Grogs and Shared Characters

A few of the little people of Alerock, because I create characters when I'm bored. Just ask if you want to take over any of these guys.

Gylmyne Mac Fearchar was, up until recently, a cold-blooded terror of the sea. Then a chance head injury during a raid left him with a constant feeling of impending epiphany and the unshakeable belief that he was living on an island near Jerusalem. His crew 'retired' him to the watchtower, accompanied by his nephew Garvey.

Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Pre -2, Com 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1
Size: 0 Age: 36 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Long-Winded (Fatigue Rolls: +3), Tough (Soak: +3), Warrior, Covenfolk, Delusion (He is in the Holy Land), Incomprehensible, Missing Ear (Hearing: -3)

Personality: Brave +2, Loyal +1, Loyal (to Garvey) +3, Worryingly eager to die +2
Reputations: Bloodthirsty 1 (sailors)

Short sword and shield: Init: +2, Attack +10, Defense +9, Damage +7
Knife: Init: +1, Attack +8, Defense +6, Damage +4
Javelin: Init: +1, Attack +9, Defense +6, Damage +7
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +8, Defense +7, Damage +2
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +5
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack --, Defense +6, Damage --

Soak: +5

Abilities: Alerock Lore 5 (defences), Athletics 2 (climbing), Awareness 2 (keeping watch), Brawl 5 (Fist), Carouse 2 (drinking songs), English 2 (swearing), Folk Ken 4 (seafarers), Gaelic 5 (storytelling), Guile 2 (shifting blame), Irish Sea Lore 3 (legends), Sailor 5 (speed), Single Weapon 5 (at sea), Thrown Weapon 5 (at sea), Welsh 2 (nautical terms), West Norse 2 (fighting words)

Equipment: Gylmyne carries an islesman's short sword, a wooden shield and a spear that he typically throws before entering melee. He also keeps some scraps of parchment from the scriptiorium, apparently considering them to be some sort of holy relic.

Encumbrance: 0 (2)

Garvey is the young man of Alerock's turb. He was looking forward to many successful years as a pirate and raider, but accompanied his uncle Gylmyne to the watchtower. He looks after his vaguely suicidal kinsman, but the constant effort leaves him short-tempered, and he has always had difficulty letting go of a grudge.

Characteristics: Int 1, Per +1, Pre 2, Com 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1
Size: 0 Age: 22 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Tough (Soak: +3), Warrior, Covenfolk, Wrathful, Poor Hearing (Hearing: 3)
Personality: Angry +2, Brave +2, Loyal +1, Loyal (to Gylmyne) +3

Short sword and shield: Init: +2, Attack +11, Defense +10, Damage +7
Dagger: Init: +1, Attack +8, Defense +5, Damage +5
Knife, Throwing: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +4
Javelin: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +4, Damage +7
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +6, Damage +2
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +5
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack , Defense +5, Damage

Soak: +5

Abilities: Athletics 2 (jumping), Awareness 2 (keeping watch), Brawl 4 (Fist), Carouse 2 (games of chance), English 2 (swearing), Folk Ken 2 (seafarers), Gaelic 5 (storytelling), Guile 1 (shifting blame), Irish Sea Lore 3 (legends), Sailor 5 (speed), Single Weapon 5 (Sword, Short), Thrown Weapon 3 (Knife, Throwing), Welsh 1 (nautical terms), West Norse 1 (fighting words)

Equipment: Garvey carries an islesman's short sword, a wooden shield and a spear that he typically throws before entering melee.
Encumbrance: 0 (2)

Originally hailing from Ulster, Padraic is something of a curiosity among the turb. How he developed, let alone kept, his suety physique while living at sea and rowing for ten hours a day is beyond anyone's ability to guess but God's. He stutters constantly, can't keep his mind on a task and consistently wins the turb's impromptu distance throwing competitions.

Characteristics: Int 1, Per +1, Pre 2, Com 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +1
Size: 0 Age: 26 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Long Winded (Fatigue Rolls: +3), Tough (Soak: +3), Warrior, Covenfolk, Afflicted Tongue, Obese, Short Attention Span

Personality Traits: Brave +2, Impatient +1, Loyal +2
Reputations: Annoying but useful 1 (Alerock)

Axe and shield: Init: +2, Attack +11, Defense +8, Damage +8
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack , Defense +5, Damage
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +6, Damage +2
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +5
Knife: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +4
Axe, Throwing: Init: +1, Attack +9, Defense +6, Damage +8
Javelin: Init: +1, Attack +9, Defense +6, Damage +7

Soak: +5

Abilities: Athletics 2 (jumping), Awareness 2 (keeping watch), Brawl 4 (Fist), Carouse 3 (power drinking), English 2 (swearing), Folk Ken 2 (seafarers), Gaelic 5 (Ulster), Guile 1 (shifting blame), Irish Sea Lore 3 (legends), Sailor 5 (speed), Single Weapon 5 (at sea), Thrown Weapon 5 (at sea), Welsh 1 (nautical terms), West Norse 1 (fighting words)

Equipment: taking advantage of his throwing arm, Padraic carries a spear and a well-balanced throwing axe. He switches to a longer-hafted axe and a wooden shield when fighting in melee.

