General Table Talk

Also, I do apologize if it sounds like I'm trying to be difficult. I'm really not. All I'm trying to do is meet some requirements that seem to be a moving target. I just don't want to be blind-sided if and when the time comes for promotion.

Argh! I ask everyone to give me some time to compile all of the information on Sa Dragonera. I'm doing it right. so please give me a few minutes to do so.

Also, Silveroak, can you point me to where Marko mentioned all of the magi out there get vis? I can't find it anywhere, and I'm trying to be thorough.

I'm not sure how to link to individual posts, but on p. 234 of this thread, second post down, he states

Okay, as promised, I've pored through all of the "official" rules documents as well as the various discussions we've had on Sa Dragonera and this is what I've found/propose to the troupe. Feel free to debate, and Marko we can move this to a different thread if you think that makes more sense.

  1. Choosing (no one will ever be forced) to take up residency at the Balearic Isles grants the member immediate provisional Journeyman status (vice having to spend time as a Pledge).

  2. "Residence" in the Balearic Isles includes having one's primary Sanctum and Lab within a regio located in the area of the Balearic Isles and connected to Sa Dragonera. Further, Balearic Isles Resident magi must spend at least 2 seasons per year within the Balearic Isles (this could be doing lab work, studying texts, adventuring on one of the islands, traveling between the islands, etc.). All magi residing in the Balearic Isles will coordinate to ensure at least one magus is in the Balearic Isles at all times. [If this seems too harsh, we could drop it down to 1 season; the idea is that if their purpose of being there is to protect and harvest the vis source, they actually need to be around]

  3. Provisional Journeymen have all of the rights and privileges of a Journeyman, with the additional proviso that they must remain in the Balearic Isles for a minimum of 7 seasons (the normal waiting period for Pledges to be considered Journeyman). If they choose to vacate the Balearic Isles before they have served 7 seasons there, then they immediately lose their Provisional Journeyman status.

  4. After 7 seasons the provisional title goes away and they are simply Journeymen.

  5. An additional 3 years residence in the Balearic Isles after they have fulfilled their Provisional requirements count as one service towards earning Master status.

  6. Journeymen that reside within the Balearic Isles are conferred the status of Deputy Officer for their service to the covenant. This includes the standard stipend of 6£ of silver per year granted to all Deputy Officers.

  7. Once a resident of the Balearic Isles has completed his Provisional requirements he may request from the Master's Council a transfer of his sanctum to Andorra proper. Requesting a transfer does not guarantee approval, as factors such as available space at Andorra proper, number of magi currently residing in the Balearic Isles, and the conduct of the magus will be taken into account by the Master's Council.

  8. Beyond these specific exceptions, residents of the Balearic Isles will have all rights and privileges befitting their appropriate status. This includes standard lab upkeep (up to 3£ per year for journeymen), access to the library of Andorra, and all others enumerated in the Andorra Covenant Resolutions of Charter.

Hmm, honestly that looks like a misprint on Marko's part. Deputy Officer's earn a stipend of 6£ silver per year. How much vis did Fleur use? I'm sure it can be worked out as her taking out a loan and paying it back with the "vis gift" from Marko.

Right click on the title at the top of the post, then select "Copy Link Address." The post you're citing is here.

I confess I do not reca what I said earier. But two important points can render all of that moot.

  1. All member have vast credit and can draw vis a needed on account I forget the limit, but the point is that there is no need to wait.
  2. Lucas doesn't have to move. Remember that I had mistakenly thought Lucas was at Arans to begin with. The Mercere wanthim there, but that could be his "office" and the manor still his home.

The moratorium on new characters stands for now, at least until I sort things out. Give me until July 6th (hitting the Dead show on the 5th, so I may be imagining I am posting teepathicayuntil the effects wear off)
(just kidding. I gave up drugs decades ago. I am just a common rummy now a days)

And now for something complete different.

I may be good at basic maths, but I'm rubbish at geometry and trigonometry. So, I have no idea how to calculate the distance from Guiverna's lab to her obelisk.

I want it to be placed so that, at mid-morning (i.e. exactly halfway between sunrise and mid-day) the sun forms a halo behind the point of the 70-foot-tall obelisk. So, basically, the sun is behind the top of the obelisk.

I hope this makes sense. And, if possible, show me how you figured it so I can learn.

