General Table Talk

First, the Regio virtue is required for your lab (in addition to Gateway and Thoroughfare) for sanctums in the Baelric Islands . It will NOT change the aura at all. The aura of the Regio that your sanctum and lab starts at is 1, and can be modified to a 2 with the Moderate Aura personal boon or to a 3 with the Strong Aura personal boon. That is as high as you can take it.

Also, and this has nothing to do with what Lucas thinks, I (as a player) think that it would be awfully fun to be out in the Sa Dragonera extension for a while.

Besides, I have a great idea for a Sa Dragonera sanctum.

You can also just work out of your island lab and produce all Fedora wants you to produce, and just don't mention anything to your House.
I should mention that Fedora has a Lab, or one assigned to her. She has no immediate use for it, I figure it would e used by visiting Mercere magi such as yourself. Or she could uber specialize for Teaching and cur everything else down to a minimum or out altogether.
I bring this up because you two could link the covenant Mercere Lab and a Sa Dragonera lab together with a portal or a transportation device of some kind (a teleportation booth?)

Isn't a portal pretty heavy-duty magic? I'm not sure we could manage it. But I like the idea.

You can pay someone to cast a spell every year or hire contractors to instal a permanent one. You can also learn a Rego Corpus spell or craft/purchase such a device.

Hold on, Gateway and thoroughfare are required for the lab is Sa Dragona? This is the first I have heard this mentioned... I took the strong aura personal boon, but was under the impression that the sanctum had a physical location and the lab could be located somewhere that the gateway was not... I didn't see any of this in the house rules f Sa Dragona or on the site... I'm feeling like there is something fundamentally different about this situation than what I had understood...

according to the wikki, the regio virtue indicates "the top layer has a strength of 3 and only covers your lab (and enables you to have the lab virtue of Regio)" So now you are saying that virtue is required regardless of the virtues/flaws involving regio?
Meanwhile Strong Aura expands the aura to cover your entire Quarter, and raises it to 3. So if you have a strong aura and a regio does the regio aura not raise to 5?
Once those fundamentals are answered, perhaps the question of whether an uncontrolled regio allows the same benefits (with the attendant hook of being uncontrolled) for a lab.

Excellent news!

Here is the entry section for the house rules for Sa Dragonera sanctums. Note the part that I highlighted:

Chapter House of Sa Dragonera (& the Baelric Islands)
In 1233, Andorra entered into a joint project with the Covenant of Barcelona and formed the Chapter House of Sa Dragonera. They have recently registered and claimed a large vis resource on Sa Dragonera. The deal is that is we protect and harvest the vis, we keep a 60% share. After figuring in our expenses (as calculated for up to five magi), this works out to a profit of a rook every season.
The resources available are those as determined and provided by the main covenant. The list of Boons & Hooks here are those that uniquely apply to the Chapter. Further, each member residing here dwells in a separate location, and thus has a set of Personal Boons and Hooks that only apply to them in their Quarter. Each location must include Regio as a Minor Boon or Minor or Free Hook. For their Labs, they must choose the Virtues of Regio and Gateway, plus the Flaw of Thoroughfare. Auras start of as tiny and weak, and may not be that powerful. This drawback (as compared to the standard for magi of the covenant) is offset by the fulfilled Size Virtue. The initial Lab setup (hand-waved start up time) may have a balanced number of Virtues versus Flaws + Size (including the size bonus for Regio).
All points are linked by a regio network. The outer layer of their Quarters is Mundane, the strongest point of their Aura is their Lab. One step beyond, a duplicate of their quarter exists on Sa Dragonera (Magic Aura 6). From there it is a short walk to the duplicates (vestiges?) of the other locations. The house in Palma, it has it's second door in the basement, not the lab. There is also a portal directly to a townhouse in Barcelona there, and at that house there is another portal directly to Andorra.

Okay, then why do the rules on the wikki seem to contradict this? How can a regio be required for the lab and optional for the sanctum?

I don't know what rules you're referencing on the wiki, since I don't think the rules for Sa Dragonera have been put up there yet, but as far as I know, the "official" rules for Sa Dragonera are in the Resurrecting Mallorca thread, third post from the bottom on the second page. They may have been transferred to the wiki, but I'm not sure.

In there (as well as in the section I just quoted above) it states, "Each location must include Regio as a Minor Boon or Minor or Free Hook." So there is no disconnect. You must buy the Regio for the magi's "Quarter" (which includes sanctum and lab) using the personal boons and hooks rule and for your lab in the lab creation rules. It's actually the same regio, it just has to bought in both because the rules cover different things. The Gateway and Thoroughfare virtue/flaw represent that the regio has two entrances, the one to mundanely get to it, and one that connects to Sa Dragonera.

Not sure what it says on the wiki. Whatever we are doing now, the Sa Dragonera project seems to be working. Whatever we were doing before blew up in our face. The system PoB quoted is the one that works, and was designed for your benefit. Imagine a Regio network that connects the collected island sites. This network is both at once the Regio Lab Virtue and the Thoroughfare Lab Flaw. This allows you all to travel to each others location, including the Palma house that has a Portal to Barcelona to Andorra. You can get from your sanctum to the covenant library in about ten minutes.
This also grants you a giant Lab, which the Masters do not have.
The Boon/Hook is intended to match with this, and works thus
+1 Controlled: I can never mess with you and Thoroughfare is pretty void. Other magi passing through have to knock
+0/-0 Partially Controlled; No big deal, almost the same as controlled but it gives me wiggle room to mess with you once in a while or as a deus ex machina
-1 Uncontrolled: You are asking for some problems :smiley:

There is no "Controlled" regio option listed in the rules on the wiki. Is that an option? (Not that I'd take it. A little wiggle room for the storyteller is nice.)

Where on the wiki are you guys finding the rules for the Sa Dragonera "special rules"? I don't see them anywhere on the wiki. Like I said, I'd go with the rules on page 2 of the Resurecting Mallorca thread.

That said, MArko, there is one typo in those rules. Partially Controlled Regio should "cost" +0, not -1.

It is called "Ressurecting Mallorca" because Mallorca failed and we wanted to try it again. Like I said, we found a system that works. Te large lab compensates for the low aura because (in theory) you could compensate with the right lab virtues.

The truth is, taking on these new players has caused me to realize that things got out of date and out of sync. I am putting massive effort into correcting that, and so far have House Rules 90% complete. Still to add: Redcaps, Hermetic Economics, and Sa Dragonera.

But I also see now that these new players are suffering because of my laxity, and I feel genuine regret for that.
To make up for that, I propose we find a way to equip each quarter with an Aegis after all. That will cut our profits in half, but we will still be profitable.

It's here:

I don't recall how I got to it.

I don't know Marko, I REALLY like the austerity concept of Sa Dragonera, and that includes not having Aegises (Aegii?). I'd say any new recruit should be given the option of becoming a Journeyman today with their sanctum in the Baelric isles OR they can choose the standard route of being a Pledge for 7 seasons and performing 3 services then they can setup shop in Andorra proper.

As I said, from a player standpoint, going to the Baeleric Islands seems the far, far more interesting story path to take. And if it gets me to be a journeyman faster, so much the better!

I posted the updated Sa Dragonera Rules (from the Resurecting Mallorca thread) as an announcement. With that and the HR update, we can now revert back to using the Forums as a primary source in most things. I still have to update the Covenant Information, including Expenditures and the Library.
Fixer old chum :smiley:
It is up to you to update the wiki :wink:
And as we can all see, the wiki has proven a valuable resource for information storage and backup.

If you insist :slight_smile: