General Table Talk

No problem.
As you can see, I'm slowly trying to come back and read what I missed :wink:

No worries. I'm not exactly a posting machine right now!

And hey, Fixer - good to have you back :slight_smile:

I'm still waiting to get rescued from my cage. I'll post more once that happens. :slight_smile:

This will be soon, I promise :smiley:

Sorry all, I'm taking a graduate class right now and have been a little busy. I have a big paper due tomorrow, so when I get it finished I should have a little bit of free time to catch back up.

No worries broseph. I understand priorities. Not that I always have them straight. :laughing:

I'm going to accept the inevitable and officially retire from Andorra. I just can't find time to make it a priority with my new life situation. It's been a fun couple of years and I've learned a ton about the system and the setting. Many thanks to everyone who made it a great experience. And thanks especially to Marko for designing, building, painting, and steering the ship despite all the in-game and real life obstacles he's faced.


Best wishes my friend. Door is aways open for you

Good luck man. Sorry to see you go, but I completely understand the need to prioritize.

I just have to say that I found this incredibly amusing! Bravo, good sir (or ma'am, as the case may be)!

Oooh! Oooh! I think I know what's going on here! Nice. :smiley:

I'm wanting to bring in another player to bargain with Mr. Spooky for an autumn adventure. Obviously this should be someone with a better bargain ability that Fleur (so 1 or higher), and hopefully someone who has at least some theoretical understanding of spirits- magic lore or have been involved in one of the previous two Halloween adventures at Fleur's. Is there anyone who would like to play in this adventure?

Carmen is a good haggler, and Roberto has been involved before. Yet neither is experienced with spirit magic.

Will Roberto be back from the City of Brass by autumn 1236?

Right now that is going so slow, and I don't really wanna hand wave results of that adventure. However, knowing how I play him, he would likely take xp instead of transformation. So maybe we can work it out.
The frustrating part is I would much rather play Roberto than Carmen, yet she is the one getting the most attention lately.

As for you and the others. We had this thing set up where people could play two magi. Without Fightmaster we loose Vocis and Pere. Vocis I sorta want to NPC (and if anyone wants to take him over feel free and say so). Pere, meh.
Silveroak. How would you feel about a second magus? You have paid your dues and then some. If you want to take someone over or create fresh, let me know.

I was hoping to play Fleur's daughter when that comes around (far cry from the normal creation process though!), I don't feel like I am familiar enough with any of the existing magi to take them over, and I'm not sure if a new magus should be more or less experienced than Fleur- my preference aside from those points would be to make a new magus... not sure about type yet...

Keep it in the mentalator for now :wink:

I'm considering a guernicus mystagog who is looking to get in on the ground floor of this new tribunal he has heard rumors you are trying to start...


Bjornaer! :laughing:

I don't usually play Bjornaers. Or Flabeau, or Tytalus... I prefer subtle.