In the end it makes more sense in the overall story for him to come back to Arans. It was fun being in Sa Dragonera. He'll certainly maintain a residence there, whether it's the estate or just a small cottage. And all things being equal he'd probably have stayed there. But between the desires of House Mercere and his new position as assistant to the Herald, it's probably best for him to be in Arans. He ought to be right there where the Mercere are. And if he's acting as liaison between the covenant and House Mercere, it's probably best if the House is happy with him. :slight_smile:


Also, everyone, in retrospect I realize I have been a cranky killer DM today. Take all of my words this day with that understanding.

Aside: does the saga allow for portable rings/circles?
It's been a controversial question in the main forums, just like to know. Apprentice characters can do handy things at lower levels with them. Either way is cool.

As for the pause on new characters, I should clarify. Finish the work in progressthatis in developent. Hols off on anything new until we have that all sorted out.
As for portable circles, I a not sure what you mean. On the deck of a ship? Sounds okay. Ask Fixer.
As for how horrible I have been today, I apologize :smiley:
And I'm a hippocrite.

Yes, it is. Its goal is to provide Andorra with potentially eternal guardians, strong and tough, that should also be immune to the kind of attack that killed the previous covenfolk.

As she sees it, it's her duty, and she already gets a stipend for this anyway..
But she's asking the help of other magi to do that, and so she thinks they should be compensated for their time.

As I see it, you don't need the distance, just to write that it is located at the right distance, like you just did.

Oh great... A can of worms :laughing:
I agree with Marko for the ship.
I seem to remind Richard Love having great comments on this, I just can't recall what he said.

Aargh, gotta go, coming bacl later

Re: portable circles.
Just say it's a pain and they're not portable and I'm ok. Whatever the choice is I'm happy. It's hopefully a small question.
The reason I ask is I thought a magus (say a very junior apprentice might use them) could carry small circles pre-carved. I was thinking palm sized for light, fire, and maybe holding concentration effects. That kind of thing.
Then I got to thinking about having a gate or slide in the side of the device so the circle could be opened/broken at will. I think it is a clever mundane tool for a junior wizard.

I believe, unless you live at the equator (!), that this doesn't make sense. Halfway between sunrise and midday won't always see the sun in the same place in the sky. Heck, sunrise isn't always in the same place (it rises north of east in the summer, and south of east in the winter); and it isn't even at midday (it's lower in the sky in winter, and nearly overhead in summer). Now, if you had a specific date and time in mind - say, midday on the summer solstice - then we could probably do the calculation.

Sounds like it's time to make a magical obelisk that moves around to ensure it's always in proper halo position (at least at certain times of the day)!

Even at the equator the sun will move- on June 21st it would be to the north and on December 21st it will be to the south, and directly overhead (no shadow or being behind an obelisk every April 21st and September 21st (these dates vary a day or two from year to year)
Now Mallorca is at 39 degrees north, the tropic of Cancer is at 23 degrees north, so the sun will always be to the south in Mallorca, but it will vary from being (at noon) between 77 degrees from the horizon (16 degrees from straight overhead)on June 21st and being 28 degrees from the horizon (62 degrees from directly overhead) on December 21st.
This would be difficult enough, but instead of noon, you want midmorning, where the apparent location of sunrise also varies with the length of the day...

I'm thinking on the spring and autumn equinox, at about 39½° N.

Just wanted to giver everyone a heads up; I'm going to be on vacation and without access to the internet (or at least not being allowed access to the internet by my wife) starting next Tuesday, 30 June until Tuesday, 14 July. Unfortunately that might mean I'll be missing some awesome City of Brass action and the chance to eat some merfolk, but c'est la vie.

I'm hoping to get Solomon's downtime set so Trogdor can know when Garbriel's coming to town and joining the covenant, which is why I'm trying to nail down the Cerebro spell. Although at this point I think I can just assume I'll have to reinvent so I'll start working the numbers on that.

When I get back I'll have some time off from work, so I want to re-start the Sa Dragonera thread that I started way back when and let die. I'll try and get an intro post up before I leave to give everyone an idea of how it's going to start. It's primarily going to be for the Sa Dragonera Chapter magi, so hopefully we'll know exactly who that is. I don't know when we want to do it, but I think Marko was wanting us to start things after the time jump, so maybe 1242, although a little earlier probably makes more sense.

Aw, I move just when the fun starts. :wink: