General Table Talk

He has AL 3 so he can read Arabic, Latin and his native monkey tongue.


Literate monkey? Alright, I'm out.

Monkeys and their typewriters. Monkeys and their gosh darn typewriters~... :laughing:

The world is full of literate monkeys. Theyare called "reality tv writers".
In order to take Latin & Artes liberales, the familiar need to have the educated virtue. Which is feasible. It just needs some explaining.
Amusing, I messed up with Cidito the Cat.
He has Artes Liberales and appropriate Virtues and excuses.
But I forgot Latin.
He has Gift of Tongues and converse in any language. But the only one he knows, and thus the only one he can read & write in, is Cat(alan).
So eventually Roberto intends to send him to our grammar school :mrgreen:

Familiars know all the languages their magus knows. No mess up.

So, I asked this question back in December of 2012, and Marko's response was:

The way that I read that and have interpreted it since then is that the magus has to be directly involved in any XP gained by their familiar. So, as I see it, familiars can gain XP...

  1. When they accompany their magus on an adventure (source quality of the adventure),
  2. When they assist their magus in the laboratory (exposure xp),
  3. when their magus (and only their magus) teaches or trains them (source quality based on magus)

That's it, nothing else. That's based on what Marko said back in 2012. The advantage is that it keeps us consistent with what we've been doing, and cuts back on the bookkeeping for familiars.

This is true. But that was long ago before Through the Aegis and the understanding that in RAW familiars have no learning penalties.
I do like our HR and it is aesthetically pleasing. But when I wrote that the intent was to be liberating in comparison to what RAW was percieved to be at that time. As it stands now with current understanding, it makes things more restrictive. That is sort of opposite from what I normally like to do.

Carlos is at it again :mrgreen:
Flamenco and Malaguena

Just a heads up that I will be camping for a week or so from Saturday, so I'll be minimally about.

Have fun ! :smiley:

And I should be on vacation in mid-august, from the 13 to about 25.

Have fun!!!

Thanks! :smiley:

been busy with the new pad and family stuff. Cousin is getting hitched tomorrow. I will be able to drop cluster bombs of postings by Sunday


I'm alive! Just about. I was struck down by some sort of terrible plague. Need to catch up...soonish. Just checking in to say I'm not dead.

Hooray for not-dead! Being dead sucks. Always leaves me with a nasty rash that won't go away for days.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons, even death may die :wink:

Are you quoting Lovecraft or Metallica? Because everyone knows that Metallica traveled time and took Lovecraft to the city of R'lyeh for a gig they played there.

Glad you are well CB!

I'm back. I survived camping with the family. Now, to get caught back up...
