General Table Talk

The story Fixer is running for Roberto at the moment is in 1245. One of the side effects of the multi thread style we were using is that we tended to diverge in time a bit from each other.
If you want to run the Africa story in 1244, go for it. I will play as Roberto if you like. Peregrine is in on that one I believe. It may also be a good jump in point for Christian &/or Arthur.
I have a story idea for Fleur, based on that Alchemy text she obtained at Estancia Escarida (I like my alternate spelling of that name). It will also be a great jump on point for people. I will reach out to Jebrick and see if he is still interested. I can set it anywhere from 1242 or shortly after.
As for that Flambeau convocation I never ran, I think I am up to it now. If people are interested. If not, we can say that talks fell apart and it never happened. Not yet anyway. House Flambeau is in schism (sorta like Tytalus was back in 1220 according to Societas).

This is a special treat for Peregrine, and for the rest of you as well :slight_smile:
Inner City Wizard School

Archery marshal, thrown weapons marshal, brewer, chronicler, baronial seneschal, and even Baron of Havre des Glaces (Quebec City, Canada) for 3 years. I almost burned out because of the politics. Nowadays I only do about 2 to 4 events a year, to chat, see old and new friends, drum a few hours, etc. I spent the last 2 Pennsic Wars working at the forge with a master smith from Northshield (Minnesota) and built my own smithy (a small one) in my backyard.

Anyway, Vivas! :wink:

Fleur got dragged in on the Flambeau convention due it being an "all hands on deck" situation that she really felt mostly lost in. The idea of 'exploring' a 'lost' covenant (as she was unaware that others had already rediscovered it) was of some interest, but otherwise if we want to drop the whole situation I would be fine with it.

At the time there were people into the idea, and some players had voiced a desire for a more political/social type story. And right then in current history, real world politics got suddenly serious and ugly and I lost all motivation to do anything political.

So I am gonna say that right now, House Flambeau has no formally agreed upon Primus. But most Flambeaux don't care much. It has a limited social effect in Iberia & Provencal.

So are there two contenders? Or even more?
Even if most magi flambeau don't care much, many are bound to support one one another, I think.

While I like stories about Hermetic interaction, it does not need to be the House meeting nor about electing a formal Primus.

The two contenders are the filius of the late Garus (I had named him somewhere), and the venerable Archmagus Pietro of Flambeau (from Sanctuary of Ice). The main sticking point was (is) that Doisettep (Aedas Mercuri) refuses to back either one, and they hold considerable influence. They were always opposed to Garus (the Mithrite/Mercurian split), and consider Pietro an outsider (originally of House Tytalus). Carmen, our Pontifex Maxima, supports Pietro (he is her Mentor). He also planned (plans) to revive Val-Negra. There could be other contenders, the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, but no one takes them seriously. I was mimicking and mocking political events in the US in 2016 before shit got serious and dangerous. That real world event broke my spirit for a while and I just let the story die.

Yes, thank you very much!

And,@marko, I remembered what Arachne was doing at some point! Yes, for once, she was doing something, but it's personnal :rage:

There was this whole idea of luring Valden to Val-Negra and putting an end to him. I remember I had this whole "kill zone" plan, but it was all in my head and I've forgotten it :smiley:

Yes, and I remember now that you had a secret ally that I shall not name :smiling_imp:

I am unable to create a separate topic for the development of my magus, so here it is.

Marcellus Theodoricus of House Verditius

Filius Honorius of House Verditius


Age 26 (right after Gauntlet)

Int +3, Per +1, Str 0, Sta +1, Pre -2, Com 0, Dex +1, Qik +1

Virtues: The Gift, Magus, Verditius Magic, Major Magical Focus (wild animals), Ways of the Mountain, Affinity with Art (Animal), Affinity with Ability (Magic Theory), Inoffensive to Animals, Inventive Genius

Flaws: Difficult Longevity Ritual, Optimistic (major), Nocturnal, True Friend (Regulus Aquilius of House Bjornaer), Weak Parens, Weak Scholar

Abilities: Animal Handling (goats) 3, Area Lore: BĂ©arn (legends) 1, Artes Liberales (astronomy) 1, Athletics (climbing) 3, Awareness (alertness) 2, Brawl (knife) 2, Concentration (spells) 1, Craft: Leather (treating hides) 2, Craft: Iron (household items) 2, Hunt (tracking) 1, Language: Occitan (Gascon) 5, Language: Latin (Hermetic) 4, Magic Theory (enchanting items) 3, Organization Lore: Order of Hermes (history) 1, Parma Magica (Corpus) 1, Philosophiae (Verditius Runes) 1, Survival (mountains) 2, Swim (cold water) 1

Magical Arts: Creo 3, Muto 4, Rego 5, Animal 8, Vim 5

Wizard’s Sigil: A feeling of restlessness, which requires at least a slight movement to relieve


Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15) +13

Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10) +14

Panic of the Elephant’s Mouse (ReAn 15) +14

Viper’s Gaze (ReAn 15) +14

Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10) +6

Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10) +6

Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15) +11


Coming up the last flight of stairs as quickly as his weary legs allow him, Honorius tries to speak, between gasping breaths. “Is he still

The old woman waiting in the antechamber nods. « He hangs on still, » she says with tears in her eyes. This was the end, she knew. Honorius' presence meant that, at last, the old mam within would soon be able to let go of the pain, to slip finally away into eternal rest. “He was waiting for you.”

