General Table Talk

I am lurking. Generally buried in work at the moment.

The circle is rounder :slight_smile:

I will get into the the Tribunal thread. I need a bit to read up and remember where I was taking Ikelos.

Would you like to run the story? I will give you guidance and assistance, help you come up with some plots points and such and run the stooges.

Not at this time. I have a month or so before a big release so I am limited for my free time. Not enough to spend the time required to learn the players and call the dance. Perhaps later this year.

What can you tell me about Terah from the Barcelona thread. I can't find the Tradition of Larta in HoH:S.

Sorry everyone. I got sick on Wednesday and have been down and out since then. I'll get a reply to the City of Brass thread tomorrow.

Do not worry. I plan to go slow and steady.

Larta Magi were originally a Jerbiton thing from previous editions. It does resurface in ArM5, just not where you would think. In the Mercere section of True Lineages, it mentions how sometimes arists and scholars are trained as Redcaps and turned over / are assigned to House Jerbiton.
As for Terah specifically, I never stated her out. The old Flambeau has no stats either, but his name was taken from ToH-Iberia. Terah I imagine as being an actual hedge wizard. Academically trained, mainly Alchemy, styled after those in HMRE. Alacon of Flambeau was into the Mysteries of Hermetic Alchemy and more. He has managed to integrate some of those mysteries into regular magic (if his books are studied), and he has incorporated some of Terah's Hedge traditions into his Mysteries.
Tera is not a magus, nor even that good of an alchemist. But she knows special secrets, she is a brilliant scholar, and a most gifted Lab Assistant. Alacon's breakthroughs were possible only because of her, but on her own she would be easily forgotten.
Terah had a slavish hero worship level of devotion to Alacon. It was really kinda pervy if you want to examine it. I won't, I will just leave it to the imagination.

When will we see advancement in adventures that are not City of Brass?

Thanks for the info. I would have not found that myself.

So she is a hedge mage so I assume not a member of the Order. THat changes my thinking for the the thread.

No no, she is legally a maga. Card carrying member of the Order. Just not a proper Hermetic. She should have been Ex-Miscellanea if not for that Larta loophole. Technically she is a Jerbiton. And yes, her place and position is indeed a cause for contraversy. If not for the protection of Alacon of Flambeau, and her location being in southern Iberia (which is in itself a wibbly-wobbly part of the Order), Terah would have been utterly ostrtacized and maybe even WW'd to death.

Whenever Time and Inspiration intersect. I am only human. I do encourage others to run stories. I cannot do it all myself.

So, I've been thinking.
What to do next where?

Difficult as it is, I don't want this saga to die. More importantly, I don't want Ars Magica to die, and playing it is one of the things I can do to keep it alive.

So I've been thinking. I should be running a story. Slow and chaotic at it may be, it is still something.
I had a story idea in Sa Dragonera, but I don't take notes, so I forgot what it was. I could still try to do something there but would need to think about it.

Otherwise, I have an idea centered on one of Arachne's pet peeves. A spin-of, actually.
The idea in short: As first a master, then a Pontifex, she got a lot of money, and did nothing with it, save hoard it. So she hires/bribes/subvert a group of people, to go as far South as they can, far to a place where the Order is unknown, and build a backup covenant there, should some cataclysm occur. So, companions and grogs only, kinda down-to-earth. Hedge magicians are ok, though (like, the Wise woman with Summon Animals and Animal Ken, things like that).

This should be a drag, though, although probably less than what Peregrine is currently experiencing.


Take care.

That's wonderful! I am really happy for you :slight_smile: This lights my day.

Yeah :frowning:
We managed to avoid Le Pen here (manly due to her crazy performance on the tv debate), but I fear it may just be a question of time.

Scary times. I think we need to keep Calm and Carry on, while remembering the only thing to fear is Fear Itself. Stay well everyone and Congrats to Marko. Carving out a bolthole to the South sounds fun.

Where I am at now..
I moved to another state to be with my girl :slight_smile:. Puts me back at square one in many ways getting a pad and finding a new job. But that's okay because I never made it far past square two or three.
Anyway, coming up with story material is hard. And this thing has grown so large that it is intimidating. I want it to live on, but I just have my hands full right now.


Nice to have (good) news from you, Marko.

If you have other things on your plate, you have other things on your plate, I'm just happy that it isn't troubles that keep you apart.

Given what Peregrine's done, I expect my crappy Initiation story for Vibria to be over soon.
I would have tried to follow up with my "grogs, companions and weak hedgies journey to the south" plot, in order to keep the flame alive, but it seems QPaC is the only one interested, and one of the few people still reading these boards.

I could make it as a new saga, but not only ain't it worth it, I see it as a follow-up to Andorra (despite the different tone I'm aiming for), so I guess that's out.
I guess the future will bring what the future will bring.

Best wishes

Sorry, I thought I'd mentioned that I would be interested in the Southerly plotline. (Though two is hardly enough for a proper saga.)

I've been very busy at work (hence me not starting my own North Africa storyline), but still checking in here.

And yea, good luck Marko!

I also have wishes of good luck!

Ok, trogdor. This'll be slow, and suck big time (I have this vague idea and nothing else), but that may be better than doing nothing.

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