General Table Talk

You can download Return of Stormrider

And StormRider

I have the Lion Rampart variant which is nigh as to be unplayable.

Batch of big tests happening now. Will be done by Friday. Probably should have studied more sooner, but too late now.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Been there.

So Marko maid a comment about more people running stories. I tried to brainstorm, but then realized I should probably ask if anyone had suggestions about where to start. It will probably require reading up on people's background.

Well, in theory Rilcheaux should be leading an expedition to Val Negra, needs to improve his influence in Ibernia to recruit spies, he needs to establish an agent in Oculus Septentrionalis...

I'll look into that. I'm about to get winter break so I'll have time. Wee!!!

I am ready to come back to this, if anyone is interested. Not sure where or how to restart. But suggestions and dicussions are welcome.

This one could be very interesting to come back to.

I wasn't sick. Just fatigued. There has been a lot on my plate these past few months. I am now the top chef at my job and have a lot of responsibility. I have been involved in a serious romance and am headed towards getting married. And I have been heavily involved in political discussion and activism, in my own lazy way (mainly trolling :laughing: (Ray knows what I mean and he has watched me doing it on Facebook :laughing:). These are troubled times in American. But I do not wish to discuss anything more about that here, other than to inform you that it keeps me worried and keeps me distracted.
There are several many stories left hanging in the air. Fixer and Peregrine have managed to keep one story going, and IBT has suggested a new one he would like to see started.
So that means I have at least three of you guys left with me :slight_smile:
Not sure who is still paying attention or who has abandoned this. Perhaps a roll call is a good place to start?

Still around, hoping to get some plots in motion...

Hey, trolls have rights, too! Well...some of them, anyway.

Still here. Busy as a house-elf, but still here.

I think City of Brass still has me around!

Yep, here.

Is Silveroak still around? Jebrick? Trogdor?

Have not seen Trogdor around at all :frowning:

I'm still around, though I've been keeping my head down. I had some bad health news at the end of the year (on the tail of bad health news at the end of the previous year), and that's kept me rather preoccupied. I'm doing much better now (both mentally and physically). But it's still difficult going sometimes.

But I'm here.

If you would glance 4 posts above where you ask if I am still around, there I am, saying I am still around...

Okay. I have a plan :mrgreen:

Well, if you'll have me, I'm still haunting around here.

I was trying to figure out how to summon you! It cost me several pans of vis last time since you did not have a habit of lurking then. So yes, you are in too. The circle is complete.