Yet these same people will in turn play the most sexist stereotyped characters and claim it is totally natural (cough-cough Vulcanuscough-cough)
So you can ask someone else to do it if you want. Otherwise it is on you, 'cause I ain't gonna do it.

Yeah, pretty cool, eh?

Hi. I am mostly out of the city until the 31st of August, with intermittent net connection at best. Been quite busy lately as well, so my post have been scarce at best. Sorry about that.
If you need Arnau to do something, he will (in combat, he will tend towards Offence until his combat group is on medium wounds). If not, consider him to be drunk somewhere else; he has a liking for the stronger Penedes and Boreaux wines, not the crap Roberto drinks, and has discovered Andorra can have a fairly healthy supply of both. He is joining the expedition to the city of brass. Apart from that he is likely to be more or less quiet while I ride my brand new bike through northern Catalonia.

If there is a threat that it is imperative that I read (I could try to use my phone here), a link would be extremely appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:
