General Table Talk

1247 is great, means I get to advance the spider :heart:

Which is why the spider spoke of greed.
Yet, to her, the defence of the covenant is more important, so long as the price is fair.

But, well, to tell the truth, if she had her way, everyone would spend a season of service to strengthen the covenant every x years, herself included :sweat_smile:
And I mean by that a "wasted" season (exposure xp only), not one player doing an enchantment while another gains adventure XP. :sweat:
A milder view would be "If you want your vis allotment, do your service, otherwise, you get nothing but are still welcome to stay"

She is conscious that not everyone shares her views, so encouraging initiative in her fellow magi is the next best thing, even if they must be paid for this.

Hum... I would do something, but I'm utterly ignorant about Marcellus, and am entering the endyear madness, which mean I may drop out at any time :frowning:
Yet, if no one wants to and you're still interested, I may try to think of something. Just be warned it may take ages until it's resolved.

I wrote the beginning or arachné's brainstorm about Walten. Would you be so kind as to open a topic for this?
Goal is:
Let her write up her plans, with other players, if they want, using Eva to give ideas.
Once this is done, you kinda play walten reacting to this.

I don't expect or want this to take a long time or be particularly epic or such, but it's very important for Arachné to get this done. Not only does she wants to avenge her friends, she wants to eliminate a potential threat to her covenant.

If you are interested in running a story for me, I can provide you with a quick overview of Marcellus (background, capabilities, interests and goals). Is doesn't need to be a very complex or elaborate story. Something episodic (à la Star Trek: TOS) would be ideal, as it would not prevent me from evolving him forward in time even as we run the story to its conclusion.

As for it taking "ages" before it is resolved, I would not worry about that too much. What's a few months? :grin:

Ok, let's try this, then.
Add whatever you've got for this Regulus Aquilius guy, I'll fill in the blanks.

I hope I will be able to deliver something worthwhile.

Give me a day or so to sort everything out and i will weave this together

Marcellus is an atypical Verditius. His magic is attuned to wild animals and he is more at home in the mountains than in the lab. He only ended up a Verditius because of a promise made by a Verditius (his pater's pater) to his extended family for their loyalty in serving him.

Many of his spells are Animal-based and help him co-exist with them (Soothe the Ferocious Bear,
Panic of the Elephant’s Mouse, Viper’s Gaze) with the rest being utilitarian (Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, Rise of the Feathery Body, Aura of Ennobled Presence, Wizard’s Sidestep, Wielding the Invisible Sling, Gather the Essence of the Beast).

He is a major optimist, so he will roll with whatever the world throws at him. He's still young, only 2 years out of Gauntlet, and fairly weak.

During his apprenticeship, he developped a close friendship with another apprentice, a Bjornaer named Regulus Aquilius. The only elements I wrote down about him is that his heartbeat of a Spanish Eagle and that he's specialized in Auram magic.

Regulus settled somewhere on the Pyrenees, joining a Bjornaer sept of clan Sirnas that protects the great mountains and its unique animal inhabitants. They don't form a proper covenant, but pool ressources. He would probably call on Marcellus to help him protect some area near Andorra (rescue operation, tracking down an unnatural predator, etc.) and over the long term offer him commissions for items to help his fellow Bjornaer.

He comes visiting in Summer 1246 to see where Marcellus is settling. He'll spend the season. He may have something he needs help with, but it may just be a social visit. They could just stumble upon a situation while hunting or exploring some parts of the mountains.

Andorra: The Micro State at War with Germany for 43 Years

I had an idea, but, sadly, it's not great for Marcellus. It's the kind of thing a friend could ask, but it's ill-suited to Marcellus, like if a friend asked me some help in moving around furniture.

So I need either to refurbish it, or find something else.
I hope you're not in a hurry :smiley:

Going hooooome!

No hurry. :sunglasses:

In short, in 1245, Cidito (Roberto's familiar, a talking ornage monster of a cat) appears in the covenant, and tries to raise as many magi as he can

Supposedly, Roberto has a "major situation" in herakleion and needs back up. And a rook of Vis.

Who is present, who cares, who can teleport?

Eva will tell that her mistress is currently busy with an enchantment, but will be available in a couple of hours. At this point, she will be able to teleport anyone who can't, assuming they lower their parma and take a warping point.

Arthur, idea #2 incoming :smiley:

When in 1245 are we talking about?

Vibria's there, she cares, but she can't teleport. (She can turn into a dragon, after a fashion, booyah!)

Marcellus cannot be of much in the way of help, nor can he teleport. He may even be away from the covenant at that time, since he goes camping with his best buddy during Summer 1245 (story pending).


For Roberto (Looks at the planner) summer 1245 :smiley:
So, exit Marcellus.
Vibria, it'll all depend on what Roberto replies, and if you're willing to take warping for him

Still trying to think about Marcellus. I've got a third idea, but I'm wondering if I can merge the two.

Marko, when you're around, I'll need a thread.
Summer 1245 - A friendly visit.

In the meantime, Arthur, I'll leave you the first post: Marcellus doesn't know Andorra. You'll need to meet him at some known place (town, port, whatever) and guide him back.
So, if you want, when the post is available, could you write where you agreed to meet, describe the place, and tell who's with you?

I think I'll just end up flying by the seat of my pants :sweat_smile:

When you say that Regulus Aquilius (not Marcellus) doesn't know Andorra, do you mean the covenant or the Kingdom?

If it is simply the covenant, Marcellus could meet him in the town of Ordina, between Andorra la Vella and Arans. (My preferred choice)

Otherwise, they could meet up in Le Seu d'Urgell, which is a day's travel from Arans at the confluence of the Valira and Segre rivers.

In both cases, he will let Regulus know to meet him at the local market near the church (or cathedral), at a specific time.

Hum... The covenant, sure, although I meant the kingdom.

He can surely get some rough information and guides, so Ordina is fine :slight_smile:

That must hurt. :crazy_face:

Oh, merry Christmas everyone.

In Denmark we celebrate on the evening of the 24th, so I’m done. We had duck which despite major challenges turned out good.
And it’s tradition not a religious thing for most Danes.

Merry Christmas to all!

Same thing here in Canada, Christian. Tradition much more than religion nowadays.

My wife and I had sushi. :smiley:

In Quebec we are currently not allowed visitors at home, so it was just the two of us.

We had a dodgy week and a half up until Christmas.
We had intended to go spend the holidays in the Netherlands at my wife’s sister. The COVID restrictions made this difficult.
The my desk neighbour at work tester positive and the company sent everybody to work from home. A bunch of us had to isolate us, even from our families, until taking two tests after 4 and 6 days respectively. Luckily my tests were both negative.
And then Denmark initiated further restrictions, with shops closing. Trip to Holland was off.

So we had a quit Christmas with my mother in law. Unfortunately none of us had bought a duck, but luckily I managed to bye one just as the local shop was closing at 2 pm. The 24th is Christmas here, and most things are closed. It was a frozen duck, but 2 hours in sous vide thawed it up. It turned out good all the same. Traditional Danish Christmas food is duck ( goose in olden days) or roast pork with crispy rinds.
Duck is cooked with apples and prunes inside. We eat potatoes covered in caramelised sugar and butter, pickled red cabbage and brown gravy.
Dessert is “ris alamande” It is supposed to sound fancy and French, but was invented by a Danish women’s magazine age as ago. It is a rice porridge mixed with whipped cream, with warm cherry sauce. We put a whole, skinned almond in, and whoever finds it gets a present.
We are a late dinner, because if the duck snafu, and weren’t done with food and presents until way after midnight. Luckily my kids aren’t young anymore.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone!