General Table Talk

Pshaw! Andorra is a member of the Val Negra Tribunal! Since the Tribunal was never dissolved and Andorra was never forced to chose between Tribunals, technically we are still members of the Val Negra Tribunal, no matter how much Octavian ( the character ) and other Qs might dislike it. Short of bringing it up at GT there's not too much that they can do about it since individual Tribunals / Qs lack the authority to force the decision.

Right... continue to think that. In the meanwhile, I got some nice waterfront property to sell you in the Florida everglades.

Hey, you have your opinion and you're entitled to it, just as I am, but there's really no reason to be snarky about it. Just because you may not agree with a fact doesn't make it any less true. But again, the facts are as follows. One, Andorra was never forced into picking a Tribunal and two Val Negra was never dissolved as a Tribunal, rather its covenants forced to move to other Tribunals. These are accepted facts of this game. Period.

Now Marko can correct me if I'm wrong, but these are things as I understood them.

Internal Andorran politics aside, Laetitia does not intend to join your covenant at this point in time. Someone needs to keep an eye on Kaylee, and all my things are here (at Magvillus).

I'll be participating in an exploration adventure in the Andorran region. Let's take things one step at a time.

I didn't make anyone else do that. Warping from botches is relatively uncommon, and warping from Longevity doesn't begin until you start on Longevity rituals. Other characters simply took Warping equal to the number of years of Longevity, and added a random number of extra points to account for botches and twilight. If 2wp per year is easier to calculate, then use that number. I am fine with either way.

  1. Because we are the most awesome covenant in the Order :smiley:
  2. This is the covenant of the famous and heroic Octavian of Tremere, the Quaesitor that executed Releganta and captured Metron :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. Maybe she has secret reasons :question:
  4. And maybe she isn't coming directly to this covenant. I am planning for a series of side-stories for some friends of mine and those who feel they do not fit into this covenant. They will take place in Iberia and use the same history continuity as the rest of the saga. I didn't want to create a new saga as a "spinoff", and I intend for their stories and your stories to cross over on occasion. 8)

These are both true, and are part of the covenant Hook of "Tribunal Border".
However, Octavian's Everglades comment was pretty funny :laughing:, and he has a point. Unless we can someday broker an official agreement, there may eventually come a time when we are forced to make a decision. Iberia already presumes we are part of their Tribunal. Provencal wants us as part of them. It is this tension that maintains our independance. If one or the other tribunal decided they don't want anything to do with us, then it is likely we will be annexed by the one that does. So, our goal is to keep them bickering and maintain that tension.

Okay. L doesn't use spontaneous magic except when absolutely necessary, and she's got a decent Gold Cord score to limit her botch dice. She's only had her longevity ritual for two years, and she has all her formulaic spells mastered. I don't think she'd have picked up much more Warping points than the two she has from longevity, if any.

  1. Not so much. Magvillus > *, even if the fascists are taking over.
  2. ...Who? Is he cute? :stuck_out_tongue:
  3. Yes.
  4. Mostly this. With Leap of the Homecoming mastered, Laetitia can take part in any adventures in Iberia and still sleep in her own bed at Magvillus.
  1. Well, you soon shall see how cool we are 8)
    And all cops are fascists!
  2. Presence +2. Carmen thought he was cute at one point, but then she lost interest.
  3. Certainly
  4. That is pretty cool :smiley:
    About time someone finally hooked it up with some rapid transit magic! :laughing:

Pfft, Ceoris > all.

As much as I want to disagree with Oct just on general principal :wink: I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree.

It's pretty easy to get warping, particularly as a quaesitore as you snoop around faerie or demonic auras, or within cities even on the formulaic stuff. Within the campaign I got a twilight episode during a certamen duel that I consequently lost.


She's not a snooper. Not all Quaesitors are investigators.

As for Coeris... well, sure, if you're sparkly and are a dead ringer for Cedric Diggory. (Oh yeah, I went there.)

... Dead to me! Get it? Vampires... dead... har har?

