General Table Talk

certainly, it fits Vibria, and with a craft total of 29, 12 base, +10 for unlimited usage of the wondrous effect, a PeTe effect of transforming any metal it strikes into sand (base 2, range:touch, +2 magnitudes for metal)

Since this uses, I think, City and Guild rules, which I don't have, how would this be written up on her character sheet? The standard shortsword stats (Init/Atk/Dfn/Dmg)? What does the Wondrous Effect do, what does she roll to use or activate it, penetration (if any), etc.

The sword is a permanent AC to Vibria, and the "wondrous effect" will fade after her death- otherwise it is like a standard enchanted item which also gives a +4 to both attack and defense

Winds of change are in the air!
At work, they finally 86d my rival and I am making moves to try and take over this kitchen. And if that works I have a plan for prosperity.

But aside from that, I will soon be reconnecting to interwebz. Then I will able to do many of the things here I havebeen putting off and keep it up.

Okay, I have Solomon and Acutus finally advanced through 1241. Marko, what;s this I hear about a kraken hunt? Acutus is a pretty darned good sea creature hunter!

Acutus in in like Flynn :wink:

Give me some time to sort some new stuff out and I will be all over this stuff

Hi Everyone!

Marko suggested I pop by and check out the Saga! So far things seem epic and a little overwhelming :slight_smile: Any suggestions on where to start to get a feel for things?

Start reading the recent threads then trawl the wiki. I found that pretty good to get a high level view when I arrived. House rules and the magi at each location was useful to know.

And ask questions, in public forum here for us all to help you with. No PM gaming, this is a troupe game and the GM is not an absolute monarch.

Also, think of it from an individual outsider's point of view. What you mainly need to know is the world as your initial character would know it. In game, it would be logical for that character to have little idea of what is going on.
But there are some "global" information you should know...

  • It is currently the year 1242
  • Flambeau was born Reculed Seneca and came from a Roman-Visigoth noble family. Everyone in Iberia knows this. Outside Iberia, House Flambeau has a variety of different stories. Other magi outside Iberia mainly know just the standard party line from Societates.
  • The Logthurangian Tribunal was voted down but the issue issue has not gone away
  • There were some troll wars up north thirty years ago
  • The Shadow War was ended in 1219 with the death of Rassus
  • The Dragon Wars of Transyvania were fought and won in the 1230's
  • Various little stupid things will have course changed or grown with the march of time. These are not defined so you can invent new things for your back story based off of them.
  • In this year, 1242, a dispute has arisen over who should be the Primus of House Flambeau. And the Prima of Mercere has died.

Thanks for everything folks. I have a quiet couple of days coming up so I should be able to give a good go-over of most relevant things. I do have an affection for House Flambeau, so I will enjoy seeing how things turn out.

I have been time crunched. Finally overthrew the powers that be and working on establishing a new order. Translation: I am a back stabbing Line Chef that turned everyone against the head chef and got him fired. The new order is a dual Sous Chef system, and I get to be one of them. Things are stabalizing and I am always here :slight_smile:

congratulations on your coup.
watch your back for those with similar ambitions.

The king is dead.

Long live the king!

I took that into account. I already eliminated any potential competition by hanging them with their own inferiority. Knowing when to help and when to hang them out to dry, knowing when to step up and take responsibility and when it is time to throw them under the bus. With this looser kitchen manager, it was basically the same procedure combined with bold confidence. There was a back-of-the house meeting (BotH is jargon for the kitchen). At this meeting, in front of the new hires and general manager, I presented my seven point plan for improvement. The very top of my list was that I should be put in charge. Then I just kept up the pressure. Everytime something wasn't going right, I would quietly whisper to the GM what should have been done. I gossiped and trash talked with all the other cooks. Eliminating all support for the guy. The one employee that did support the guy got himself fired because he kept showing up to work drunk.
Sometimes it is just that easy :smiley:
I even wrote a three page manifesto and e-mailed it to the general manager, at his request. And in it I said that it doesn't matter if you put me in charge. Put BC in charge, or you take control. Just get rid of this looser.
Then the guy got fired. A few weeks go by and things are working out better without him around and no kitchen manager. BC and myself just led the crew shift by shift. But still, I wanted more, and decided to be the squeeky wheel. Made noise and let my true desires be known. I have been chef before. Yeah, at a nightclub, but it was my show.
The result of my efforts result in a dual sous chef system. I will be in charge of prep and ordering. BC will manage the line.
Who is BC? A damn good grill man and a talented chef. And a brother of mine. Part of that AFAM men's club that I am in. We have a bond stronger than a cable tow. We lifted each other up into our new positions. It sounds like I had a grand master plan the way I describe it. But really, it was a goal and tactics were developed on the fly. Sometimes I just didn't care and was ready to start looking for a new job. Maybe it was his grand master plan. Or maybe there was no master plan, and we FMs just like retconning history to make it look like a master plan.
There is a lot of truth in that last sentence. Conspiracy theorists give us faaaar more credit than we deserve, and the club just stays silent and lets outsiders think whatever they want.

I just wasted time writing bullshit personal history like this was facebook or something. I should be posting in story threads. But I have not had a day off in a week and a half, so today was pure veg time and relaxation.
And laundry. Three weeks worth of laundry.


I will drop cluster bombs of posts tomorrow and Wednesday, promise 8)

Thanks for the reminder about laundry

due to a disk error I had to reinstall my operating system and lost my favorites list. Re-obtaining the wikidot addresses was pretty easy but I'm not so certain about the locations for spreadsheets such as the magus seasonal planner, companion seasonal planner, scribe seasonal planner, etc...

I have the Magi Planner and the Companion Planner bookmarked. But I'm not sure where the scribe planner is.

Scribes are in the far right column (AB) on the Magi planner.

Which sheet do familiars go in?