General Table Talk

Looking at the wiki, there's not a whole lot of people available who meet Fédora's specifications.

  • Vulcanus
  • Jehan, depending, of course, on whether it's known that he's a she. From reading the article, I don't think it is, but I'm not sure.
  • Otger, who is getting kind of old and whose player is not in the game anymore. Don't know if that means the character didn't survive the reboot, or if he's been NPC'd, but he's of an age that he might give her one child if they're lucky.
  • Saul ben Asher, who is a Jew and a dwarf, which means that (a) she might have a hard time getting recognition of their marriage (or at least respect) both Hermetically and mundanely (since she is royal born and has to overcome those preconceptions) and (b) he might not give her as hale and healthy children as she would like. He likewise has the problem of his player not being a part of the game (in fact, Angado hasn't logged on in almost three years).

The grogs are barely worth considering, not only because of their station but because House Mercere may not consider being married to a mortal a very good anchor to Andorra and simply tell her "No, we're shutting you down. You and your...husband can relocate over yonder somewhere." Plus, most, if not all, of the grogs' character sheets look to be Vol. 2 (if not older) and at least ten years "out of date."

So, that's what I'm going off of. Please feel free to correct or add to my list of candidates if I missed anything or made any erroneous assumptions.

I'm still working on him, but my aforementioned Venditor companion might work. He'll have at least a presence and communication of +2 along with Venus' Blessing and I wanted him to have a good working relationship with the Redcaps anyway. I saw him traveling with Redcaps for mutual protection/companionship and then when they arrive at a city/covenant he does his merchant while they deliver messages thing and then travels with them to the next area.


If I remember correctly, this saga has decided that the hermetic year starts with Winter instead of Spring (which, although I can see the reasoning behind, I still disagree with, but not vehemently). This does raise a point of confusion for me, though.

Namely, is Winter of 1230 followed by Spring of 1230 or Spring of 1231? I was thinking that it would be Spring of 1230 (in which case, since the Redcap Meeting is in Autumn of 1230, this would then be Winter of 1231), but I could be wrong.[/strike]

Never mind...I reread the first post on the Convention of the Redcaps thread, and realized that, although the title says Autumn 1230, we're still in Winter and Spring discussing preparations. So...whoops.

That also kind of ties in to the whole Aphrodite-Hephaestus parallel, in that she marries him for politics.

Plus, being Vulcanus's vendator, if Vulc is really serious about not marrying Fédora, he can always throw the vendator at her and run. ("Here, catch!")

I like the idea, and I can't wait to rp this with him.

Looking at the wiki...
Several of the characters that you have named have beet swept under the rug; killed in the attack of retconned out of existence
Jehan was Lady P's companion character. I do believe that, in an alternate reality, some varient or version wound up over in Mons Electi. It is best just to leve her there. The two sagas exist in alternate realities :laughing: (this saga has it's own specific version of Val-Nagra, views the Quasitors and Tremere as responsible civic minded magi, and the Flambeau apocrypha is accurate and true).
I have no idea who Otger or Saul ben Asher are. I guess miscellaneous old pc/npc companions. It is up to you if you want to recycle them somehow. Such as I have for many grogs; the dead ones are the ones never named, the ones that had names & stats before are the ones who survived.
Which reminds me, I am of the opinion that our grogs are the awesomest. Several of the named grogs are eligible for elevation to being companion characters. And these old guard guys ain't going nowhere. The swore a Vow of loyalty before the Eternal Flame. The culture of solidarity of an eliete unit binds them here.

Carmen seeks Fedora out, after hearing about Tiana's solicitations from her brother.
I heard you and Tiana are trying to seduce men into marriage in order to strengthen your ties here. I must confess, that is the most un-romantic approach you could come up with. Never let a man know what you are really up to :wink:
And I think you are aiming for extreme measures a bit too early in the game, sister. Find out where the others stand and see how to best assauge their actual concerns.

Nothing of Lady P's was ever at Mons Electi.

Then it is a different Jehan :slight_smile:

[color=blue]"'s marriage! It has nothing to do with romance!"

:smiley: This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you.

Somehow, I have lost the ability to edit (although the edit button is at the top of the page, on the grey wikidot bar, and not at the bottom between the "Start watching" line and the grey bar with Help/Terms of Service etc on it).

I never had the ability to edit my own pages on the wiki! (Ryu-kun is my handle)

I actually had to ask for it before, which (personally) I find annoying. It seems to me that there should be a way for only registered users to create pages, but any user registered to the Andorra site should be able to edit pages. What's the point of a wiki, otherwise, amirite?

Otherwise, you have to go to an admin every time you spend xp or make any kind of change to your character sheet.

Is that Hermetic for "I'll be in my bunk."? :laughing:

We need to have Fixer change the settings, for I have the same problem on occasion as well.

Everything seemed fine, like it was before the troubles, then it got worse, and I've gotten my first 503.

Are you sure? (Dumb me: Of course you are)
I did absolutely nothing, the settings are the same, I can't see how that's possible, especially as you did manage to edit the charsheet in the past.

The Edit button was always on the grey bar AND at the bottom. It's often easier that way, IMO.
I've tried locking/unlocking the Vibria page, hoping that maybe it was such a bug.
Methink I should create another account, to check things up.

I just checked the Vibria page (13:08 GMT), and same thing. The top right of Vibria's wiki page, on the grey Wikidot bar, just as the Explore link which takes you to a random Wikidot site. Interestingly enough, most of them have the "Edit History Tags Source Explore>>" options, although hitting "Edit" gives me a "permission error" pop-up. The bottom of Vibria's page is the same as I mentioned last night.

This is quite strange. It seems it bugs when you try to edit a page created by someone else.
Could you see if you can make a change to any other page?
I've tried unchecking/rechecking the permissions, just in case.

Whatever you did had some effect. I can finally edit pages now. :slight_smile:

I've added Bernhard and Micaela to the wiki. While doing so, I realized I had wildly overstated Micaela's social penalties. She has nothing out of the ordinary other than a negative reputation with magical creatures. I must have been remembering an earlier draft of the character. I think she'll be 'assisting' our visiting Mercere dignitaries after all. :slight_smile:

Yep, it works now. Thank you.

Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking Vulcanus could do...