His head bowed in relief and sadness both, Honorius takes a deep breath, then nods his thanks to the serving woman. Then, steeling himself, he walks to the door and pushes it open gently, before slipping inside.

There are only a few Sun Globes alight, filling the bedroom with a soft golden glow. On the bed a thin shape lies, covered by a linen shirt, his chest rising and falling in time with wheezing breaths.

As the door clicks shut, the rhythm of the breaths change. A hand rises slightly towards the younger man who has just entered. “Is that you, Honorius?”

“Yes, father, it is me. I came as soon as I got word, and as quickly as I could.”

“Good, good. You were always a faithful son. I am glad you are here now, before I pass away.” Each word comes slowly, filled with the efforts to draw one breath, then one more.

Kneeling besides the bed, Honorius takes his pater's hand, which grips his with surprising strength. “What happened? I thought that last longevity ritual was supposed to last you for a decade or more, provided you didn't over exert yourself.”

“I had to do it, my son. To keep a promise; you now I always kept my word. Gabriel and his family have given me so much service over the years, spilled so much of the sweat, their blood. I had to pay them back for their loyalty, when the time came. I thought I would be able to. But now, now! To die with my oath unfulfilled
” Each word is weaker than the previous one.

“What is it, father?”

 Will you do this for me? Finish my work? Keep my honor, one last time? Only you can

“ I will, father, I will. But what is it that I must do? Father? Father!”

Later, when Honorius comes out the bedroom, the old woman is crying. “He be gone, isn't he?”

Honorius nods, his own eyes filled with tears. “Yes, Maria. He asked me to complete his work, but he
 he slipped away before he could tell me what. Do you know what he meant for me to do?”

“Oh, you’ve not heard, have you?” When he shakes his head, she adds, “He took in a new boy, one of Gabriel's nephews
 Perric, he be called.” As the implications of the old woman’s words set in, Honorius looks at her with consternation.

“An apprentice? But I'm not ready, I don't know enough to teach him properly! How will
 How will I teach it all?”


Thus is it that Perric, at age 11, became the apprentice of Honorius of House Verditius upon the death of Octavius Maximus, who had taken the boy as his apprentice, to fulfill his promise to his trusted custos, Gabriel, that he would train any family member who manifested the Gift for magic.

The boy had been increasingly making even members of his family ill at ease, and several magical disturbances had occurred already. He’d been sent away from home as much as possible in the last year, mostly watching the family’s goats in their summer pasture. The goats apparently did not mind his burgeoning abilities, but boys from other families were another matter.

Octavius had opened the boy’s Gift before succumbing to illness. Longevity rituals had never worked well for the aging magus; a problem the he had passed on to Honorius and now Perric. Honorius struggled to train the boy. His promise to his dying pater precluded him from passing the boy to a more experienced magus, so he did his best. Even using the full 15 years allowed to him, this left the new magus weak in several areas. Perric was given the name Marcellus Theodoricus when he passed his Gauntlet by the smallest of margins.

At Honorius’ covenant, Marcellus shared his time as an apprentice with another, under the covenant’s Bjornaer maga. The two youngsters became inseparable, sharing a passion for wilderness and building a deep friendship over the years. The first non-Verditius to welcome Marcellus as a new magus was Regulus Aquilius of Bjornaer. After celebrating, they swore to keep in touch and visit each other as often as possible. This may initially prove easier for Regulus to do, as his Spanish Eagle heartbeast makes travelling easy for him.

I had created a thread that was sorta intended for both of you. If you could just use that, it would be appreciated. When you enter the game, you get a solo thread just for your character.

Oops, sorry about that. Can you move my post to the other topic?

How do you say "Kobayashi Maru" in Latin?

I was thinking the same thing :slight_smile:
And the line from Wrath of Khan where Kirk says "I don't like to loose".

Navis Parva Silva
(Kobayashi is a personal name that means "Small Forest" or "Little Woods", while Maru is a suffix often used for naval vessels, thus "Ship")

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That is very cool! In what language?


My Google-fu is great :rofl:

So, now that I see things are moving forward, I'm going to see if I can revive my story for Ancient Discovery. I need to look up some old notes and try and reconstruct my intentions with that one, but I think I can get it up and running again.

Who is still interested in that story?

I am! That is the sequal to the one where Roberto got his ass kicked and Vibria saved the day. Yeah?

If you're referring to the adventure in Paris where you rescued Flavia ex Bonisagus from capture, then yes, you're correct. After rescuing Flavia, the members of the covenant learned that she had found clues to the location of an ancient temple of the Cult of Mercury - an unprecedented find as no such temple has ever been found by the Order of Hermes. She is being pursued by Darius ex Tytalus and is concerned that she is not powerful enough to stand up to him alone should he locate her and confront her. She therefore asked if members of the covenant would be willing to accompany her on her expedition. Her research tells her that the temple is located somewhere in North Africa.