Umm, yes they are? Not all Guernicus mages are quaesitores though.

I'm ignorant of whomever this Cedric Diggory person is supposed to be. Sounds like a name out of Harry Potter. checks wikipedia Oh, I was right. Oh snap and so forth. The twitlight reference really stings though.

Not in 5th ed. Check True Lineages. While all Quaesitores are obliged to investigate any serious complaints brought to them formally, those who are bad at it serve in different capacities. Most obviously, most Terrae Guernici are Hoplites. Laetitia is passable with Intellego but really shines in Terram, yet has no interest in being a Hoplite, so her status as Quaesitor is in her capacity as a legal advocate.

You don't have to like it or agree with it; it's canon. (I'm not sure I like the idea of Quaesitores themselves being Hoplites, but there you have it. I personally prefer the more classic scenario of a single scrawny Quaesitor backed up by an army of Flambeaux and Tytaloi, but that's me.)

It's "Twig-lit." Preferably a sharp twig, wielded by Buffy.

You mentioned she was also a seeker, and what does one expect a seeker to do? Just stand around waiting for magical discoveries to hit them across the face with a mallet? Anyways, this is a needless strawman argument path. Most mages, except one would imagine with reckless streaks (as in the personality trait or flaws) would be expected to be careful. Magic is an art (i.e. the ars of ars magica) and not an exact science. Things don't always go as planned.

Quoting the ars magica 5th edition rulebook on page 32: "A typical magus also gains 2 Warping Points (see page 167) per year, so there are very few magi much more than 120 years out of apprenticeship."

As for the legal advocate that's fair, however quaesitores are also expected to spend a season per year in their duties and cases are only heard shortly prior or during Tribunal so one can expect that there is more to it than just consultations and there still remains the obligation to investigate if something is brought to her attention.

I do agree that there are certainly styles of going about it. Octavian is more of a hands on approach (albeit discreet), something he's likely going to change after an injury he suffered (wanted to talk to Mark about it once he determined how much downtime we'd have), and is possibly going to assemble a team with various skills to assist him.

It's "Twig-lit." Preferably a sharp twig, wielded by Buffy.
Well I'd call it something else, but not sure the filters of the forums wouldn't catch it. I suppose I have to go brood somewhere and abuse a tween girl and have her fall madly in love with me... sorry, I'm going to go gag in my bathroom.

Heh. Yeah, the Cedric Diggory was just part of the Twig-lit snipe... the emo douchebag from Twig-lit was the kid who dies in Harry Potter. He shoulda stuck to making terrible movies that appeal to prepubescent obnoxious preteens... oh, wait.

Re: Seeker-- I had tossed that about for a while, but decided in the end that it wouldn't fit. I mean, to be a Seeker, you have to tell a bunch of Bonisagi about what you find. Who the heck wants to do that? Not I!

Actually, I think Bonisagus is the only House I've never played. I just can't reconcile the idea of sharing magical knowledge, with the Hermetic Order.

Whereas Oliver Wood (a certain Quidditch Captain) aka Sean Biggerstaff has been doing more entertaining and classically British mystery fare.

And why oh WHY do they always go for the angst-ridden Undead? At least the werewolves are alive. Plus Lautner looks like he could snap Pattinson the aforementioned twig.

Seriously, though, you don't have to tell House Bonisagus what you're doing if you're a Seeker. Vares' parens is a Seeker, and he doesn't. Only if you're also House Bonisagus is it an issue. And then you actually only have to share your final results, not everything you did to get there.

If magical knowledge wasn't shared, there wouldn't BE an Order, nor an attempt at a unified Hermetic Magical Theory. Or do you subscribe to Van Huse of Doissetep's view that knowledge shared is Power diminished?

I think it has something to do with kids who hole themselves up in the basement playing World of Warcraft all day, being able to relate to vamps because they're both averse to sunlight.

Well, you know what they say. Knowledge is power. Thus sharing knowledge is sharing power.