General Table Talk

I did not realize we had theological differences. We have different faiths, true. But the vast majority around us are atheist. Which is their right as I prize freedom above all. But anyway, in my mind I lump us both into the same broad category.
But see, that is my problem right there! I am always wanting to debate and correct and be a pendant for technicalities. This is augmented in reaction to the world of lies that swirl around us, where people seem to think they are entitled to alternative facts and prevarications of half truths.
I had gotten really bad about it on facebook and even wound up defriending people I have known over half my life &/or being defriended by them. I have tried to lay off, but as I wander though my memories I recall how confrontational and argumentative I can get here.

I want to get back into the swing of things. Can't stay on hiatus forever. But I am not ready to run a story (and my memory is full of failed and poorly run stories that I am guilty of). I would be interested in playing. I would love to dig Roberto back up out of the dirt. Have not even looked at his sheet in almost a year.

Yes, I thought about that. I decided against it, because

  • It's something the spider wanted to do for a long time. This is one of her pet projects, a direct offshoot of this saga
  • I don't expect this to be big enough to warrant an entire new game, this is more "let's do something with low-powered characters".

I feel for you :frowning:
I had a friend push forward blatant lies, and saying she didn't care if that wasn't true, because she agreed with the idea, it was quite a shock to me (as a philosophy teacher, I expected more out of her).

But then, facebook is designed to do this.

I really want to (suck at) run people being sent south by Arachne to scout, seek magics and establish a secondary base, but this probably won't be :frowning:

For Roberto... The visitor happened in 1235. What has he done since? I'd put any new story a few years after that, probably 1240 (I really need to remember what my ideas were for him), but last thread was in 1244... Well:

  • Would 1245 be okay? That's one year after his latest advancement.
  • Would you be interested?

currently open stories are
Iberian Tribunal from delivery to Barcelona - autumn 1242
Visit to the black vale (winter 1243)
Caves of Ibzia (summer 1242)

the Exarch story is a massive upheaval in the setting, I need to go through how that "ended"- I know black vale is a spinoff from that... apparently there should also be a campaign to off Valten as well
I also had a spare plotline way back where Carmen was supposed to investigate the Augustinian brotherhood to see what their secret agenda was involving the court of Fredrick II and beyond...

are these things that will be handled at some point or are they being hand waved or what? This would seem important to any stories taking place around or after these unfinished events...
If I knew more about Valten I might be able to run that story, but it seems to have a lot of history behind it I am not aware of...

Silveroak you are a blessing.
I can and should take up the reins and sort this ssst out. With a managable task list like this we can get some work done.
What do you guys wanna do with what? Some can be narrated and some can be played out. We need to gague interest and see who is even still withus and will excuse my absence.
Confession. My excuse for being absent,
Besides being stressed out by social media, is that I moved to a new state and got engaged. That did not work out as well as hoped. But it is mellow here and I more time on my hands than is good for me. So it is a choice between gaming and drinking. :laughing:


I defriended all of FB years ago and do not regret it.

No Reddit. No Twitter. No Instagram. None of that.



IIRC, Valten is the one responsible for the attack on Andorra?
I remember a plan to lure him to Val Negra and kill him there. If you want to do it, I would be very much interested, since this has been one of the primary motivations of the Spider since the start of this game.
For what it's worth, I don't "need" a big story, and it could be semi-narrated. I mean, I roughly knows how Arachne wants to end him. So if we manage to lure him, and her plan is good enough, there's no need to force things much, you could just write "It works, he's dead"

But come back to gaming, we need to keep the flame alive :wink:

EDIT: Yeah, and do you want to dig up Roberto, or not? I'm maybe beginning to have an outline.

We have information from the Exarch that Valten is hiding in the Sahara looking for the city of brass. We also have a loose plot end about what has happened in Val Negra that we would need to resolve before luring his to Val Negra. Taking him out in Egypt on the other hand we can certainly attempt...

gaming is far nicer to your liver than drinking, and generally better for your health. Come, back into the path of gaming!

I will study Roberto and see what he is up to. As for other stories I shall contemplate the list of what people need resolved and quietly forget to mention what may be forgetable. I have an idea for Val Negra.

Which is funny, considering that the expedition south was gonna end up there sooner of later :laughing:

Okay, I've thought about it and have an outline which I need to flesh out (I have most NPCs and their motivations, but there are still some holes) but if you're game, we'll be able to do it :slight_smile:

It's a follow-up to The Visitor, starting in 1245.
Roberto has had 10 years since he declined to marry Soteira, feeling himself unworthy. What has he done since, and what happened to Herakleion?

We have multiple plots leading to the Sahara, from "An Ancient Discovery" to "The Exarch" to the desire of some of the higher ups to establish a fallback chapterhouse there...
perhaps "All Roads lead to the desert"?

Is that so? That's funny.
And I'm impressed: You remember muuuuuch more than I

I cant remember much of anything!
I remember that he had taken on two sidekicks. He is a mentor to Carmen's apprentice (as played by IronBoundTome) and some redhead young maga. Then there was the bit with a schism in House Flambeau and Pietro taking control as primus. Or trying too. There was also a bit where a rumor was going around about how he killed some innocents as a reflex reaction during war when he was an apprentice. That was actually to cover up for Santiago who has a Dark Secret (his past crimes from way back in the day before he reformed). Santi is not the one who started the rumor, it was some other powers that be (plot undetermined) that were trying to groom Santi for a run at Primus. Roberto was angry about it but was not about to reveal the truth.
That brings him up to about 43?
Let us add two years of drinking and feeling depressed, having screwed up his love life.
I remember having some other screwy ideas that I floated in PM. Scrap all that.
Roberto loves Soteira, but he let his pride and machismo ruin his chance for true happiness. His fragile male ego could not handle the idea of being Mister Queen. I remember his plan to become an Archmagus first so he could be her equal. But that has not worked out, has it? No apprentice, no children, no longevity, and he is starting to age. He is in his 50's, looks 40's, and physically has suffered no ill effects as of yet.

So where do we stand? Do people feels they remember enough to continue? Can Rilcheaux's plots get resolved if we get going again or has too much been lost in the gap? (those are separate questions) also will Fleur get access to the redcap's geneology records to ferret out some inspiration for fertility magic?

We have a record of everything right here, so we can eventually get back on track with whatever plot line we desire. I have no issue with Fleur obtaining the records she needs. I do not recall what Rilcheaux's plots were, but we can look that stuff up too.


This was my starting point, and I was recycling some stuff we talked about.

If you want to, I can start a thread. I have much less time than I should, and keep forgetting my ideas (like, I know I knew how I wanted to start, but I've forgotten it) so it will be slow, but it'll at least be something.

I remember:

  • The Visitor
  • Arachné wanting to avenge her fallen friends.

Yes, I suck at this :wink:

Go for it. I will smooth out the rough edges on Roberto.
I can also work up something for Silveroak based on the geneology of her apprentice. I need a reminder of what Rich was up to.

I already started a thread...


Let's start with some introspection, it's always good for character growth :smiley:

Here is my confession and apology (explanation) for what went wrong with The Exarch and other aspects of this saga.

The Exarch and stories that were to follow were my attempt doing something political. The schism in House Flambeau was inspired by the schism in American politics at that time. Most everyone in my country was pretty sure things were going to go a certain way and it seemed like no big deal to me at the time. But then the unthinkable happened, and even though he lostthe popular vote, a monster was elected. I focused a lot of my energy, then as now, in savage debates about real politics. So pretend politics quickly became something that was not entertaining. Even today, July 2nd 2018, the first thing I am drawn to when I go online is to get into debates and fight the good fight. I am not normally political person, but this is something far different than I have ever seen in my lifetime. I spend a lot of time and energy in this war for hearts and minds. I march. I protest. I now understand how Xavi felt (he had to bow out because he was/is deeply engaged in Catalonia politics). I am always in the mood to fight and argue nowadays. As if I wasn't bad that way already :laughing: For a while gaming seemed to frivolous an activity, and after time had passed I felt too detached to really be able to do it right. I still kinda feel that way and like I let people down. But things have gotten too scary serious to not escape into distraction. I need to spend my mental energy in a way that does not cause anger and distress.
But be warned. I know most of you are cool. But if anyone says anything in support of fascist treason (which is the very nicest thing I can say about the opposition), I will totally go off on them.