Encumbrance: 0 (2)

Mad Anniss
Anniss claims that Saint Columba came to her in a dream and taught her how to handle a spear, but never said why she was to take up arms. Finding little chance of employment elsewhere, she drifted inexorably towards the relative tolerance of the Order of Hermes. Alone among Alerock's turb, Anniss speaks not a word of any language beyond her native Gaelic.

Characteristics: Int 1, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: 0 Age: 25 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Warrior, Tough (Soak: +3), Ability Block (Languages), Transvestite
Personality: Brave +3, Eccentrically religious +1, Loyal +2,

Spear and shield: Init: +3, Attack +10, Defense +10, Damage +6
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +7, Damage +1
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack , Defense +6, Damage
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage +4
Javelin: Init: +2, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +6

Soak: +4

Abilities: Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 3 (in combat), Brawl 4 (Fist), Carouse 3 (drinking), Carrick Lore 3 (alehouses), Charm 2 (young men), Etiquette 2 (magi), Gaelic 5 (galwegian), Great Weapon 4 (Staff), Guile 2 (passing as a man), Single Weapon 5 (Spear, Short), Survival 1 (for a short period), Thrown Weapon 4 (Javelin)

Equipment: Anniss carries a pair of spears, one of which she uses for throwing before entering melee, a wooden shield and a bone that she claims is from St Columba's foot, but is quite obviously from a chicken leg.

Encumbrance: 1 (2)

Rhys the Bowman
Rhys retired from piracy after spending years raiding his native Wales, and found a welcoming home in the watchtower. He boasts night and day about his amorous conquests, but when faced with any woman but Anniss he tends to dissolve into stammering incomprehensibility.

Characteristics: Int 1, Per +2, Pre 2, Com 0, Str +2, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +1
Size: -1 Age: 30 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Long Winded (Fatigue Rolls: +3), Tough (Soak: +3), Warrior, Covenfolk, Incomprehensible, Lecherous, Small Frame
Personality : Brave +1, Loyal +3, Nervous around women +1
Reputations: Bloodthirsty 1

Bow, Long: Init: 1, Attack +12, Defense +7, Damage +10
Spear and shield: Init: +3, Attack +9, Defense +8, Damage +7
Knife: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +4
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack , Defense +5, Damage
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +7, Defense +6, Damage +2
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +5

Soak: +4

Abilities: Athletics 2 (jumping), Anglesey Lore 2 (legends), Awareness 2 (keeping watch), Bows 5 (Bow, Long), Brawl 4 (Fist), Carouse 2 (games of chance), English 2 (swearing), Folk Ken 2 (seafarers), Gaelic 4 (storytelling), Guile 1 (shifting blame), Irish Sea Lore 3 (legends), Sailor 5 (speed), Single Weapon 5 (at sea), Stealth 2 (sneak), Welsh 5 (nautical terms), West Norse 1 (fighting words)

Equipment: Rhys carries his immense longbow, and keeps it safely about his person when entering melee, rather than see it lost to trampling feet. He carries a cut-down version of the traditional long spear of the Welsh hills, a dozen arrows and a wooden shield.

Encumbrance: 1 (3)

Old Sean
Sean Mac Iain is a very capable fighter, and may well have led the turb but for a mile-wide argumentative streak that makes all those around him loathe to give him any more authority. His joints are stiff and painful from many years gripping oar and axe-handle, and it is likely that he will soon either retire completely or meet his end on the field.

Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre 1, Com 1, Str 0, Sta +1 (1), Dex +2 (2), Qik +2 (2)
Size: 0 Age: 45 Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk, Tough (Soak: +3), Warrior, Arthritis (Repetitive Movement: 3), Weakness (getting into arguments)
Personality Traits: Argumentative +2, Brave +1, Loyal +3

Axe and shield: Init: +1, Attack +15, Defense +13, Damage +6
Javelin: Init: +1, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +5
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack , Defense +5, Damage
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +0
Kick: Init: 1, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage +3

Soak: +4

Abilities: Awareness 5 (in combat), Brawl 3 (Kick), Carouse 3 (with other grogs), Folk Ken 1 (magi), Gaelic 5 (galwegian), Great Weapon 5 (Spear, Long), Guile 2 (getting extra rations), Irish Sea Lore 4 (monsters), Leadership 3 (in combat), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (grogs), Sailor 5 (long distance rowing), Scotland Lore 2 (monsters), Single Weapon 8 (Shield, Round), Stealth 3 (natural areas), Survival 1 (when in a group), Thrown Weapon 4 (Javelin)

Equipment: Sean carries a well-used battle-axe, a wooden shield and a spear for throwing. He also keeps all manner of scraps and potentially useful junk in an old sack.

Encumbrance: 2 (2)

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